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Posts posted by lightdragon64

  1. I was always under the assumption that Valkyr umbra would take on a more gersemi look.

    Would make sense, the original just being a melee freak that is tortured and turned into the prime model by the orokin, then the gersemi being an attempt to re-create the umbra only for Alad to repeat history and torture her into what we know now.


    But that's just my headcannon/theory.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Driearms said:

    It doesn't take a bit of work, it takes a lot of waiting, most of warframe players are not interested either in focus farm or the rewards just because of how frustratig it is to get a squad in recruit chat. If you're telling me that you found a quick ESO squad on recruit chat, you're either very lucky or you're lying.

    If you don't like waiting then just join a public game and deal with it. It's not like it's one of the most played game types out there. And playing it isn't so hard either if you have the right build.

  3. 1 hour ago, Emperrier said:


    Once again, all these issues are easily solvable with a quick visit to recruit chat and a little effort instead of complaining what random people do in a public game.

    Some people want to xp farm, some want to focus farm. Some want to farm wave rewards.

    A simple visit to recruit chat suddenly allows you to find people with similar interests, try it sometime.

    • Like 2
  4. Perhaps (and hear me out here) you should consider the fact that before ESO people were just going to specific modes to do ultra fast xp grinding. This resulted in a lot of nerfs like mag's greedy pull being made clientside only, which was much to the ire of many in the community.


    Then consider the fact that the only things enemies drop in ESO are xp and ammo, with a bonus every wave... if that doesn't sound like DE is trying to give people an effective place to get xp, then I don't know what is.


    Next time, consider using recruit chat instead of complaining that randoms can't read your mind. Not everybody who joins a public game is gonna want to go to wave 8, in fact it's uncommon...

    • Like 2
  5. I like the idea of dealing with AFK players in manners like this. However, if this is the case he shouldn't drop rewards if killed because it's a sure fire way of spawning him.

    But I disagree with not allowing players to respawn, sometimes things happen in the middle of the game and players may need to afk for a moment. It shouldn't cost a revive at all imo.

  6. 9/10 times that I try to join a railjack mission, I'll see that it says something like "8 squads open" but when I try to join it will almost always pop up with the message saying that there are no open squads, and to launch from the dry dock to play the mission.

    DE, please... can we either fix this, or just have the thing wait until a squad does open up? It's really annoying, especially when It clearly says how many squads are apparently "open"

  7. Mandatory mods, in my honest opinion, need to go.

    What I mean by mandatory, is that they're mods that go on every build, no matter what you're trying to create, or trying to do.

    For instance, odds are that literally everybody has serration and split chamber on every gun in their arsenal, as well as health and shield mods on all their warframes/pets/sentinels.


    The issue that arises, in my honest opinion, is that there are a ton of unique and interesting mods available for weapons and warframes that don't get used simply because they aren't considered useful or useful enough. For instance, I think that equilibrium is a really cool mod that provides some useful assistance in most missions, however when I go to build my warframes I never even consider installing it because there's already a lot of mods that are more useful, and shouldn't be left out of any build because it would severely cripple your survivability in game.

    Let me give you an example.

    There are 10 mod slots on every warframe, but no matter what warframe I choose there's a 90% chance that I'll be using a similar load out on literally every single warframe no matter what it is. There might be some variation, but overall there's always a few mods that demand to be used unless I wish to hinder my own effectiveness in the game.

    With every warframe I have, these are mods that always get installed, no matter what warframe I choose (excluding Nidus and Inaros)

    (Primed) Flow
    (Primed) Vigor
    (Primed) Continuity
    Steel Fiber

    See the problem yet?

    That's 7 of the 10 mod slots taken up by mods that (in my honest opinion) are 100% necessary for every build I make, no matter how slight the deviation.
    That leaves me with 3 slots to give my build some variation (technically 1 slot, because the other two slots are an aura slot and an exilus slot.)

    The problem is, that there's a ton of mods available that offer some interesting change ups to the way you play the game that are ignored because there's no room for them.

    Provoked, master thief, Equilibrium, fleeting expertise, reflex guard, and constitution are all mods that I think are useful, and honestly change up the game in really fun ways. However, I never use them because I simply don't have anywhere to put them.

    the same goes for weapons in game too. There's no such thing as a build (in my arsenal) that doesn't have the following mods:

    An elemental mod or two (heat, toxin, cold, electricity)
    mutli-shot mods (split chamber, vigilante armaments)

    and god forbid that you want to make a critical build, because that means having to add another four or so mods to your weapons just to help make the critical chance more effective.

    That essentially leaves all my weapon builds with no variation...

    One of the most fun things that i like to do occasionally is to load up a weapon with none of the mods above, and instead throw on things like fire rate or reload speed. However, with a load out like this the only enemies that I'll be able to kill effectively would be extremely low level (maybe a maximum of level 20 to 30) it really makes the game more fun to play if you give your weapons more specific usability, such as punch through or illegally high fire rates.


    Can we please just find a way to automatically integrate all of these mods (at max rank) into all weapons and warframes? It's just becoming a nuscance in all honestly, and I think it would be a nice change of pace if we could at least add a bit more variation to the way we play. I think it would also do a good job helping out new players too, so that way the mods they find can be used to change up the way they play rather than being required in order to progress forward.


    TLDR: Mandatory mods are horrible, and take up too many slots across all builds, killing most variation, they need to go by being automatically integrated into warframes/weapons/pets/sentinels. Allowing players to make more varied (and fun) builds.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Zahnny said:

    Make it so the Captain can manually shove other players off of the Pilot seat.

    That's all you'd need to do.

    I like the idea, but I think it might invoke some toxicity. I imagine some guy who's being purposefully horrible (not shooting anything, slamming the ship into things, ect.) and he gets off for a moment for some reason, next comes a player who just wants to play the mission that takes over piloting, in comes the captain that forces them out of the pilot seat and continues to troll.


    As for OP, I think a better idea would be if people could choose a certain "role" for the gamemode and have an icon floating over their head (that can only be seen by other players) indicating what that role is. However, they should still be granted full access to the ship including piloting it.

  9. Kuva Litches as a whole need to be expanded on.

    The simple matter of the fact is that all you really need to do with them is avoid them until you've killed approximately a billion of their followers so you can guess what order to put your 3 vaguely shaped requiems into. Not exactly the vast and expansive system a lot of people were expecting. however, i do hope they improve it, i loved the nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor (and even more so in Shadow of War), All DE really needs to do is expand on it and make it both more complicated, and add in QoL features such as ways to drive off the litch.

  10. I absolutely love the new kuva litch system. However, as is, I don't personally think they're tough enough, and here's a few reason's why.


    I think that, as is, the kuva litches are a large threat, but that's only because when you initially get them you can't kill them. The fact that everything is tied down to a matter of having 3 requiems in the correct order is fine and good, but i think there should be a bit more to how you interact with them, and how they interact with you.

    First off, the plain and simple of this system is that it basically tells the player to avoid their kuva litch until they have all 3 requiems known before they attempt to kill them. Essentially, this means we could keep the kuva litch at a power level of 1 until such time as we attempt to go after them. In my opinion, there should be ways to drive off the kuva litch without attempting to kill it, and failure conditions that can be met if the player refuses to engage them.

    Kuva litches need to be more aggressive, and what i mean by that is that they should attack the player and when they manage to get them into a bleed out state they should do one of their executions like when you attempt to do a requiem mercy and fail (and even add abilities to where some kuva litches can execute the player even if not in a bleed out state) There should also be conditions that the player can find out about the kuva litches to add more challenges, for instance, they should have the capability to be totally immune to either melee damage, or primary/secondary weapon damage (either primary/secondary/melee weapons in general, or to specific types of weapons such as sniper rifles or swords), adapt to the damage the player does like a sentient can, and even possibly immune to a specific type of damage such as slash or radiation (however, these options are chosen randomly, and can sometimes have multiple immunities, or a single one). However, in order to find out these things, they need to be engaged by the player directly. There should also be a chance that the kuva litch is incredibly weak to a specific type of damage, such as fire, or cold, or weak to something like melee or shotguns (however, direct weaknesses should be rare).

    If a player goes out of their way to avoid the kuva litch, they should gain strength (possibly more than if they fight the kuva litch and lose), giving players a reason to engage them when they show up. As such, there should also be a way that we can drive off the kuva litches to either weaken their strength level, or keep it the same (one or the other, I'm not particular). For instance, say a kuva litch shows up, and you've figured out by fighting them (or by killing their minions) that they're weak to toxin damage. You keep a toxic pistol on your person just in case, and when the kuva litch shows up, you use the toxin damage in order to drastically weaken them, and then once they've been hit to a certain threshold by their weakness, they flee. However, if no weakness exists/is discovered there should just be a damage threshold that the kuva litch needs to pass before they decide that "this isn't worth their time" and they flee (These thresholds increace with each level of strength they gain).

    This should all lead up to where you eventually discover all their requiems, what they're immune to, and weaknesses (once again, weaknesses should be rare). Then, the kuva litch will appear in the assassination mission of whatever respective sector they've taken over. In the assassination mission, they will not flee, and you have to hope that you have the requiems in the correct order. And the option to either vanquish or recruit them remains the same.

    However, when outside the assassination mission, I personally think that when you discover requiems, and use a correct one on the kuva litch there should be a 33/66/98% (not particular about the %) chance they will flee to avoid being killed with each respective use of the correct requiem (but has a small chance of allowing you to kill them in a normal mission), making it to where the player will want to face them in their respective assassination mission (which once again, only appears after you've discovered all the requiems). Failed assassination attempts (where the kuva litch flees) outside the actual assassination mission should probably have a small chance of increasing the kuva litch's power level too (probably a 10% chance, or less).

    The kuva litches that you've recruited, should be vulnerable to attacks by kuva litches you're hunting. And these particular missions where this can happen should appear as special missions on the map. If the kuva litch your hunting kills your recruited one, they should gain significant strength. If your kuva litch manages to drive the other off, they gain significant strength.

    Side note: I also personally think there should be more than one active kuva litch at a time. I think it would be really cool if you could have up to 3 kuva litches that you'd need to hunt down at any given time, and they can either work with one another to fight you, or compete with one another to destroy you (Depending on how much they hate you, and how many times you've used their weaknesses against them.) And sometimes when fighting one kuva litch, another will appear to either kill you for themselves, or assist the other. When they show up to steal the kill, they'll either drive off the other kuva litch, or incapacitate them (in the instance one kuva litch is much stronger than the other) and when they  work together they fight side by side.


    Essentially, I want a strong love/hate relationship with these guys. And the simple truth of the matter is that If i wanted i could just avoid them until I'm ready to kill them, which isn't all that difficult. I want these things to be my mortal enemy, and as such they should go out of their way to really make it a struggle to choose whether or not I should kill them or not when I finally fight my way through an uphill battle and get them to the point where I can make that choice.

    • Like 2
  11. Title:

    Just a weird bug i discovered. When you use Grendel's 4th ability, pulverize, and roll into the water to start the underwater arcwing mode you get stuck. Essentially, i think the game doesn't regester that you went into a different mode, and at the same time prevents you from getting out of pulverize mode, even if you run out of energy. And because Pulverize makes you constantly stick to the ground, you get stuck at the bottom of whatever sharkwing area you're in.

  12. 15 hours ago, Firetempest said:

    Its been confirmed on Reddit that fps is affecting lantern drain.

    The lower it's set, the slower it will drain. Between 30 and 60+ fps can be the difference of ~10 seconds of lantern life. Making the last few minutes very hectic for some if they are playing at uncapped rates.


    3 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

    what he said. to make it even easier bring ex or inaros to stun people and open them for execution.

    So i did exactly this, got to 15 minutes, and was just glad to be done.

    Don't know why it was easier solo, and certainly don't have a clue why the lantern would drain slower at 30 fps...

    This is why I love this community. (That is when trolls don't go around adding nothing to the conversation like "git gud.")

    Thank you.

  13. 15 minutes didn't seem that difficult at first, when I was playing through the previous 3 parts of the event. in fact, they were pretty easy, and gave me the false impression that the endurance mode would be just as easy.


    I was wrong, i was so wrong.


    DE, listen, there's a fine line between something being difficult, and just plain horrible to play. This event, if anything, is horrible (or at least the endurance part of it is). I love the concept of the event, I really do. The challenge of having to keep a lantern lit by killing enemies in a radius that's shrinking certainly makes for some interesting deviation in my current builds. however, this is an event that would be so much better if i was allowed to use literally any warframe with useful crowd control abilities. The fact that you made rag dolled enemies invincible, in my opinion, is a horrible choice, as it's made 100% of the viable warframes for this mission useless. I've tried to play this event almost twenty times now, and through a combination of failures from randoms who don't understand what they're doing, and combinations of warframes that either don't work or aren't efficient enough, have lead to me nearly ripping my hair out.

    Is there any logical reason for the event being as stupidly difficult to finish as it is? if not, can you at least make it possible to un-nerf crowd control abilities? I get that you want players to be challenged... but this isn't challenging, it's just plain stressful and makes me not want to play the game at all.


  14. I'm mostly annoyed by Nightwave because it had all these rewards, and i have little time to play games anymore. I'm currently sitting at rank 8, and now i've been made aware that season 2 is coming up... and i'm honestly pissed, i thought it would last longer than this.

    I mainly want the mods and the forma, but i'd at least like to get my hands on all the customization stuff, but now I'll be locked out of it until who knows when? it doesn't help that an actual weapon (the wolf hammer) is locked behind a grind that may or may not exist after season 1 is done. (not to mention, that despite me almost constantly trying to get the wolf to spawn for me when i did have some time to play, he absolutely refused. I never saw him, not even once.)

    Personally, i just felt that the grind was too much for how little time i have to play, and the rewards for doing so were underwhelming to boot. There needs to be some serious improvements to season 2, and hopefully the ability to get season 1 rewards will pop up quickly... I'm still upset at how little time it felt like season 1 lasted.


    Essentially, the system needs less grind, and better rewards. also, they need less of the "do a thing with friends or clan mates" BS, because most people don't want to do that, i'm certain. I swear, that more than half of the 5000pt challenges were something that required a friend or clan mate to complete.

  15. 13 hours ago, Deshiel said:

    I only fought the exploiter like 10 times bro and got both freezing and shocking step from it. The ratio is not THAT bad.


    Then, based on the information given by everybody else here, and my own experience, you're very lucky.

    The amount of times you do it dosen't matter, if RNG works in your favor then that's that.

    It's like saying. "Oh i only opened two lootboxes and got four legendary skins!" Meanwhile, there'll be people who opened 50-100 lootboxes and only got common items/rare items. Ratios don't mean anything.


    I'm not saying this to discredit you, but i mean that it shouldn't be so stupidly difficult to get such a unique item if it's entirely dependent on RNG. There should be other systems in place to at least allow people an alternate, guaranteed way, of getting these items such as trading or purchasing through factions.

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