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Posts posted by vasRayya

  1. I've gotten stuck in this exact same place multiple times, and I've had to abort and/or lose out an all my drops or potential drops. Happens when you boost into it or melee at an enemy and it sends you into it.

    Very frustrating, please stick a huge @$$ hitbox over this or something



  2. easy fix:

    disable all weapon mods, weapon stay at base rank; would make more weapons viable

    warframe powers would be reset to their base rank, and any other warframe mods would be limited to ability mods; power duration, power efficiency, etc etc

    no redirection, vitality, vigor, and so on

    this would limit the effectiveness of abilities without nerfing them to the ground, and would have people rely more on their weapons; of which you'd have more of a choice as the base stats of the weapon would be actual damage dealt

    there would still need to be some balancing, but not a huge balance overhaul that it needs currently


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