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Posts posted by Ello92

  1. vor einer Stunde schrieb Sitchrea:

    Kuva Liches being unable to pilot, repair, or man the guns makes no #*!%ing sense. I recruited a Grineer grunt from the Steel Meridian, and she can do everything. Her dialogue is amazing, talking about her time in the Grineer war machine while she pilots my Railjack. As it stands right now, my former Grineer grunt can man every station on the Railjack, yet my Kuva Lich can't even talk?

    I have to assume this is because of some kind of lack of development bandwidth, because this doesn't even make sense in the context of the game itself, let alone being a major feature advertised about Kuva Liches in the past.

    All the above PLUS Liches can't be removed/switched out unless you trade them to another player???

    I just equipped all 3 slots with liches that can't do sh** and i am stuck with them now unless i give them away??

    This needs to be changed immediately!

    Just put in the option to switch crew members as well as liches the way you need/want it. Who even thought that would be a great idea?



    Edit: didn't see the "equip" button since it is most of the time overlayed by the info window when hovering over the liches/crew members name. Maybe the UI needs some change.


    Many thanks @Vit0Corleone

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  2. vor einer Stunde schrieb (XB1)Primus Patronum:

    90d7bded 2a38 42bd ab7a 00400c7e09fb

    7554e1bd a075 4b35 9bfd 2f7006724641

    Hmm Apoc for your gunners, you could guess that you hate your gunners for 1st giving them a weapon that has more or less the lowes projectile speed, making it impossible to hit something when you are piloting and moving the railjack and 2nd , and I dont know if thats the case for xbox too... projectile based turrets (Apoc, Carcinnox and Cryophon) do not recieve any damage increacing buff from avionics and components (except of Section Density and Predator) its bugged.


    As for avionics:

    (when the turrets get fixed Zetki Pulsar will be Zetki Apoc and Artillery Cheap Shot will be Turret Velocity)

    Edit: you dont need Forward Artillery if your dude shoots at the engines or you just simply put some status stacks on the crewship reducing its armor and increasing the damage it recieves


  3. Thanks for providing that clip.

    appears to be scaling problem with Archwing-Mode. Velocitus got buffed in one of the last updates including a more wide-pulse-like-behaviour.

    In Heavy-Weapon-Mode is still the same, it just has 5 m of Punch Through, no strange behaviour here.

    BUT :

    In Railjack-Archwing-Mode and the normal Archwing missions it now has Infinite Punch Through and a much much wider projectile.

    You can basically point it somewhere close (like 20 m) in between the enemies and it will hit all of them. the Velocitus is still pint point accurate but just kills everything around.

    The particles you could see in your testing may be just the view particels that display the normal projectile but are now spread across this huge cylinder-like beam.

    Archwing missions are scaled differently in size then normal missions. It is kinda like the size difference compared to Titanias Razorwing mode.


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  4. Can confirm, you still get self damage in Heavy Weapon mode. Moving as fast as the projectile also does it. I assume they overlooked it do to the projectile just exploding when its far away enough from the point where you shoot it.

    Also tested Archwing-missions and Archwing in Railjack missions. The Kuva Ayanga works different here, projectiles explode no mater the distance from where you shoot it and also do not cause any self damage, its just pushing you a little backwards.

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