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Posts posted by vasRayya

  1. The crit rate is fairly high, but you'll want to mod it higher. I've got mine at 125%. any time I land a head shot with it, I get about 3 criticals and one 'super' crit, at 2180 damage. Mine insta-kills anything 15-ish and under.

  2. Same happened to me, but my dark dagger didn't just not show up, it didn't deal any damage. I got my &#! kicked and had to wait a day before I could take the test again. Second day it didn't show up either, and the damage was delayed a few seconds, barely won that one.

  3. If you wanna critcize their galactic view, you have to open a whole can of worms man.

    Why is the gravity the same on all the planets / moons?

    Why are all the planets in the same linear plane?

    Why do the planets orbit the sun in a circle?

    How/why is there a huge space-ninja floating right there in the middle of the galaxy?

    So yea, can we please just agree to keep this lit closed?

    I see it like the galaxy map from mass effect, a projected hologram, something like that.

    Only pointing this out because they could make the radius of the orbit larger so saturns rings don't collide with jupiter.

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