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Posts posted by vasRayya

  1. "Sancti Magistar - Each charged attack turns the enemy’s pain into a healing pulse that washes over allies. Also, creates resistance to status effects when held. "

    I got hit with bleed proc multiple times with it equipped
    is it just a 'chance' to not get proc'd or is it complete resistance

    also why do these not have their syndicate explosion effect

  2. 1 hour ago, Varacal said:

    so its not enough that they attack the game after the update, now they attack the people that actually like the update, i expect this thread to be locked/deleted just for the title alone

    as hard as it is to believe, people are entitled to their own opinions

    just because someone disagrees with the warframe forum hivemind doesn't mean the thread should be locked

    it's been a relatively civil discussion so there is no reason to lock it 

  3. literally unplayable with p2p servers

    I've had the ball shoot through me when I should have caught it so many times
    I've had it show me catch it just for it to "jk someone else caught it" and undo my catch
    I've thrown the thing and had people behind me catch the ball as a pass

    the networking sucks

    also being able to stunlock people is bull

    I don't know how you think you can make a competitive pvp mode without dedicated servers

  4. I'll try it but it looks pretty gimic-y

    it'll be something that will be new and shiny for a bit and than everyone will lose interest, just like normal warframe pvp

    they should stop wasting time and resources on something that literally no one plays and put it towards meaningful updates and bugfixes

  5. 8 minutes ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

    I think having something along the lines of energy regen would be better for an augment like that.

    inaros+rage=unlimited energy

    making an augment like that would be effectively useless

  6. This particular sortie mission was tailor made to DESTROY us. Every single Warframe was at a disadvantage here, even the "godmode" ones thanks to the nullifiers. Anyone under 600 hp/shields was instantly downed by those damn sapper mines.


    This mission is not the one to point out lack of player skill or ability.

    stealth arrows+tonkor=no deaths

    it wasn't that hard, for me at least

    just gotta git gud

  7. That was rude :/

    How was that rude? If he lacks the ability to solve it, let someone else who is able to

    besides if you're at a point where your hand eye coordination is bad enough you can't do a cipher, how are you able to play the rest of the game?

    hand-eye coordination in the game is important


    not really it fixes the problem. 


    and im not saying this to be rude but if your friends do have a hard time with the hacking, how are they able to play the rest of the game. which requires quite alot of hand eye coordination.

    this tbh


    Unfortunately, yes.


    And I'm glad MaaYuu found it, because otherwise, this would've put DE in a less-than-stellar situation (even if it's not likely that Dreamstime would've found out about it).


    PROSETISEN sent me this:




    It's kinda hard to see, but looks like he just copied it directly from the website, and didn't purchase the license.

    they should probably just scrap this round of tennogen stuff, take a look at the existing entries, and then pick some new ones

    this whole round has been pathetic

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