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Posts posted by Korusagi

  1. Back on track then.

    28 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

    But the mass enough legitimate reports & DE has to act as these mods/partners represent the brand.
    Which companies take extremely seriously.

    Many also don't realize that these mods literally are dealing with this BS everyday, all day.

    The video basically showed mods calling scumbags, scumbags.

    And because of that, we expect they should act responsibly and impartial. No excuse.

    If they ever feel like being too stressed for this job, resign the position, simple as that. It's not like they are being paid for this after all.... right?

    The video also showed us two simple guys, one kicked from his position for a twitter post, and the other completely untouched despite his hate comments on twitter too. So, the only thing I can think about this is: a) DE is too busy to deal with it or b) They actually support this views.

    I like to think it's just "a)", because being naive brings me hope.

  2. I used to have an idea about making Vaulted Relic drop seasons there...

    You know, to have more options on the table instead of going to overcrowded plains of "client/host mismatch" or "host migrations".....

  3. Looks like Chroma Deluxe will have a fashion buddy! Well. Looks like I'll need some 75% plat soonTM

    And RIP Typhus, may its design be blessed by the void itself and become the inspiration for Nidus Prime (last chance to become true, imo)

    Those shiny blue arms really reminds me of the eidolons blue jelly like innards... interesting.

  4. 23 hours ago, DeathByChode said:
    • Kuva is drinkable (indicating it's a liquid)
    • Kuva is harvested from a siphon by sucking up clouds of it 
    • Kuva is self aware, and can move on it's own
    • Kuva is desired throughout the star chart, as a commodity (I guess)
    • Kuva makes a noise while moving (Is it alive?)

    Also has a "vague metallic taste"

    Can be used to create cephalons (probably transfering the mind to a synthetic brain)

    And is probably related to the Void itself (hey kiddo, what took you so long?)



  5. It does give the feeling of "There! Kuva in Kuva Fortress! We did it! Happy now?"


    But hey, the defense node has this all special tileset that seems to be made for that specific idea too...

    Wouldn't mind kuva from hidden caches either...

    Making spy node worthwhile is also good...

    "Assault" seems like a totally wasted resource and time, unless... you know... k-u-v-a?

    Could have some boss node too. Some sort of enchanced Lech Kril maybe? But above all... kuva as reward!

  6. I know you want it badly, but the concept is dead/archived, like many other crushed dreams.

    RedSkittlez last post about it was opposing the idea of stealing his design through Tennogen and making money with it. But, is it different when comes to DE making a deluxe skin and sell it for 255 plat as usual? Don't know the answer for that.

    The only options I see is:
    1. To agree with becoming a fan inspired deluxe skin and be cool with it (like is happening with Nezha)
    2. To come up with a whole new set of powers AND a new "theme" (which basically means scrapping the whole thing and recycling the cool drawing)
    3. To agree with nothing and take it to the grave / To forget about it and move on with their life.

    It is only up to the will of RedSkittlez, the owner of Typhus concept, and their beliefs.

    5 hours ago, Unus said:

    Does he still come online?

    Last visited: February 5.

    Maybe just forums (?) (but sadly, in my opinion, I think the option 3 was taken)

  7. Pro-tip: Don't think about it...

    If reloads were to be true, many weapons would just shoot some sort of molecular sized pellets (gorgon) or super compressed air (latron prime)


    Try some headcanon for fulfilment like I do: Void "transference" (teleportation) works better for small objects, non-living things, like the loot and ammo boxes. And thats why Lua got all broken and people got crazy... and stuff (Zariman 10-0)

  8. OR... The remaining Galilean Moons of Jupiter can have room enough for more ideas

    In this case, Io.

    "With over 400 active volcanos, Io is the most geologically active object in the Solar System. Its surface is dotted with more than 100 mountains, some of which are taller than Earth's Mount Eeverest Unlike most satellites in the outer Solar System (which have a thick coating of ice), Io is primarily composed of silicate rock surrounding a molten iron or iron sulfide core. " (Wikipedia)

  9. Ah well, the basics of a vampire:

    Steal health, like Inaros...

    Generate health from corpses, like Nekros...

    Impale your enemies, like Vlad! and like Nezha...

    Turn itself into a cloud of bats, like Wukong, but bats...

    Fly around with bat wings, like Zephyr, but batwings...

    Charm an enemy to fight for you, like Nyx...


    Yeah... You know what? Have a yellow utility belt, always ready for any situation! Can never go wrong!

  10. 3 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    1) They introduce proper matchmaking, and their fully forma'd AoE sweep setup is met with other like minded players, resulting in (mostly) equal kills throughout the lobby, and a content lobby full of 4 players (excluding raids due to no matchmaking).

    I can only imagine how the game would be today if nothing had a nerf, since the beginning. Because now there would be matchmaking "efficiency castes".

    And that assuming that reworks still happened (because if everything just gets buffed, why waste resources on other options).

    Excalibur's javelins and Mirage's prism without line of sight nerfs. Mesa's hold-click 360° aimbot. Saryn's pre-nerf miasma. Gara's unbreakable walls... Also, in a pre-nerfed Draco.

    Just... imagine.... these "ranks" divided into toxic pit of "draco-borns" and "avarage casuals"

  11. Holy sh*t, 11 pages in "just" 9 hours? I say: Why stop now? ha ha ha!

    So... TL;DR

    The choice of "main" one warframe is the choice to limit yourself in many aspects.

    Gotta catch'em all!


    Lotus is disappointed that you gone against her motto to "master all frames", that's why she left

    I agree! - yours truly, a Loki main. And *zing* gone invisible...

  12. First and foremost:

    > Go here https://www.warframe.com/promocode and use:

    FREESWORD (all caps)

    FN6B-8RML-MLH6-GM2N (free sniper with catalyst and extra slot)

    > warframe.wikia is your best friend, second to Google.

    > Consider joining a Clan by any time you want


    Now, from my experience from long ago:


    > Finish the starter quest and get all the "sections" for the orbiter

    > Get the Rhino (good tanky and damage buff for starters) OR Frost (great for any kind of defense missions)

    > Learn how to be fast with parkour system

    > Unlock the whole star chart (you will get mods, resources and credits on the go)

    > Get any sentinel with Vacuum, so you dont miss those drops. (the Carrier will come with this mod)

    > Join three syndicates as soon as possible

    > Always level everything to rank 30 (warframe and weapons)

    > Explore the mods section, and convert duplicates to endo (NOT credits) and save the rare mods for later

    > Save your platinum for new slots first (frames or weapons)

    > For recent players, login once every day even if you wont play for hours, each 50 days you get some good stuff


    With the star chart mostly unlocked:


    > Consider getting the Nekros and look for desecrate build, for even more effective farming while you play

    > Always look for Orokin Reactors/Catalyst alerts (unless you buy some with plat)
    - Always look for Nitain Extract alerts
    - Always look for Special Weapons parts alerts (wraith, vandal and sheev)

    > Archwing related stuff

    > Defenses and Interception missions are good to level your gear and farm relics

    > Excavations are good for endo and relics aswell

    > Index (Neptune only) is an excellent source of credits

    > Crack open some relics whenever you feel like (to get primes parts and forma, and join the cult of RNGesus)

    > Consider trading platinum for prime parts, rare mods and syndicate stuff (...and find out how terrible the "trade system" is), or even, buy some plat with login rewards discount (if you get one)

    > DO NOT SELL quest specific warframes, you wont be able to get them again (until DE changes it)


    Now when you are familiar with the game system (lore quests also).


    "Welcome to the grindfest!" (if you think it was bad before...!)

    > Start using Forma

    > Do some relic farming (and its primes)

    > Use junk prime parts (braton, paris and bronco prime parts) to get Ducats and visit Baro Kiteer sometimes

    > Kubrows and Kavats

    > Corrupted mods, Nightmare mods and Augment mods

    > Plains of Eidolon

    > Raids and arcanes (also good source of plat by selling arcanes)

    > Sorties and Riven mods (selling rivens is also a good source of plat if you get lucky)


    When you're experienced and a grand-preacher of RNGesus:


    > Take a look around and see what you dont have yet.

    > Find out you still dont have those "landing crafts"

    > Grind for meta builds

    > Reach the true endgame content: Cosmetics.

    > Get burned out and play again when there is an update

    > Keep checking forums for the hyped updates adn expect them to get delayed by months to come


    And lastly:


    > Find out there is a a side game called Conclave, which is PVP and is not so popular for reasons (Also, do NOT make a thread about pvp related stuff in the forums, trust me)


    Not sure how valid this is and what I missed, but for me, this is it.

  13. 1 minute ago, Dotslat said:

     he was using a "bug" that was letting him damage allies

    Radiation status effect (this is why most players avoid playing public match with radiation hazard in Sorties). Still, that guy was trolling/griefing you which is still bannable offense (which makes no sense whatsoever having a game mechanic that allows that)


    4 minutes ago, Dotslat said:

     I came across a guy that was simply floating with Harrow and killing every creature on Hydron. These photos above are proof of him and if it is truly a bug I would be glad for it to be confirmed by one of you or even the players.

    Not hacking, there is actually a bug in there.

    It is a invisible collision box from the cryopod that just sits there instead going downwards with the platform. And since he is a Harrow, I assume he is standing there to be exposed to damage, in order to buff allies and himself with critical status (Covenant).

    As for killing everything, that might possibly be the Hydroid's fault, because hes got an Atterax, core of maiming strike powercreep, PLUS the critical buff from Harrow... BEYBLAAAAAADE! (wow man thats old...)

  14. 6 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ZeepySea said:

    Voice change, female operator with a male voice is a little weird. Unless I have missed the selection to change the voice.  I'm fairly new and just unlocked the operator, but didn't see an option to change the voice.

    There is a separate tab called "Heron", if i'm not mistaken. It is there, by default.

  15. I do find it interesting, seems like a fair system. Some people might hate the lack of movement, after being so used to be fast, just like they hated the operator lack of speed. (could care less, because is part of lore and sounds logical anyway)

    But what if the old Dark Sector (the game) assets were used instead? A revival of their old game! In lore, playing memories of very old conflicts, as part of training the tenno to use the weapons of the old... (Sigh you know what... wont be happening anyway, not worth it)


    I remember when Dark Sector PVP was introduced, some people actually asked fot it... When it arrived, there was this huge salt lake and the regret boat.

    Powercreep, exploits, host migrations...That terrible introduction still shivers me.

    After the fiasco, people keep shooting down any suggestion about PVP to this day, for whatever reason.

    Try after try, I think it's just impossible, and I wont blame anyone if DE has given up by now. They tried, but the stigma persists.

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