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Posts posted by lightdragon64

  1. So this is simple, i enabled SLI because i got a second GPU for the hell of it. Only now, every time i try to login it crashes the instant after i type in my password.


    Is anybody else having an issue like this?

    UPDATE: I updated my graphics drivers and the issue resolved itself. Leaving this up in case somebody else is having this issue.

  2. So i don't know if this belongs in 'missions' or not but whatever.

    When you invite or get invited to somebodie's orbiter you'll be subjected to a bit of a buggy experience.

    First the ramp to get lower is just missing, second you can't go through any doors in the lower orbiter.

    I also experienced a bit of a fps drop before i crashed trying to get into a room fruitlessly.

  3. 9 hours ago, Dante102 said:

    Sounds like a launcher theme that played with eso arrival.

    Interesting, i did forget about that. But i didn't really assume it was a full song, but rather an sound snippet with no real purpose other than to notify you that the game was up to date.

  4. So i was playing some Elite Sanctuary Onslaught while downloading some other games. other than the lag i expected while downloading other games i also noticed at first that there was no music. however, after a long while (i'd say probably 3-4 minutes) a strange audio track started playing that almost sounds like one people would use either when trying to induce sleep, or the kind of track you'd hear in a hypnosis video.

    It's interesting, but i'm uncertain if this track was meant to be heard but overall i thought it was quite cool and would make for a good ship music if it is supposed to be there.

    I edited the song a bit to get rid of moments where there was total silence, so you might notice a part or two that seems to jump or skip a bit. There was noting i could do to avoid this due to the way the audio played, but overall it sounds interesting.



    Sorry if this has either been listed in patch notes or posted before, i don't browse the forms that often anymore and don't play the game as nearly as much as i used to. I'm not up to date on everything anymore.


  5. I go on ayatan treasure hunts every week just like everybody else, but i feel that pretty much every week without fail much like the ayatan being guaranteed in the mission there will also be some random guy sitting right next to Maroo with their trade at the ready. Now normally this wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that every time i go to the bazaar that i want to actually talk to Maroo and very rarely go there to see what people are trading. However when i go to talk to Maroo i'll press X and then get a trade window popped up instead of her...


    This happens because (and i'm certain it's done on purpose) people will start their trading directly next to her...  It is one of the most annoying things i have to deal with on a weekly basis.

    All i'm asking for is that something is done to stop people from trading directly next to Maroo. For instance there could be a small radius around Maroo (say like 3ish meters) that is an exclusion zone for trades, and anybody who tries to open shop or walk into that radius will either be denied the ability to trade or have their shop closed until they step outside the radius.

    I don't think it would be that hard to manage, and it would make going to the bazaar nicer. Especially when i get these trade prompts and immediately close out of them only to have the person who was ignorantly standing next to Maroo get all salty that i didn't want to trade with them but actually wanted to talk to Maroo.


    Seriously it is just annoying to have to deal with this on a weekly basis. Can this please be changed?

  6. 21 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

    do people still not know how to set the game to invite/friends/solo?

    Most people don't like to play this game solo and some might not even have friends they can play with regularly. Besides, i bet if you look at the stats you would probably see that a large majority of games are public.


    As for what OP said, i think the best way to deal with leeches is to have the game detect exactly how far away somebody was from an objective and what they were doing when the objective was active. If you were nowhere near the objective and not actively going toward it i don't think you should get any rewards from it. And as for the possibility of somebody finishing an objective before somebody can reach it it should simply detect if that person was actively trying to reach the objective (I have been in lobbies with both slow players and leeches. Leeches to me are way more obvious to spot and detect than players who are simply slow, because at least a slow player will be contributing as best they can while leeches sometimes try their best to actively avoid contributing anything to the game.)

  7. On 2018-07-08 at 4:34 AM, Stormandreas said:

    We shouldn't be having to transfer our accounts anymore.

    DE should be hopping on that Cross Platform band wagon between PC, Xbox and Switch. I don't care if the updates are slower, I WANT TO PLAY WITH MY FRIENDS!!!!!

    I couldn't agree more. The bigger the community the better IMO.

    However what i think is more likely to happen is that we will have an account that transfers between the platforms but dosen't have cross play (except between xbox and switch) Due to how PC is treated as a guinea pig for testing and fixing before the refined fix is sent to consoles due to how it costs money to send things through cert (I honestly don't know why they don't just allow developers to update their games without charging them... but whatever)

  8. With the sacrifice coming out and *certain* new mods requiring a lot of endo to level up i was wondering where people go to reliably get a lot of endo. (personally i think that DE should add a place to reliably farm for the stuff like how you can use the index for credits, and sanctuary for xp/focus) I have done the rathuum arenas on sedna but the problem is that the most i have gotten in one mission is 1260 endo in one sitting. I can't rely on it for good endo farming. I am aware of selling all my mods (done) upgrading and selling ayatan (done) but i don't have any other options i want to go for.


    so any ideas? i would appreciate the advice seeing as how it has been a long time since the last time i farmed.

  9. Well the best thing that can be done is contacting support, they can either be really quick or slow depending on ticket overflow. As for the platinum vanishing it could be possible that your credit card company declined the payment or something similar causing the funds to vanish and your platinum being taken back (unpaid platinum gets automatically deducted)  however i can't say for certain seeing as how i know nothing of your account details.

  10. 16 minutes ago, JuicyButthurt said:

    cough Helios cough pre-retcon Braton cough Lore is an incomprehensible mess cough

    actually sentinels are questionable considering they could come from sentients.

  11. I think the only way this can be viable as a frame is if they improve shields. I have seen plenty of instances where shields are wiped in a single shot from some enemies. Health based frames seem to have viability to them considering armor is a big factor while shields don't care too much about armor. 

    Not saying it is a bad idea, but i just don't think it will work unless shields as a whole are reworked.

  12. the only way to apply is to wait for a DE staff member ([DE]Danielle) to post about applications being accepted. It has been a long time since the last chance to apply, so my guess is that they are currently not looking for people.

    also, if you are looking to sign up it seems that they prefer to accept those who not only have ease with the community and experience in the game, but also those who can speak multiple languages.


    Edit: Also if i might add honestly, it would probably be best if DE just scraps the whole "guides of the lotus" program. they are no more special than any other player who can provide assistance for new players. Not only that, but the group as a whole is pretty much a joke. It has serious issues where most of them are useless and/or unhelpful to new players and only got into the program so they could have the badge and exclusive armor set that comes with being in the program. some of them act as elitists who think they are better than everybody just because they are among a group of other players who think they know better than everybody else when truthfully that is a bunch of cr*p. 

    So IMO @(XB1)Demons Remedy it would be better if you just kept up what you are currently doing, not being a guide doesn't stop you from being helpful to the community.

  13. 2 minutes ago, CheezThePimp said:

    Its been there since the release of the plains.

    Its a sentient carrier ship or a sentient

    Yep, now here is something i'd like to note.

    All sentients are a part or piece of hunhow (sentient carrier ships i can assume are just bigger sentients).

    if that thing is just a piece of hunhow and it is that big then how big is hunhow? either way, i look forward to fighting him eventually probably 3-10 years from now.

  14. Well (assuming you mean Australia by AU) the prices might not at all be in DE's control considering that Australia taxes the hell out of games. Second all their donation's go to charity, and xbox (and playstation) take a cut of any transaction that goes through them. If DE want's the amount donated to be the same regardless of what platform it goes through they will need to raise the price so that the cut that Microsoft or Playstation takes dosen't impact the total donation.

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