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Posts posted by Zi-Sui

  1. 23 hours ago, (PS4)snkhuong said:

    DE will shoot themselves in the foot if they nerf disposition. Lots of players (especially vets) would quit. No one would want to buy plat to invest in rivens anymore = less money for DE. The game is getting more dead everyday due to lack of content - killing a portion of the game's fan base is the last thing they want to do. 

    A lot of vets are still playing because rivens are end game for them. 

    People that want to see disposition nerfed tend to be:

    1. New players that don't have good rivens and jealous of some MR 20 who have a collection of good rivens

    2. People who don't know how to earn plat in game, and/or not willing to buy plat with real money

    First it's fearmongering and then it's bs assumptions as if you knew the background of those who ask for disposition changes.

    I've spent good money for this game and continue to do so. I got more than enough good rivens for good weapons so you would probably be jealous of me if you swing that way emotionally. I don't. And I can farm about 2k platinum a month by investing one and a half hours daily into the game, which I do. And I support disposition change.

    And I don't assume everyone who doesn't want disposition change is a greedy riven dealer, some have actually decent arguments. But you on this post, not.

    As for why I support disposition change, is to see some underused low disposition weapons to get a higher rank. I've yet to see a good argument why that is bad, only that "oh then Pyrana Prime won't own anymore". I don't mind current rivens keeping their stat values as long as you can't trade them with those same values after disposition change, so that people who get riven for what would be disposition 2 Pyrana can make some platinum out of it.

  2. 15 hours ago, mikakor said:

    I'm sorry, wut?! O.o well, anyway, would it really make a difference? 

    On an archwing nightmare on Neptune you want every edge you can get, because enemies there kill you rather quickly. Granted it's quite rare to see that mission pop up but it's a worthy challenge.

  3. I've tried building Nyx a tank just for the sake of it, and it can survive level 120 enemies, even heavy gunners and bombards, with my very mediocre skills. Without using abilities, pizzas nor operator that is. So I'd say it's not even the frame you pick necessarily, but how you build it and use it. For my tank Nyx I have Arcane Guardian, Vitality, Gladiator Resolve, Redirection, Hunter Adrenaline, Flow and Quick Thinking, as well as a sentinel with all healing and shield goods like Medi-ray and Guardian. For easymode a Furis with new loka augment for a sidearm or Hirudo crit Blood Rush build.

    For kills easymode I guess Arca Plasmor or Ignis Wraith, users of the latter tend to beat me on kills quite consistently even though I can hold my own against others with most weapons. Bows and throwing weapons are not a good idea unless you're good with them. My personal favourite is Pyrana Prime.

  4. That sounds like a long time, think mine took 2-3 weeks. PS4 approval times might be longer due to Sony having more strict demands for their games, or so I've heard. Your best bet might be to contact DE zendesk support, not really sure if this is their field though.

    Hope it gets approved soon!

  5. One problem with this is, apart from invulnerability a'la Valkyr or Harrow, it's impossible to avoid being one-shot by others. Pvp-wise this would only work if everyone had beginner equipment and mods. I have Inaros with 8k hp 760 armor and Arcane Guardian on it, and when Arcane Guardian proc is on my friend can still oneshot me when one of us gets radiation procced.

    You would have to do at least 100x reduced damage to players for this to work.

  6. What is this? I don't have a room with lightning anywhere near that lighting in the entire dojo and I've built all the rooms except the new one and custom obstacle course. My clan is also about half years old so that might be it.

    Did you use shard black pigment or is it naturally like that?

  7. I don't think I've encountered leechers yet in public arbitrations. Only did 2 of those though, and a lot of people died before and right after the first rotation. Could do more excavation arbitrations with an organized team of clanmates and alliancemates, have done a bit more of those and naturally nobody leeches in them.

    As for the OP's encounter with zipline Ivara, it's fairly likely he was just failing his job and trying. Ivara is not the most suited for survival arbitrations, because you need to move due to life support.

  8. Can't see your pics very well, usually I see pictures well on mobile too.

    Check riven.market for similiar rivens and their prices, might wanna register there too to sell your rivens more easily. I doubt you get much from the Hate riven even if you get a good roll but the others might be worth something with good rolls.

  9. Vodyanoi is usually done with 3 Nekros 1 max range Nidus and with slash weapons modded to the max, weapons like Kohm, Atterax, Tigris Prime and Pyrana Prime. 4 x corrosive projection and some viral + radiation if you have high status chance. I can solo it too as Nidus but then the endo gain is very low.

  10. The gap is there to not give people an incentive to no-life. Indication of this is the text "You have been playing for over an hour. Please don't forget to take a break.". The gap also stops you from making every single of your relics radiant and trivializing rare prime parts farm.

    The idea of games should not be to incentivize people to play many hours at a time but allow and even reward shorter gaming periods so people can take those breaks you speak of.

    The more content devs add to the game, the more bugs there are gonna be. And being short-handed compared to companies like Blizzard, DE has to choose which bugs it will address first. And they likely choose bugs that are affected by more players instead of long endurance run bugs.

    I get the feeling this game wasn't also designed with endurance runners in mind: they simply allowed people the option to do those runs. A lot of frames don't seem compatible with long endurance runs, and non-melee weapons ain't so hot after 2+ hours of survival, especially against armored targets.

    I used to raid in WoW. Did a lot of 3-4 hour raids and it got old at some point, even though they kept adding new raids. Having to do the same thing for 3+ hours is not as much fun as a change of pace and doing different things, not to me at least. And Warframe rewards you for those shorter periods of playing instead of making you sit hours at a time on one mission. That is why I like it.

  11. Might as well farm the platinum through other means and buy the mods you want from others. Works on PC, but you are on console so I guess that might not be viable for you. I see that as a bigger problem than disliking or having grouping-related problems with one mode.

    I have a similiar problem with Vodyanoi endo farm, hard to find a squad where everyone stays over half hours even if everything goes well. For that, I opened recruitment for our clan again and joined a large alliance. You might wanna do the same.

  12. You'd either have to have nerfed versions of warframe abilities and weapons like in the conclave or it'd turn into a competition of who oneshots others the fastest. Can't say I like either choises.

    Glad to see everyone so united in this. Seems more united than univacuum, Limbo hate and archwing dislike so far. Even though it's a negative too.

  13. It could be exploited by afking and coming back every 2 minutes to shoot one bullet or whatever to avoid the afk timer. I also enjoy manual looting so this change would suck for me. It also makes sense that you have to pick the items up instead of them magically entering your inventory when you're hundreds of meters away. Even when this game uses magic.

  14. I think it'd be totally balanced to equip a Fluctus and give it the same damage as it does now. Or well, due to some arch-gun mods being bad it can fall behind so they should let us use primary and secondary weapon mods on it and give it rivens, when on moas head.

  15. I've heard Lanka isn't that hot anymore for eidolons, Rubico Prime being the new king of the hill. And then there's two pretty good alternatives for a different frame that have much cheaper rivens. You could say superior to Rubico Prime in the right hands.

  16. You can't give cataclysm a bigger range and not call it overpowered unless you remove stasis. And to me that defeats the point of cataclysm. I use Limbo only for interceptions these days because I can hold two points by myself unless it's a sortie interception.

    His 3rd could use a rework and I don't know about 1st, a meh troll ability for the most part.

  17. 19 hours ago, imbressive said:

    the question is what do you (op) understand or imagine the knight/paladin warframe should look like?

    theoreticly we have evrything to make a "knight/paladin" build. there are sword and shield weapons already in the game,melee mods which regenerate health and warframes that can heal theyr allies. if that/the current possibilitys we have are not enough, how should a knight/paladin be?

    Although OP didn't say it, he might be asking a frame with exalted shield and sword. Excalibur is the closest we have to that, with some armor and a sword, but yeah. I think it'd be cool if we had an exalted shield and sword warframe that's exalted weapon had a gimmick like blocking 90% of enemy melee and bullets while active and reflecting them with at least 200% damage. Like electricity Chroma's 2nd ability, but with damage migitation and an attack.

    The knight frame should also be tanky and have aggro ability so we'd finally get a real tank instead of a bullet sponge.

  18. 2 minutes ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

    Don't underestimate a Neutral Nova + Chroma & Kohm. Fastest 8/8 run (with lucky RNG and Nova portals) was 9minutes 40 seconds before heading to the exit.

    Fair enough, gonna give it a go when plague star comes back. Thanks for the tip!

    Might still use Loki for teleport though, seen a lot of Novas fail portals with the drone.

  19. Right now I main Inaros and Nekros, and I don't use abilities I regard a waste of time. Health pizzas are not very efficient for Inaros but they exist, same with Magus Elevate. Arcane Grace is good, so is his finisher lifesteal passive combined with 1st ability. I use Vazarin because it's my main school, can and do heal teammates with it. That why slow and occupying ability like devour isn't used by me, it's just inferior to Vazarin. And with Hunter Adrenaline you don't need Zenurik.

    That why I would like to see his 2nd ability changed, it just feels so underwhelming. And 3rd ability is worse crowd control than 1st ability, costs more energy and you can't kill stuff with it, except for low levels maybe, which is underwhelming. Plus you can't attack with weapons when using the 3rd ability, so why use it if you can mow down the enemies with weapons and tank them?

    An aggro or damage reduction skill of any sorts would suit Inaros' niche far better than his current 2nd and especially 3rd ability.

  20. I support this. I find normal kuva survival challenging enough if you go to 40 minutes so guess I could hold out half that time in nightmare, unless I pick a tanky frame instead of Nekros or utilize ghosts a lot.

    They could do the same for floods and siphons, not that I play them, but some people would probably enjoy the added challenge and rewards.

  21. 16 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    Not sure if agreeing with me or disagreeing 😛
    My point is why have Endo and sculptures together? at different levels why not just make the Endo as failure state reward and have the Sculptures be replaced by something more useful for daily use say a greater lens BP or something. would cover the 3rd major resource farm (Endo , Kuva , Focus - i like to think as the big 3 Farm produce).

    No thanks for any lens reward. Once you get 1-2 eidolon lens of each type you won't need more. And focus is easy enough to grind with the right tools. Endo though, for grinding Vodyanoi effectively you need a squad, and while you can sell the lens for platinum so can you do with endo too. And unless it's zenurik lens, the lens market isn't as good as endo market. And from my experience endo is much more laborous to farm than focus.

    That why I think it's quite all right to have more than one endo reward. Just buy primed mods from Baro, max them out and sell them for platinum if you have too much endo.

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