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Everything posted by OneEyedMedic

  1. @Loza03 To your point about possible possession: At the end of the 1999 demo trailer, that smile he gave was awfully familiar... And in the teaser trailer, he said something like, "Was I who escaped...or the other?"
  2. I wanted to share my thoughts on this. Please forgive me if it doesn't make sense or go here anywhere. New faction looks cool, but I feel bad hurting things that look like a Xaku. The train theme makes perfect sense. We have solar rails and planet junctions... I haven't done much lore exploring with the Entrati, but I wonder if mister Entrati's train de-railed and that's how he ended up stranded in the void. What if the specters we fight in each junction are/were the engineers on each train? Warframe 1999 is set in the past(?), but I wonder if that's where he got the idea from. Anyway thank you for reading my very early morning thoughts after waking from a dream.
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