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Posts posted by Exmortis-EN-

  1. Hello there! I've been playing WF for about a year now and with 800+hs of game... really wanted to join a big community and i am willing to help out with resources and aiding on events, raids, runs, etc.


    So, if you guys have a spot i'd really like to join! (MR 15 btw), and my name is 'verg1lio'

    Invite sent! Welcome. ;)

  2. Just wondering if you have a teamspeak/raidcall? :3

    Yes we do. :)

    Hello i would like to join the clan my IGN is : Antonin64



    Seems like a great clan! A laid back clan is just what I need, I would really like to join. Hope my pretty low mastery rank isn't a problem though :P

    (It's rank 6)



    Hi I would like to join yor clan


    I have been playing warframe since alpha (I'm not saying I'm good or anything but still) and I've never really been in a legit clan but this one seems really nice and I would be grateful to join

    Invites sent guys! Welcome. ;)

    @Zarren: Don't worry, mastery isn't a problem. :)

  3. Hi, I would like to join EN if you 're still recruiting.


    IGN: Smokeythecat



    Hey!! I am looking for a clan, saw your guy's post, and my interest was peaked.  If there is room, I would love to join.  Mastery rank is 9 and am trying to be more consistently on, (a job and college make it kind of hard to be on every day).

    Invites sent guys! Welcome! :)

  4. HI there, I'm a relatively new player looking for a good community to join so I can ask stupid questions, embarass you in front of the cool clans and act as an improptu meatshield on demand. Please drop me a message, at your convenience, if that would be ok.



    Hope there are still slots left for me to join. :O

    IGN: ReccaSan

    ty in advance

    Invites sent you two! Welcome! :)

  5. Hello


    I have recently become community-less and have begun the search for a community to join. Because as I am sure you are aware that playing this game solo gets a little boring very fast. I am typically on most days and don't have much left to do at this point in time and spend much of my time in recruiting chat just doing what ever comes up. I hope to hear from you soon.


    Have a great day


    IGN: Sleepytotem

    We got you covered, invite sent! :)

  6. Hey I looking to join and looking for a teamwork on mission runs and raids. Can I get an invite?


    IGN: JAC_Elite


    Mastery Rank:11

    Invite sent! Welcome! ;)

    Howdy, looking to join active clan to maybe do something besides checking recruiting chat. Could I get an invite?


    IGN: Jupiner


    Invite sent welcome bro!

    Greetings. I started playing this game a week ago, and now I'm looking to join a clan so I can stalk the chat room and judge silently learn from more experienced people, and have an easier time finding groups and that sort of thing. I would be very grateful if I could get an invite.


    My ranking is only 4 (for now), and my in game nickname is Dithanaor.


    Thanks in advance.


    Oh. And great art on the emblems and presentation.

    LOL, thanks! Invite sent! :)

  7. Hey guys Add me up please.... IGN: QAIZ3R



    Heyo! Looking for a clan cuz I'm just getting back into the game a bit too, got space?

    (Get it, space? Cuz Space Ninjas?)

    IGN: Ultimatumcore



    Pretty new to the game, would love to join your clan so I can continue learning and most importantly have fun with a bunch of people!


    IGN: Kamelhard

    Invites sent! Welcome guys! :)

  8. All rounder you say? ;)

    Got you covered:

    This build is perfectly suited to any situation given to you. Efficiency is capped for recasting ease whilst maintaining neutral duration. Good power strength and range is present to further improve Turbulence and Tornado.


  9. Here are the builds I use:

    General crit + channeling build, Molten Impact can be changed to a different element if you so wish:

    General crit build, Molten Impact and Buzzkill can be replaced with 2 diff elements depending on the faction you're up against. You can also equip Jagged Edge If you don't have Buzzkill:

    These builds are amazing against Infested and also against Grineer if you're running a x4 Corrosive Projection squad.

    Hope it helps! If you have any more questions, ask away. I'll answer it to the best of my knowledge.

  10. Since the Bo Prime is mostly Impact damage, I only ever use it against the Corpus. Here's are very decent builds that won't let you down, each with their own specific usage.

    Here's a fairly general build, it's the one I use the most and has good channeling:

    If you're heavily into huge channeling damage, I'll recommend this:


    On the other hand if you prefer going with crits, go with this build:

    Hope it helps man! If you have any more questions feel free to ask.

  11. Try doing challenge runs with your clanmates and friends. I usually go with a few of my experienced clan mates and plan for a specific team/loadout and go for hours on certain difficult survival nodes/tilesets. If you still find it dull go for a handicapped survival run.

    The hilarity ensues once you go for over an hour plus and the game feels like the 9th circle of hell while your friends are panicking and screaming over voice chat. LOL

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