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Everything posted by Foxyboi95

  1. Since the update, Qorvex's 3 seems to be bugged. Any time anyone in the squad gets hit with a proc, I am the one to lose a stack of guard. I can be running along, not an enemy in sight but I will suddenly get a shield hit marker and lose a stack. And yet everyone else appears to still have theirs. So now, especially in high enemy density, his 3 is a pain to just maintain and I have to keep casting it even with a tenet plasmor as my main weapon. Now it may of always been like this and I never noticed but I don't think this is the case.
  2. I think this goes here but twice now, at the time of making this post, I have had cases of the rauta shotgun taking a long time to reload. With one instance outlasting the evac timer, so I think roughly 2 minutes long. The animation was so slow that I thought the gun broke completely at first. Whats causing it, I'm not sure. I'm just running missions as I would normally. In that same mission as the 2 minute long reload, there was another player with the same issue but fully dying fixed it. I was running kullevo, they were running revenant prime. I think if the reload gets interrupted by curtain things it causes it. It having only 4 rounds means frequent reloads. Combined with weapon swapping and 2 handed ability usage. I had a void buff to it run out right about the time it happened.
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