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Posts posted by vasRayya

  1. Familiarity has nothing to do with it. I'd never once heard the Buzlok before it was introduced but fell in love the moment I pulled the trigger. And I still haven't changed my opinion that the old Gorgon and Hek sounds are much better than what we have now, even after listening to them for weeks (years, in the Gorgon's case).

    What you list as pros and cons here are either backwards or irrelevant. I don't notice any kind of reverb tail, shot variation or higher fidelity sound. The new Hek sound is *less* impactful and powerful than the old one. It sounds like I've rammed a bunch of cotton wool into the barrel. And where you call its old louder sound a disadvantage, I see it as a good thing. It made the Hek feel powerful, even through the dark days when shotguns as an entire class were complete pants.

    ITT: opinions

    I like the new sound


    old one sounded too over the top

    it's just a shotgun, not an artillery cannon

  2. Please state what you are trying to kill that won't die simply because your DPS is a bit lower than a Boltor Prime.


    Since level 100 enemies are not the primary adversaries in this game, you don't need guns to do over 10K-15K DPS under any situation.

    S#&$ter spotted

  3. Im sorry for all this. I just think that players just dont care nowadays.

    We don't. We want the rewards, that's it. I play games to have fun, and grinding isn't fun, especially if there is no payoff.

    If we lose the relays we loose the void trader. And after a successfull time with the mara detron and the others, i think id like to see more.

    You really think DE will let every relay be destroyed? All that hard work gone, to never be seen again?

    There will always be at least one relay up; hence void trader will always show. 

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