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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. There's something wrong with our objective and the enemy objective.


    1. We cut off life support, I'm assuming, to kill the enemy.

    2. However, Lotus sends life support to keep up the O2 supply of the ship. Seems counter-productive.

    3. And then the Grineer want to destroy the only source of life support available to them now that we've cut off theirs.

  2. Edit: Sorry, don't know how to post them as gifs


    Right click, "copy", "paste"


    For example:




    Is this your card gif?


    For my next trick, a gif dump.







    In my quest for funny things, I found a great summary of the early Catholic Church (back when you could buy tickets to Heaven for you and your buds)




    It's all good now, though. I respect those guys.


    And for my final trick:


  3. She shut me in a claustrophobic rustbucket with the offspring of HAL-9000 and GLaDOS.


    I mean, it's a nice rustbucket, but she didn't seem concerned when I told her I woke up from my meditative nap to find Ordis muttering and using the Foundry module to build what seemed to be a cage of nanospores around me and I guess her craziness beats the degenerating sanity of the Grineer and the brainwashed devotion of the Corpus.






    I have my Wyrm-y to talk to.

  4. It is possible to "avoid" hitscan, but not in the same sense you can dodge a bullet with travel-time. 


    Let's pull something from mid-game content and talk about the Hind. That 5-round burst rifle that deals 30 damage at base per bullet (for a total of 150 in one burst) and has a hitscan travel time.


    It's a little bugger, 5 insta-hit bullets. You may be able to dodge it, but if the first projectile ever hits you, you basically lose the power to avoid the next 4. 'Cause hitscan. And the frustration of an encounter with this gun is definitely exacerbated when there's more than one of them pointed at you. Even while moving, it seems 3 out of every 5 bullets are guaranteed to find their mark (the last couple usually have enough inaccuracy from recoil to not hit the player). I stay away from Phobos, mostly, for the gangs of Hind-wielding-Elites and Eviscerators (holy mother of bleed proc).


    In that sense, it's hard to avoid hitscan because it takes a small cushion of time away from the player as well as an element of choice: whether I avoid getting hit or not is mostly up to the AI, not me.


    Going back to what I first said, a good example of what I mean by "dodge a bullet with travel time" would have to be the majority of Corpus weapons; their projectiles are big, bright, and they don't home in on you in an instant. It is well within the player's capability to avoid plasma weapon projectiles whether they're accurately aimed at your or not because you can move out of the way in the small window of time it takes for a projectile to reach you.


    In that sense, I have the power to legitimately react to, and dodge, incoming projectiles because they are visible and I have time to respond. That also means that if a bullet hits me, it has less to do with the game mechanics and more with the player's reflexes.


    So, it's RNG/AI or Player Power. I'd rather the latter than the former.

  5. And the reason its there you're just willfully ignoring them. 

    The funny part is there is no real reason the thaw-out timer is there.


    And people have already suggested that a Kubrow's integrity should degrade if they're taken out at least once for the whole day, so there is no exploit.

    Or that penalties be applied for a Kubrow that is taken on a mission while still trying to wake up.


    I'm patient but I'm not masochistic.

  6. I was mowing the lawn earlier today, and I was thinking about the coffee I was going to make around noon.


    And then this happened:




    Source website: http://www.zazzle.com/custom/printed+mugs


    (Image is spoiler'd because I'm nice like that)


    That's the basic premise, not a finished product; it needs art. I wouldn't buy something I can just make by purchasing a cheap mug from a crafts store and then writing " *sips* " on it in Sharpie. (Good idea, though)


    So, it needs extra visual specialness.


    Something like the picture from the "Call for Comics Contest", but with Rhino (or some other frame) drinking from a mug seems appropriate.




    This really does belong on a mug. It's a picturesque morning scene, and mornings and mugs of coffee go together like nothing else.


    Or put something else entirely on there.


    But it needs to say " *Sips* ", and it needs to visually reflect Warframe. 

    You could even throw in a bag of authentic Canadian coffee beans for an extra 20$.


  7. Secondly, people always wants everything for free, if DE put option «Make it free» (i.e. almost equals «remove it») it would be popular, too.


    Thirdly, players don't even think to put themselves in Devs place. They think everything is so easy to change.


    Finally, they even don't care that the game is f2p, and DE needs some money to make their game better and polish it for 3(!) platforms. But, to make it better devs should pay for work to their personal.

    Also, any company must make a profit to stay in business (remember THQ? And others?), if they change more and more things to free -- no time to craft, breed, etc -- they will lose their profit, and in the end, you know what will happen :(


    So, these strange 'things' such as a Stasis Recovery or crafting time is just a way to keep the game afloat. That's why it called f2p.


    Again, please, don't get me wrong. I understand that's not comfortable for everyone, but you need to understand it's not easy to change something that makes a profit.

    1. True, but I see people asking to remove a pointless and discouraging game mechanic here, not trying to persuade DE to sell weapon slots in the market for credits.

    2. It's pretty easy to change. They probably only have to delete a chunk of code, or interchange the 3-hour integer with a zero. Boom. Done. Besides, they were perfectly fine with changing Blessing twice over the course of 2 days.

    3. No one spends real money to rush their Kubrow out of stasis. It's a waste of plat, therefore pointless, and it most likely generates 5$ of revenue a month at the most. Weapon rushing is more reasonable because it's only once per weapon and is small enough for some people to spend plat on it. 



    I admit that last one is hyperbole. I don't know how much money DE gets out of rushing stasis recovery, but I do know it's pitifully negligible if they're tossing around the idea of a craftable item that shortens the recovery time for free.


    The real revenue comes from rushing weapons (sort of), storage slots, cosmetics, color palettes, Prime Access, boosters, catalysts, reactors, and formae. I guess desperate people looking to buy prime parts for plat end up spending money on the game, too.

  8. Then they will simply be 3, 6, 9, X hour boosters for the same prices.

    They wont be set at 3 days played.

    Perfect. Seriously, that's what we need. 72 hours of straight double xp is a bit over the top.


    I wish Xbox Gold worked like that.

  9. But when you get a new Warframe you claim the parts (Helmet, Chassis, Systems) and then put them together. Those warframes didn't come out of a cryopod. If you purchase a frame with Plat, maybe they did but not if you just craft it. 

    Well, I didn't mean for you to think I was talking about crafting Warframes.


    I was referring to your small justification: that Kubrows are living beings and should have a thaw-out timer.


    In the tutorial-mission, we pretty much thaw out of our cryo-pods in a few seconds, ready to kick Grineer butt. (Or a few minutes, as seen in that one trailer where it takes Excalibur 2-3 minutes to wake up while the insurgent Warframe team is beating Vor to a pulp).


    So, we Tenno, who are living beings, are battle-ready out of our cryo-pods, which means there isn't really a reason for Kubrows to have a thaw-out timer. 


    One could say that their DNA degradation cripples their recovery time, but the poll from the last community hot-topics says that 42% of forumers would rather that DNA integrity be removed. The next 30% would rather they costed less.

  10. In theory, yes, your logical extension is valid, but because we don't know how the warframes actually work (are they suits or actual beings?) I don't think we can  extend it there yet. Your statement seems to gloss over the fact that we craft the warframes, rather than find them. Because of this, I am (for now) going to say that Warframes are suits that we craft rather than individuals that we find in cryo. 

    In the tutorial mission, when your Tenno pops out of his/her cryo-pod, he/she is pretty much fine from the get-go; it doesn't take your Tenno very long to get up and start fudging up the enemy. Otherwise, the Grineer could just put us in a freezer and do who-knows-what to us without any struggle.

  11. Won't happen, we can't use other skins on other prime gear either. It's an entirely separate weapon.

    Not entirely sure that's true; my Excal Prime can equip any skin regular Excal can.


    The Rubedo skin for Rhino can be used on his prime variant as well.


    Edit: I don't see why not, but, eh.

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