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Posts posted by Zi-Sui

  1. 1 minute ago, kamyung said:

    I know and I have pretty much enough formaed gear and the problem isn't I can solo them ,it is my laptop can't handle Poe especially when there is an eidolon smashing the ground and the vomvalyst following it

    Can you load into the fight though and pick the shard afterwards if someone else does the dirty job?

  2. 1 minute ago, kamyung said:

    Wait you need a brilliant eidolon shard to max a waybound? 

    Danggit cause I have access ESO and a lot of good frames and I have almost maxed energy dash with a few hundred thousand focus(thought of saving them for fun and since my energy dash gives 5 energy regen per sec already)

    Is there a way to get a brilliant eidolon shard except for hunting eidolons(my laptop is poor) like through trading? Special mission rewards? Like ESO got a synthetic eidolon shard

    Well no but you can always get carried in teralyst, it's easy to solo, don't even need void strike and kavat and Trinity for it, just Rhino/Chroma radiation damage fully formaed sniper, best is Rubico Prime. And good amp, not mote one.

    But yeah add me in-game and we probably are online at the same time in weekend so I can boost you 3-4 teralysts per night, that's 3-4 shards. Unless you have a clanmate or friend to rely on.

  3. Strange, I've never been banned from any chat. You make it sound like people could get banned for whatever but somehow I've avoided that. Sexual preferences and your human subrace are not a topic I'm interested in unlike you apparently so I guess that's the difference.

    Common internet sense also states that chats are moderated, and you should know damn well what level of moderation it is. And in the odd case you didn't, you get a seven-day chat penalty and learn the hard way. People who don't read forums, don't have in-game friends which who they actually communicate with, and come from places where you can speak whatever flies out of your mouth are at the biggest risk of getting banned.

    But it's a one-time ban that stops you from trading and communicating in public and perhaps clan activity but most have discord. You can still farm all you like, fissures PoE stuff oxium whatever. It's not like they banned you from game. I don't get all the salt because of this.

  4. No platinum for other sources than player purchases, period. You can't take away DE's source of income. If you add any consistent source of platinum the purchases will drop dramatically because now you get all the platinum you need with waiting game. It's supposed to be the other way around.

    Wanting everything in Warframe but not having time nor money for it is an impossible equation unless you're a real dirtbag or get very very lucky with rivens.

  5. 8 hours ago, M3rc13 said:

    I think the drops for life support are too low. I tried to do a riven challenge where you finish the mission without killing anyone and there just wasn't enough life support. I don't know why DE makes some things so stupid. I just want to play the mode not piss around trying to find a bit of life support especially if i can't shoot anything. Either they should ease up on how fast the air drops or give solo players more life support. Please don't suggest playing in a squad as I'm sick of the randoms.

    Trinity with max efficiency build, have to use energy pizzas still but cheaper than spamming health pizzas with Nidus.

    Zenurik on Trinity. Or just any frame any setup and Vazarin dash yourself often.

  6. No the passives do not work when using other schools. Only waybounds work with other schools but you need to max them and get the necessary focus pool for them to work, and then activate them in the other school with a click so they turn red from grey.

    Once you max a waybound with a million focus and brilliant eidolon shard on the last rank, it will show up in the other schools. That is an indication of it being available there. But as said above, you may need to click it there to turn it active, red. And for it to be active you need a larger focus pool.

  7. 27 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

    Actually, no. That is precisely the mindset that gets you #*!%ed over. Let alone for the fact that most lottery prizes are so huge that your average joe doesn't know how to handle the money, and will get ripped to pieces by the market operators. 

    Not counting the huge taxes on those winnings, some of which you have to pay up front in come countries before you even get the money. 

    Not counting odds are you'll spend more than you'll ever win on average 😛

    There is a reason why those kind of lotteries and games of chance are called "idiot taxes" sadly. 

    Flr example for the italian lotto you have 1 chance out of 448.3 BILLIONS to land the correct sequence (6 numbers, no repetition, pool of 90). The current win is € 54.7mln. That's a payoff of 0.00012, which basically means you are getting payed for your win 8330 times less than what ypu should get. Even accounting for the fact they have to make money it's bullS#&$. 

    You said it my good man. I've always been good at math and avoided lottery for the above reasons. For a while it seemed to me riven rerolling would be different but it's way too lottoish if you sum up the time invested as money. I get paid 13€ per hour at work, however hour at riven lottery farm Taveuni gives me 5 rolls with booster and smeeta. And I need hundreds of rolls to land a demigod roll that sells for 2-4k. That's like 50 hours or way more. When I could farm 200 euros in 24 hours after all the expenses and buy 4k plat. Plus, my job is about as fun as Taveuni lol, so...

    I guess rivens are good business for second and third world players and that's fine, I'm glad they got something to look up to. But if I were them I'd rather farm eidolons or something for platinum. Way more reliable.

  8. 59 minutes ago, CupcakesMoo said:

    Lottery is literally a scam. 

    For 99,9999% yes, but for winners it's paradise and everyone has a chance to be a winner. Just like with rivens, except numbers are lower. Much lower. But still way too high for the time invested. I've moved on from riven lottery to more reliable sources of platinum and not regretting it one bit. Maybe if I see a dirt-cheap Paracesis or Rubico riven I buy it and reroll it but that's it.

  9. How rude of you Joe, once again. Do these forums pass as your channel to right wrongs and put people to their place and feel good about yourself? I wouldn't feel good about myself for trashing down people all the time, whether they deserved or not. Reminds me of a certain mental disorder. And I have a mental disorder too, for the record, so I'm not judging you. Just saying from experience that you might wanna seek help.

    As for the OP, I feel you, but try to see through Joe's judgementalism, he's right. DE are hardly at fault. DE could implement an amp check for tridolon, but then you couldn't boost your friend who has mote amp there even if you were capable, and a lot of people can boost others. I can only boost gantulyst since I'm not good with snipers yet and haven't built my Rubico Prime but people say they solo tridolon and I believe them.

    I think it's in your own interest to make yourself as able as possible to solo tridolons. Adarza kavat with 7+ formas, best amp gilded, void strike, Trinity or Oberon, Rubico Prime, Sarpa with Shattering Impact or Paracesis depending on which is harder, final phase or limbs.

    Good luck!

  10. On 2018-10-24 at 8:16 AM, GnarlsDarkley said:

    Just tell us your new name. We will know it after the change anyway. This way we can say if your name may be offensive

    It's the exact same name that was taken already except that I tried adding a "s" to the end and the filter message popped up, then I tried adding "1" instead of "s" to the end so there should be no way that's offensive, but got the unknown error message instead.

    And I'd rather keep the name to myself and zendesk support ofc for the odd case of a troll taking it.

    Thank you everyone for the support. The DE support handled my ticket within a week and changed my name to honor my pet rats who are long gone. Hope the best for ya'll!

  11. It depends if you are prepared to use energy pizzas in your endgame or something else like 2x Arcane Energize. For team build the above reply's one is good but I don't know if it kills fast enough solo for life support. If it doesn't, add strength in expense of efficiency and duration.

    Oh yeah, Zenurik might be your best choise anyhow so I don't know if you need that much duration and efficiency to begin with.

    For mandachord and 3rd ability I just use a song with a note on every interval possible, so you can get the invisibility fast by mashing crouch. Works for that and I tested other melodies but they didn't work so well.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Nephalem said:

    Or try to type in game /profile [name] to se if its taken by a nother player or not. In my case the nick Nephalem was taken by a mr 0 player with 5 hours of gameplay and probably innactive for more then 2 years. Made a support ticket and it was change by the gm who anwsered it (ofc 200p tax).

    Thanks but already tried that on both attempts and it said username does not exist on both so that shouldn't be it.

  13. 6 hours ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

    Sounds like a worthwhile initiative.

    I think that such learning groups were probably common in the past, but personally I couldn’t find any when I wanted to get some experience.

    Ended up learning by myself with tremendous help of very good guides out there.

    Im now able to do solo Tridolon runs, but still zero experience with actual coordinated squads.

    How do you do solo tridolons? I've heard of Trinity and Unairu wisp but I tried using the wisp solo and it didn't work at all, think there was some real nasty hitbox issues. Got void strike, adarza kavat and very good Opticor, but guess Rubico Prime would be better for limbs. Paracesis for final phase instead of Sarpa, maybe I should use Sarpa instead? Even though limbs aren't a big problem to me in terry and garry.

  14. If you just wanna level the Mesa frame and exalted pistols Regulators, then ESO might be better for you once you get 1-2 formas to both frame and exalted weapon. Until then, Hydron Sedna in public is your best bet. If you can't do public though like I think you said, better go ESO.

    ESO has a lot of open area maps where you can just stand on the highest ground you find and nuke the crap outta everything, and it should have the same amount of spawns solo as with squad. I might be wrong on that. But Hydron has less spawns when solo and it's more cramped, not as good for regulator nuke. But it works for that too because enemies come to the middle.

  15. 8 hours ago, (PS4)Beezlebub3 said:

    I originally planned on maxing out my chosen school simply cause I just wanted to get the trophy. I don’t even really care about the trophies either, but I just felt like getting it for some reason lol. 

    It seems like getting all the way bounds from each school is more important than simply maxing out a school. Or is that really just preference?

    What trophy? And waybounds are only useful in eidolon hunting, except the naramon ones which can be made use of in the plague star caves.

  16. Vazarin is not the most popular school, but a lot of times it's hands-down the best, especially if you make tanky builds with maxed Vitality, Arcane Guardian and Hunter Adrenaline. It works for me with even the squishiest frames on sortie and first rotation C arbitrations level. Zenurik is probably better for certain frames like Rhino that can't make good use of Hunter Adrenaline. It really boils down whether you want to use health or energy pizzas which cost about the same. Health pizzas for Zenurik, energy pizzas for Vazarin. And yeah, playstyle. I like to tank and soak bullets so my setup fits me, but not people who have a problem with being on the support role and watching their health.

    Or well, if you're one of those people who can dodge gunfire like nobody's business, you don't need Vazarin. But a lot of players I met aren't at that level.

    Oh yeah, and Zenurik is a must for Nidus in endo farm Vodyanoi. I used Vazarin there with my Nidus because I forgot to switch to Zenurik and it was a mess. Nobody gave me Zenurik dash even though they had it and I asked for it in chat.

  17. The same name didn't work again, and it said in caps "we reserve the right to ban any account/alias deemed offensive". Guess I try with one letter non-caps then 😄

    One letter non-caps didn't work either, I wonder what's going on, because the exact same name already exists without "s" in the balls, but mine wasn't taken. Either way, contacted support, waiting for reply some time this month.

    Now I tried to replace the "s" in balls with "1" and it said "unknown error, please try again later". So I guess this time it didn't get filtered but got an error because I've tried to change the name too many times. Thanks for your help everyone, I think I'll get through this now.

  18. Today I used the change alias option in the Warframe account menu but I haven't seen my name change so far. Is there an approval time for it or should it take effect immediately? I'm worried it might have gotten stuck in the filter since it was all caps and had the word "balls" in it, maybe it got filtered because of that? I only saw a warning right after about them not approving some names, can't remember exactly what it said but something like "we don't approve certain names" in red text in a small window. I also did not get charged the 200 platinum, at least not yet, and it's been almost two hours since I attempted it.

    The reason I'm asking is I don't wanna try again without knowing my platinum would get reducted but the name would stay the same. But I guess I have to try a bit different name anyway if this change doesn't get approved.

  19. A day or two ago I had Opticor buff for arbitrations but I could swear it did not so 300% more damage, even if that damage was added the same way as Serration and Heavy Caliber are, which I hope is not the case (can anyone confirm this?). I did only 120k yellow crits on corpus with radiation damage and a cc cd riven so that just doesn't seem like having received the buff.

  20. 1 minute ago, Artek94 said:

    Vazarin is but another solution that is outside of core gameplay, so its exactly the same thing as Life Strike and others.
    1) You must actually obtain it first (complete The Second Dream).
    2) You must pick it over all others focus schools. So again - another limitation of choice, if you didn't yet obtained (or liked) all other methods.

    And? Do those things make it somehow unusable?

    You know what, there's squad health restores, not for newbies who don't have access to Saturn and Derelict, but it's easy enough for anyone to get there so that shouldn't be an issue. And since we have now so much space in our gear wheel, you don't have to make a dreadful horrible evil choise but can just put it there anywhere. Even better, but also worse since it involves choise, you can put it in one of the first slots in your gear wheel and keybind it (I use F1-4), so you can use it easily. And there's not anything more important to put keybinds to in your gear wheel so it's not much of a choise.

  21. I solo the hardest Cetus bounties with my Mesa with Vitality and Hunter's Adrenaline and Vazarin dash for healing. Never needed pets or Life Strike because Vazarin, and Hunter Adrenaline has kept me from using the popular choise Zenurik. I can do Hunter Adrenaline on any frame and make good use of it because of Vitality, Arcane Guardian and Vazarin.

    Each to their own though. But saying you have one option for this is just not right.

    Oh yeah for the reply above, you can stun bombards with second rank of Vazarin dash and then have your way with them. Alloy armor they use is weak against radiation so maybe mod one of your weapons for radiation and use Vigorous Swap if they are a problem.

  22. Arcane Energize costs 3k platinum at max rank. Rhino prime set costs 440p. A lot of stuff that's not rivens cost 200-300p. And some primed mods at max rank cost 400p. And from riven.market you can already get rivens quite cheap, also trade chat sometimes.

    Getting a god roll riven is behind such stupid RNG that it can take you hundreds of rolls or 30+ rolls depending on your luck. Most of the rivens are not god rolls, so it should go without saying that it's very unlikely one will see a god roll in the first 100 rolls. Considering that, more kuva wouldn't hurt since while prices would drop for god roll rivens, the prices for crap and medium etc roll rivens would rise, meaning the majority of people who get those rolls would benefit. And the platinum has to go somewhere, people don't just sit on piles of platinum without buying stuff, they only have a bit of savings like 2k - 10k in case there's something they want, and many people just spend all their platinum anyway on whatever because they like that. I know people like that.

    So yes, more kuva would be good.

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