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Posts posted by Nayru

  1. To start with, it deals 600 base damage. That's enough to instant kill any 10 armor frame without really high level redirection or both redirection and vitality. A single good elemental mod and you will die without 1000+ shields/health.

    If armor piercing, not even frost/rhino can take the shot without high defense mods.

    And that's just a single mod each. Forget factoring serration/split chamber/other elements, it's a hazard and will most definitely kill you if it blows up in your face with even just 30 mod capacity. It's a hazard.

    A hazard that is obscenely good at what it was made for.

  2. Everything requires rare resources to make and mostly in amounts out of proportion with the amount of not-rare resources.

    Plus random drops. There's bound to be massive discrepancies, like nano spores vs neurodes.

    It'd be nice to have a resource sink, even if wildly inefficient.

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