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Posts posted by vasRayya

  1. I use a 30 lex well modded


    the warframe I use for these missions are the rhino on full tank


    I also drop the datamass very often to use my hex; 



    STILL... 200 enemies is just absurd for solo.  ABSURD. you guys talk like you don't do the pluto missions where the grineer have that machine gun with INFINITE BULLETS that has a long range accuracy and a absurd damage. Even worse are the freaking corpus with a dzen offspreys and moas rushing with their infinite bullets.




    yea, spy missions are TOTALLY DOABLE SOLO! if you're playing on mercury




    PS: if spy missions are so freaking ez, why aren't you guys on them? All I see is tons of squads farming bosses; farming mods on xini and avoiding every single spy mission ever. you all talk and talk but no action, i don't see anyone queuing up for them


    Looks like you need to get better, I solo everything except for higher-level bosses. 

    You don't need to kill every unit either unless it's extermination.

  2. I didn't get his point.

    Did you?

    If you did, PLEASE elaborate it.

    Infested ancient fighting an infested ancient. That doesn't normally happen. Only way to achieve that is if you have nyx, and he didn't

  3. First off, for the people whining about this idea.

    Volt has a shield, while not moveable, it's there none-the-less.

    This would be an interesting idea, Have the shield have an 'ammo' capacity, the more damage it takes, the lower the ammo goes. And when it goes out, the shield breaks. assuming it's and energy shield, it could recharge over time, or you could use pick ups to recharge it. Of course hulking around a bit shield should be able to limit mobility a bit. No fancy moves, like sliding and the performing a melee. Maybe a lower walk speed. Stuff like that.

    it' would be a really cool concept, I'd like to see it applied.

  4. Cloaking in general. When loki turns invisible the helmet lags behind a bit. It used to be the helmet didn't show up at all. Looks like they are trying to fix that.

  5. Mire and scindo have different animations for stealth attacking chargers. Scindo swings down on their back and kicks them off, mire jumps on their back and stabs them on the head. Mire has the same animation as any normal sword so I would assume it would have the same issues with any other sword.

  6. Well every free to play game has the ability to allow paying players get a leg up on non paying. This one just focuses on the benefit of eliminating grinding. I think the bashing comes into play because the persons obvious intentions were not to state the convenience, but instead to bash it. Folks forget that this is a business. An expensive one at that. Without funding there is no game. If folks want zero pay to win then they need to just stay away from online games whatsoever. Even WoW has ways to do it. Sure they break the ToS, but still. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

    Now, with that said. My boy is 10, I'm 35, and my wife is 44 and we all play Warframe on a regular basis LAN style from our house.

    Damn you and your nerd family, I'm jealous.

    18, about to head to college.

    Paying only lets you unlock things quicker, or getting cosmetic stuff like colors.I've gotten orokin reactors, catalysts, warframes, all that from blueprints. But at the same time, I've bought some platinum because I want to support this awesome game.

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