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Posts posted by (XBOX)MarakViriPlays

  1. My response to your comments;

    Passive = The point of the cap was exactly that, to limit it to being a supplementary power, and not an instant full heal on kills, given that Covert Lethality is a thing, and Fenrir has a stun skill that opens enemies up to finishers ... just realized that I didn't actually state that. 

    First Ability = That's ... a good point.I'll remove the multi-hit. I didn't really consider that from a comparative standpoint. That said, [Cursed Claws] is also effectively single target, unless you start playing around with reach mods, but even then it'd be mostly single target unless you're playing with frames with grouping potential like Vauban and Nidus. But yeah, it is a little too overpowered, even for a first ability exalted.

    Second Ability = Also a good point, and precisely why I asked for suggestions. I honestly forgot exactly what the value of Rhino's Roar was (I'm used to using high Strength Rhino's), and I was aiming to get around half of it, not match it. I'll probably drop it a bit further, maybe 20% at third rank, because of how much versatility this gives in comparison. And yes, making the buff melee specific would probably help, but I'm trying to at least give Fenrir a reason to at least equip a Primary and Secondary for when he can't maintain his first ability. 

    Third Ability = I'm a bit confused by what you mean by "damage redirection" here. No damage is redirected. It gives Damage Reduction, not redirection. Although honestly, I think I'll change it to that, maybe make it so the Blood Wolf takes a portion of the damage intended for Fenrir. That would would help to lower the Blood Wolf's health, seeing as it will be taking direct fire as well as indirect fire by being "linked" to Fenrir, so that it's remaining Health would be much lower, and making it possible - if not likely - to die from damage before the duration ends, which would make it's healing potential moot. But yes, I'll also revisit the "fatal damage" bit. Maybe just a flat 50% health restore and a brief invulnerability period.

    And now I get what you meant by too weak and too strong, since Fenrir's probably gonna die as soon as wolfie comes out, thus fully restoring health, shield, and energy ... yeah, definitely changing that. I'll also lower his healing significantly. Instead of a 10x orb multiplier, I'll drop it down to a 4x.

    And onto the countdown you mentioned, thankyou for pointing that out. I had that conceptualized initially, but I completely neglected to actually put it in. I'm just not sure on whether I want it to lock the ability for a period of time (which would punish the player for actually taking fatal damage in the first place), or just take the Phoenix Renewal / Reawaken route and stick a timer on the quick-revive function.

    Fourth Ability = First off, I could have sworn that I did say that the (Growth) period is unaffected by Duration, but I might have deleted it when I rearranged everything, so I'll add that back. Secondly, the point of the health cost isn't so much to have it act as too large a hindrance, but is to have some synergy with the Second Ability Augment, as well as make it a little bit risky to cast while taking heavy fire (losing half of your maximum health (yes, I realized that "current" is a bit too lenient) while taking fire from high level enemies is generally a bad time). I'm well aware that healing is very easy in this game, especially for melee focused frames and play styles. Thirdly ... yeah. I didn't consider it from that perspective. I was looking at something like Vex Armor, but that has it's own, completely different mechanic. I'll change that too.


    EDIT: The changes have been made. I've tweaked a few things as well, so the numbers might still be terribly unbalanced.

  2. If you have any suggestions to changes to make the kit more balanced, without sacrificing inner-kit synergy.



    Health : 160 (440)

    Shield : 80 (240)

    Armor 220

    Energy 150 (225)

    Sprint Speed 1.2







    Upon killing an enemy with a melee attack, Fenrir regains Health equal to the level of the killed enemy, capping at 30.

    First Ability



    Cost : 0 Energy

    Drain : 6/5/4/3 Energy/s

    Fenrir shifts into a more primitive mindset, forgetting how to utilize shields, operate any and all weaponry or gear, and becomes unable to regain energy from most sources (such as Energy Orbs). In turn, he gains (6/9/12/15)% Damage Reduction, his Sprint Speed is increased by 25%, and he equips his exalted weapon, [Cursed Claws]. Recasting this ability will shift Fenrir back into his more evolved mindset. If Fenrir runs out of energy while this is active, he is stunned for 1 second as the ability is forcefully cancelled, and suffers a 50% movement penalty for (6/5/4/3) seconds.

    Note: This increases his sprint speed to 1.5

    Note: Power Strength and Power Range have no effect on this ability.

    Note: Power Duration has no effect on the Stun Duration nor the Penalty Duration.





    [Cursed Claws] gain (10/20/30/40)% Critical Chance, but the energy drain is doubled.

    Note: This grants an additive bonus, like [Chromatic Blade].


    Exalted Weapon


    Cursed Claws

    Damage = 250  (200 Slash + 45 Puncture + 5 Impact)

    Attack Speed = 1.25

    Critical Chance = 20%

    Critical Multiplier = 2.4x

    Status Chance = 25%

    Range = ((Venka Prime) x 1.25)



    Second Ability


    Blood Frenzy

    Cost : 50 Energy

    Range : 3/6/9/12 meters

    Stun : 2/3/4/5 seconds

    Duration : 11/14/17/20 seconds

    Additional Damage : (8/12/16/20)%

    Attack Speed : (12/16/20/24)% (Melee Attack Speed and Fire Rate)

    Drop Chance : 100%

    Primal Multiplier : x1.5

    Fenrir looses a bone-chilling howl that stuns all enemies within (Range) for (Stun). All allies within (Range) gain (Additional Damage) and (Attack Speed) bonuses for (Duration). Additionally, all enemies killed with stunned have a (Drop Chance) chance to drop a either a health or energy orb upon death. Flesh enemies have a 75% chance to drop a Health orb, and robotic enemies have a 75% chance to drop an Energy orb. While Primal is active, the (Stun), (Duration), and (Range) are increased by (Primal Multiplier).

    Note: Power Strength affects (Additional Damage), (Attack Speed), (Drop Chance), and (Primal Multiplier).

    Note: (Drop Chance) and (Primal Multiplier) are capped at 200% and 3.0x (200% Power Strength)

    Note: (Stun) is not affected by Power Duration





    While [Blood Frenzy] is active, all Health and Energy orbs picked up will increase damage by (3/5/7/9)%, stacking up to ten times.

    Note: This increase is affected by Power Strength.


    Third Ability


    Blood Beast

    Cost : 75 Energy

    Range : 3/6/9/12 meters

    Accumulation : 3/6/9/12 seconds

    Duration : 16/24/32/40 seconds

    Damage Reduction : (12/18/24/30)%

    Healing: 25/50/75/100 Health

    Fenrir shoots a spherical wave of penetrating needle-like hairs imbued with his blood that mark all enemies within (Range) for (Accumulation). If a marked enemy is killed, they will explode into a cloud of blood that will shroud the player for the remainder of (Accumulation). Once (Accumulation) ends, the blood will converge to create a blood wolf that will accompany Fenrir.

    The Blood Wolf will have a health value equal to half of the combined health of all marked enemies used to create it, and will exist for (Duration). While the Blood Wolf exists, Fenrir will take (Damage Reduction) less damage from all sources. If Fenrir takes fatal damage, the Blood Beast will sacrifice itself to negate your death, restoring 50% of your maximum health, and giving you a 2 second invincibility period. This ability can only activate once every 90 seconds.

    When this ability ends, 10% of Blood Wolf's remaining HP will be used to restore Fenrir's health, and he will receive a damage buff equal to that percentage of health restored.

    The Blood Wolf will also pick up Health Orbs that will heal Fenrir, as well as restore (Healing) to the Blood Wolf. Any Health Orb picked up by Blood Wolf is counted as being picked up by Fenrir.

    Note: The health granted to the Blood Wolf is 25% of the maximum HP of a slain enemy (given it's level and enemy type).

    Note: If you recast this whilst the Blood Wolf exists, it will count as a marked enemy and instantly explode, granting 25% of its remaining health to the next Blood Wolf. Doing this will bypass the healing phase.

    Note: The damage reduction is shared to your Kavat or Kubrow, but not your Sentinel.

    Note: Power Strength affects (Damage Reduction) and (Healing), but (Damage Reduction) caps at 75% (250% Power Strength)

    Note: Power Strength does not affect the Health Gain (during (Accumulation)), Damage Buff (After (Duration)), Health Restore (after (Duration)), or Revival Strength (Health Restore upon fatal damage)

    Note: Power Duration does not affect the frequency of fatal-saves or invincibility period.

    Note: With a Power Strength of 250% or higher, Fenrir will have an 86.25% Damage Reduction, if Primal is active alongside the Blood Wolf.




    Blood Pact

    All allies within (15/25/34/45) meters at the end of (Accumulation) will form their own Blood Wolf, but the (Damage Reduction) allies receive is halved, and all Blood Wolves only gain 25% of the health value.

    Note: If recast while an ally with a Blood Wolf is within range, 5% of the Health of each allied Blood Wolf is given to the next (Accumulation).

    Note: If an ally with a Blood Wolf is out of range when this is recast, the Blood Wolf will explode into a cloud of blood, restoring 50% of their maximum HP.


    Fourth Ability


    Wild Growth

    Cost : 100 Energy

    Cost : 50% Maximum Health

    Range : 5/10/15/20 meters

    Speed : (2/4/6/8)%    (Sprint Speed, Reload Speed, and Melee Attack Speed)

    Armor : (2.5/5/7.5/10)%

    Growth : 5 seconds

    Duration : 20/25/30/35 seconds

    Fenrir sacrifices half of his maximum health, granting him and all allies in (Range) increasing (Speed), and (Armor), stacking each second for up to (Growth). While in the (Growth) period, Fenrir regains 5% health each second. Once this period ends, the buffs will remain for (Duration) seconds.

    If recast, any ally affected by Fenrir's Wild Growth will have the buff cancelled, regardless of range.


    Note: Power Strength affects (Speed) and (Armor), but they cap at 200% Power Strength.

    Note: Power Efficiency has no effect on the Health cost

    Note: Power Duration has no effect on (Growth)

    Note: This is a concentrate ability. Concentrating for longer than (Growth) will continue to restore Fenrir's health, but will not improve the buff. This can also be used to ensure that your allies are within range for the buff, as it is applied to Fenrir and teammates at the end of (Growth).




    Constant Growth

    Duration is restored by (0.25/0.5/0.75/1) second(s) for Fenrir and all allies whenever a health orb is picked up by an ally affected by Wild Growth.





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  3. When standing on the Hydron stairs bear the defense target (the three way stairs, and the one that faces the door to a room enemies spawn in), and performing a finisher via the Stinging Thorn stance, I fall through the stairs and get trapped in the tiny "room" for the rest of the mission. The /unstuck command does nothing in this case. I'm not sure if any other finisher causes this other than the "I throw my dagger in your face" one, but it is very annoying.

    Note: This has only happened to me when facing the door while on the middle set of steps (the one closest to it).

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