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Posts posted by Velaethia

  1. 9 hours ago, Madway7 said:


    Grendel Changes & Fixes:

    • Grendel can now cast Nourish while Pulverize is active - to which we’ve added a new sound!
    • Grendel Feast expel deals increased damage based on the number and level of enemies. Also deals the same damage as a radial AoE.
    • Grendel Regurgitate damage radius increased from 3/3/3/3 to 3/4/5/5 and increased damage scaling.
    • Grendel Pulverize no longer ends when he runs out of consumed targets, instead it starts draining Energy like Ember’s Immolation.
    • Grendel also gets extra acceleration for Pulverize if he uses Nourish during it.
    • Added sound to when Grendel stumbles due to running out of Energy.
    • Fixed Grendel having fast legs after using Pulverize."



    Thank you, idk how I didn't find that. That was right before I had stopped playing too, wow.

    • Like 1
  2. So I got preocupied by other games I hadn't played in 2 weeks. I just did a mission earlier ago and noticed a really cool change to Grendel's 4th ability "Pulverize" previously it'd only work if you had baddies in your tummy but currently you only need baddies in your belly to activate it. Even if you run to 0 baddies it will stay up and just drain energy instead. I think this is a great change but I cannot find info on it on any of the old blood patch notes which makes me fear it's a bug and will get hotfixed. I tested it by trying it once again in a new mission. If it's a bug it's a consistent one. 

    • Like 1
  3. Light is brighter and dark is darker. And either way I can't see anything. A lot of my frames incorporate white into them and it's blinding with the lighting in arsenal. It is even giving me a headache. Why were these changes made? Is there anything I can do to make this less painful? They're also pretty poorly optimized. As I am having massive frame drops and longer loading times (especially in zones that were effected more drastically by this change). My computer handled warframe fine before and now it has a mini stroke whenever I try to load someplace where one place is super dark you can't see anything and another part of the room is so bright you again can't see anything. 

  4. The Wiki suggest that it is effecting by ability range? 

    Melee range bonus is affected by Ability Range and the Melee Combo Counter. The melee range bonus stacks additively with melee range mods.

    • The range bonus is calculated using the following formula:
      Range Bonus = 1 + 0.2 × (1 + Range Mods) × (Combo Counter Rank - 1) + Melee Range Mods
      • As an example, with a Melee Combo Counter rank of 3 and a maxed Mod TT 20pxStretch and Mod TT 20pxReach, a rank-3 Primal Fury will have a melee range bonus of
        1 + (0.2 × 1.45 × 2) + 0.6 = 218%
    • https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Wukong#Info
  5. 33 minutes ago, Teljaxx said:

    Yeah, uncolorable sections always annoy me. His are particularly large, too. And overall, his default skin's color sections are just plain hard to get good color schemes out of. At least his Macak helmet looks cool.


    Yeah I really like that alt helm.


    34 minutes ago, Teljaxx said:

     Plus, he's got a glowing butthole, which is just plain weird...

    Omg... I just... noticed this... thanks... can't unsee.

  6. 30 minutes ago, WindigoTG said:

    But I look at it as an indication of thinga to come and dread the moment when my favorite stancec turn into pumpkin. Then I will be upset.

    Considering it does all it used to do and more. I really don't understand the gripe besides "new a different". 

  7. 8 minutes ago, WindigoTG said:

    A few numbers here or there doen't make melee fun. A good stance does.

    Yeah and the stance is fun and has more utility and combos then any other because 3.0. 

    But fun is subjective. Sucks you don't like it. But you can objectively do more with it then before. Something I like about it. It does flat higher damage, and flat higher range. And it's base combo is more or less the same as it was before. So I think you're just something who get's upset at change.

    And yeah damage does matter. It was completely worthelss before because of it's numbers and because it's full range had to be built up. Meaning it took awhile of bad damage to activate it's niche which still did bad damage. 

  8. 14 minutes ago, WindigoTG said:

    I don't know what's the point of a clone. If I want somebody to make the killing for me, I already have teammates for that. A multiplayer simulator for solo people?


    Extra damage, utility, and synergy with your other abilities. Plus it goes along with his lore. You can still use his old 1. It's part of his 4s combo now. Aim and attack. 

    15 minutes ago, WindigoTG said:

    But it's dull and uningaging

    Lol??? Compared to the old one which was hit it, keep energy up and just be undying forever? This has some actual interaction involves. It's literally engaging cuz it's not click and done. 

    16 minutes ago, WindigoTG said:

    . Not to mention, enemies can be dealt with way faster and effectively with weapons within the time  of "winding up". And in more engaging fashion too.

    Depends on the level. Low levels? Yeah sure. High levels? Let them try to nuke you and send it back. 


    16 minutes ago, WindigoTG said:

     Whacking stick sucks even more than it did before. Earlier it sucked because the stance wasn't very good, but at least the interaction with the stance itself and the challenge of making that interaction work was engaging and even somewhat fun. Now it is a preview of  exactly what I imagined melee 3.0 would be like - a mindless mashing of melee button.

    Have you even looked at the new combo system? I'd hardly call that mindless mashing of melee. At least compared to melee 2.0 which was exactly that. You seem to be accusing the new wukong of having the exact issues the old one did. You've got it backwards friend. I still haven't figured out how to reliably pull off one of the combos. 

    Also it does more damage and starts out at maxed range and has the second highest default range of any melee weapon. 

    • Like 4
  9. 8 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

    Cloud Walker is good but it's bad at the same time with such a low duration. I like the speed, but it's now practical mostly for plains and vallis. Even the mouse over preview of the skill(s) shows plains. 2 seconds is a really bad duration for a skill that you could use for spy before, which got improved so it no longer triggers lasers, but could very likely end up dropping you out at a very in opportune moment. I do like what else they did with it, but the duration is a big down side. (biggest part is that at least it's not slower than my pet turtle)


    I mean it's not meant for spying. It makes your invulnerable AND heals you and gives you like 5.0 movement speed. Though I wouldn't mind it being a chaneled ability. Or perhaps an augment that increases it's base duration by 10 seconds but removes healing factor... hmmm it's augment makes allies invisible does it do it to when you exit? Never tried it.


    10 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

     Defy has been changed in such a way that while coming off as a great armor buff as well as damage buff skill while still featuring the same quality that the skill had but with only a 2 second invulnerable time with base duration. You'll have to be very precise when you use that if you want to make use of the invulnerable time.


    Yeah Defy works a lot differently. But you have to admit the old version was a little cheese. If you fill up the armour you get armour comparable to that of Valkyr buffed. I get 2k armour with just one armour boosting mod. I wish it was effected by strength. Would make it even better. Your not meant to be 100% invulnerable though. However if you want to I guess you just spam the ability. You'll want max efficiency. Reminder that 2 also makes you immortal. Also highly recommend duration mods. It feels REALLY strong with 5 seconds. You'll nuke everything around you. 


    13 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

     It's now more a buff skill that deals damage from also absorbing damage. Your passive is now essentially what Defy once was. So in a way, that's great use of the passive.


    Yeah his new passive is really neat. I wish there was a way to recharge the missions in game. Like maybe once every 100 kills? Or once every 5 min in mission? Especially be nice for endless. 


    14 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

     I apologize if I don't make my points as clear as I should, some of it probably comes off clear as mud.


    I get what you mean for the most part. Like I said people who enjoyed him before are likely to be annoyed by these changes. Not meant to be a slight against you or anyone who that pertains too. But I think a frame that is pretty good at a lot of things is better then a frame that is literally only good for one singular thing. But since he no longer plays the way he used to I can see people who liked that play-style being upset. The problem is he was virtually useless. Only had very niche uses and other people could do what he could do and something else. He now appeals to a wider audience at a risk of becoming unappealing or less appealing to those who liked him before. Honestly I think the changes are over-all good for Wukong and for the game. I also think Loki needs a rework too because his whole concept is based off of old warframe. Where CC was king. 

    My advise to you is don't look at him as he was before or compare him to that. Look at him like a brand new warframe. I think that could help you adjust. 

  10. Just now, Teljaxx said:

    I doubt he will beat out Nezha or Baruuk as my most used frames. But he did go from my second least favorite frame to being fun enough to use fairly often.

    Now he just needs a Nezha Empyrean tier deluxe skin to go along with his awesome rework.

    I agree. I don't really like any of his skins. And they all have that wonky leg thing that is immune to being dyed. Fortunately it's black which goes with everything but still. Wish I could remove them... Can only hope a delux or prime will not have them.

  11. Just now, Alcatraz said:

    I never "main" anything, I am against that term because it sounds like you're really bad at everything else, or just really stuck on the one thing and won't try anything else. Seems Narrow. That's my opinion though, don't get bent.


    I mean you got bent at me for my comment :shrug: Main just means it's your primary or favourite character. Your default. It doesn't mean it's the only thing you play, or the only thing your good at. As someone who comes from MMO's who always has a main but is also an altaholic. I'm the same in warframe. I have a main, but I play everything. Well everything I enjoy. And I learn as many playstyle as possible. 

    2 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

     I play a lot of frames, I have a lot of mission hours, Wukong is only at 1.5% used for me, but my top used is just 12.9% So I did play him a lot mainly for Kuva missions, or doing sorties with, sometimes Arbitration but there were plenty of other tricks he was capable of if you took the time to play the frame long enough to learn what else he can do besides just live through anything.


    Yeah my old main is at like 11.5% Which is double the second most played. Cuz I have a main AND play everything. Cause those aren't mutually exclusive concepts. 

    3 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

     It is good that they reworked him, but I can't honestly see myself using Primal Fury still. Was lackluster then just like Iron Jab, and it still comes off that way. Don't get me wrong though, it is a really powerful melee, just...

    I don't know what you mean. Before it was functionally worthless because it did less damage then any decent melee weapon. Now it does insane damage. If you don't like the gameplay aspect of it then ok? I guess. But it fits his theme. Primal fury is an exalted weapon and isn't unlike any of them. It's a fun and unique playstyle. Like all melee exalted weapons it has a unique stance with a one of a kind playstyle. I greatly enjoy that. Not for everyone I guess. But maybe frames with exalted weapons aren't for you. Not counting Excal's exalted blade it seems to have the longest range of all melee weapons. Which is a unique and fun mechanic in my humble opinion. Clearly a small room in a few swipes. Iron jab was boring and pointless. Similar abilities need to be changed like Embers 1 key. But you can still do iron jab it's now part of the new combo system. Which is also a preview of 3.0 melee. First weapon that uses the 3.0 system. So it's also functions as kind of a live test for the new system being implimented. 

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

    As someone who played him all the time among other frames, I'm actually being turned away from him because of the rework. I don't think it was that great. Sure Cloud Walk is Fast, but the duration at base is 2 seconds. That's a load of crap.

    Iron Jab replacement is all right, it's neat.

    Defy isn't Defy anymore, should be name changed because it doesn't really defy anymore. Still useful but it just isn't what it was.

    Never used the big slappy stick, still don't see myself using it.

    Yeah if you were silly enough to actually "main" Wukong you probably aren't happy. Instead of being stupid good at one things he's now pretty good at a lot of things. And folks only played him for his niche and he's not as derpgood at it anymore. I mean he's still immortal. Just not afk immortal. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Giantconch said:

    Maybe not "main" because I dont buy that as a thing, getting stuck into one playstyle all the time, but he's definitely been bumped up quite a few notches and will definitely see a lot more playtime from me for sure!


    His rework was pretty dang good!

    I mean just like with any game. Main just means my go to, and who I do new story on and such. Doesn't mean I stop playing other frames.

    Also yeah I am pretty hype. My couple gripes being that when I use 3 it seems to stun enemies? or flinch them which isn't helpful. Making it worseless against low levels in groups. Duration increase helps. And his twin (along with all spectres) need better AI. 

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