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Posts posted by vasRayya

  1. Honestly, people give ME3 too much flack. The game itself was arguably the best in the trilogy, it was simply destroyed by an appalling ending that flew in the face of everything the game seemed to have told us so far.


    In hindsight, it really helps if you have an ending to your narrative planned out instead of winging it.

    It was great up until the last 15 or so minutes.

    Having hundred of hours logged each game, you get extremely attached to the characters. Then bioware gets lazy and pulls that starchild BS. 

    over a year later and im still ranting about it

  2. wrong wrong and wrong

    mass effect 3 made TONs of money from micro trans actions:

    everything was unlock able for free

    teamfortress 2 also made and still makes tons of money

    everything except vanity items is attainable for free

    ​you sir need to broaden your experience of the video game industry before making ridiculous comments like that.

    I've been a fan of ME since the first game. Incase you didn't know, ME3 was a huge letdown and part of the reason why EA took bioware off the ME franchise.

  3. Hello since it appears we are gonna get a Prime there is one problem....big majority of F2P players have only two warframe slots which can house only 2 Warframes and the second problem is that you can increase those slots only with platinum which is probally  spent on potatoes(like i did at the begining in CB and  i still regret it :( ) and if we want that Shiny new Prime do we have to say good bye to one of our Already Potatoed frames???



    I'd Suggest add something like a Module which only drops from alerts and that module increases your Warframe Slots by +1.



    Good night from me. Down vote me if you feel like it but i don't want to sell on the warframes i hardly leveled up and potatoed with rare Potatoes :|

    They need to make money as a company, everything can't be obtainable free. If you like this game, support it and buy some platinum.

  4. It doesn't make any sense to send soldiers with the age-scale of a 15-year old to fight. Their muscular structure wouldn't be nearly as developed as that of a 25 year old.

    And what do the Fusion Moas have to do with anything?

    I think he was implying if they could ad a new set to corpus they could ad a new set to grineer.

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