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Posts posted by Athros

  1. Here we go...


    It is.. why would u care if someone farms focus afk when he gets 500 focus points in more than 1 hour?


    Because it was automated? As I stated many times before, included even in the post you quoted?


    There's one balancing aspect though. Sentinels and Kubrows can die and you'll no longer get that XP. So yeah, they are kinda automated (although in my opinion it's no more automation than sitting on Draco, pressing 4), but you can't really control their deaths either (especially Sentinels, since one random AoE attack can kill them instantly, Kubrows are more durable though, but they require more upkeep), so they are pretty unstable source of Focus income.


    Yeah, they were killable easily, especially for mid to late game.


    But there's a very big loophole in that matter; in low to mid level maps, where the enemies still have to struggle a bit to kill Companions while the Companion itself was able to decimate multiple enemies on their own. You can just hop on a low to mid level, semi-endless (where the spawn is not limited as Exterm, and still be able to spawn more enemies to a certain progress) maps where the enemies just waiting in line to be sacrificed.


    right and  i disagree with your opinion end of story.  if you have your kubrow on you you earn it by having it with you. so by your logic by killing enemies with with your primary your secondary shouldn't get any exp at all what so ever if you don't use it.


    If you want to go to the technical side...


    Uhh, no. Affinity earned by Companion is different from what your frame and your weapon earned.


    I'm just gonna copy it from the wikia (Don't protest with 'wikia is no good, since anyone can edit it anyway' argument). Let's restrict it to affinity gained by killing an enemy, either through ability or weapon, and affinity earned through cell shared affinity on other Tennos kill to make it much more consistent with the topic.



    Warframes and weapons gain Affinity for several types of actions, detailed below. Unless specified otherwise, all Affinity gained uses the same split: 25% of the amount goes to your Warframe and 75% of the amount is divided evenly among all equipped weapons (25% each for three, 37.5% each for two, or the full 75% if only one is equipped).

    • Kill an enemy. Each enemy grants a specific amount of Affinity. If killed with a Warframe ability, all of the Affinity goes to the Warframe. If killed with a weapon, half goes to the Warframe and half to the killing weapon
    • Be near an allied Tenno when they kill an enemy. When within 50 meters of an ally when they kill an enemy, you gain the same total Affinity, split according to your own weaponry. This doesn't reduce the Affinity gained by the killing player, and doesn't reduce the Affinity gained by other nearby allies. This does not apply to Archwing and the Interception mode; they have much larger ranges for shared affinity.
    • Use a Warframe ability. Affinity equal to the base energy cost, in most cases
      • As Update 15.8, it is still bugged. User sometimes gains no affinity from ability use.

    Companion Affinity

    Companions gain their own Affinity, similar to Tenno.

    • The Companion kills an enemy. Total Affinity upon kills is equal to that gained by Tenno. The owner of the Companion gains no Affinity.
      • Kills with its weapon. 50% Affinity is split between the Companion and its weapon.
      • Kills with an ability. 100% Affinity to the Companion.
    • The Companion uses an ability. Amount varies by ability.[investigation needed] 100% goes to the Companion.
    • A nearby Tenno, but not the Companion's owner, kills an enemy. Affinity gained by the Companion does not detract from that gained by its owner.
      • 50% Affinity is split between the Companion and its weapon.
      • 100% Affinity to the Companion in the absence of a weapon.


    Note: Here you can see that using you primary to kill an enemy is indeed do not contribute affinity to your secondary. It was your cellmate kills that gives your secondary its affinity. Sorry, but about what you stated; yes, your secondary does not get even a single point of affinity from your own primary kills.


    And for shared affinity, let's use a simple lore logic (as much as DE hates to use them in the gameplay with the current wonky state of lore) : Please remember that the operator is essentially inside the Warframe. The affinity gained by Warframe through any means is also affect's Operator's, which is the Focus affinity.


    Now let's moved to the Companion itself. There are no indication that the affinity gained by the Companion would affect your Warframe. Even if the shared affinity, shared by other Tenno in your cell affects your Companion, the affinity gained by your Companion doesn't increase your Warframe. At all.


    So tell me, why do the affinity gained by the Companion needs to be converted into Focus affinity for your Operator (in case Lens could be installed to your Companions) if all the affinity earned by the Companions not even get shared with your Warframe, or basically the Operator itself?


    Sorry for the semi-harsh tone, I have a bad sleep posture last night and my neck hurts like hell...

  2. All I know is I want to put a lens on my kubrow , I know it won't rake in a lot of focus ... But I want it reguardless


    It's a predicted fact that it won't rake in focus in such a favorable amount, but it was still automated / collects by itself. It's just like deploying an extractor that extracts focus affinity, as long as you bring it on your mission.


    All I stated is, I can see that this little logic reasoning would be DE's reason to not to implement it. You need other reason and system to make it viable in DE's eyes, and it's not just 'because most people wanted it'.


    Frankly though, to find another good reason to make it happen is much harder than simply not implementing it, since autonomous operation is the essential core of companion system.

  3. No , anything the can accumulate affinity XP and levels up should be able to use a lens and collect focus after it hits 30


    It seems indeed that I'm the only one who sees the rare opinion that everything that can accumulate affinty XP and levels up within your control / action should be the ones that be able to use a lens and collect focus after it hits 30.

  4. The way my kubrow would collect those focus points is the same way my frame and weapons do ... By what it kills.


    Unless you forgot the fact that your frame and your weapons didn't do it automatically without your input, like what companions do, then please don't use that kind of argument.


    Aaaand that's the 4th.


    Listen guys, the only reason I objected of this feature is that you have no direct contribution for this focus affinity earning whatsoever except just to bring your lens-equipped companion on any mission. The rest is like what I had already stated many times before.

  5. i disagree they should be able to do it. its not broken effective you make it sound like adding it on will immediately give you twice the affinity or something.


    I already stated many times (not exactly though, just three times) that by putting Lens on companion, it collects (not earn) affinity automatically because of its semi-autonomus operation. Regardless the amount of affinity they'll get.


    The amount of affinity they collect isn't justifying the way they collect it.

  6. It's a nice option to have, although it could conflicted with the reintroduced, ill-designed charge attack on melee mode.


    A little OOT; Funnily though, I have an opposite case of yours. I oftenly wants to do a slam attack, but ended up doing normal slice.

  7. 1.) I can see how well these tileset would be, but for a real, living civilian to be in the middle all of it? Since we are a basically a cyber ninja from wherever you looked at it, I don't think sending us into a living, urban situation would be wise.


    2. & 3.) YES! YES!

  8. Equipping it on Warframe basically does the same, you just kill with whatever, and half of the XP goes to your warframe. Kubrows are the same, as I'm pretty sure they only earn half of XP for themselves.


    The difference is you directly use the Warframe, even if you just killing things with your weapons. Attaching lens to companions would simply made it like another focus farming weapon that work by itself. As I already stated twice, it's not about the effectivity, the amount of affinity earned, or anything related to that.


    I don't against this idea, but the idea of auto-farming (okay, semi-auto farming) slightly upsets me.



    It would only be worth it if you had to install 2 of them and the kubrow suddenly started wearing glasses :P


    I like your way of thinking ; )

  9. I think you need to consider exactly how effective this would be compared to putting it on your own frame etc. 


    Also it's still nothing like bot farming either way. we would have to not be at the keyboard, using an external program, etc.


    I don't know about sents, but kubrow would not be a super effective way to farm focus and should be absolutely fine.


    As I already stated;


    It's not about effectivity. It's about the way you can get the affinity.

  10. I've never seen Kubrow being used as effective Syndicate farming, Focus isn't that much different, so why Kubrows would suddenly become easy farming tools?


    Focus farming currently dictates you to use directly the weapon/frame that installed with the lens.


    If focus lens on companion is a thing, you didn't even need to get focused on (get it?) it to get affinity for focus. Just bring it everywhere, and those affinity will piled up automatically. Come on, it is precisely like a bot farming. Especially if you put it on Sentinels.


    It's not about effectivity. It's about the way you can get the affinity.

  11. Dota, Skyrim and other singleplayer games I wont ever finish, I guess.


    Get rid of multishot mods and go for more damage per bullet


    ...what? Removing multishot is not exactly advised for the current system though. And don't mention the rumor of the new multishot system that hasn't even confrimed yet. For now, multishot has nothing to do with ammo economy.


    Depends on the primary, more damage per bullet isn't necessarily better. More projectiles means more crits and procs. Besides, with at least +90% multishot, you'll get double the base damage.


    Back again, depends on the primary weapon itself.


    And for the topic; None. I manage multiple games just fine.

  12. So i have the regular flow mod and it boost my energy max from 150 to 300. And prime flow gives 275% i did the math an saw it would give me a max energy of about 865. I wanna buy it but it costs an arm an a leg so i was wondering is 300 energy enough for endgame when i get there for raids an such an if not should i buy the prime version . Ps: that 1 million trade tax is ridiculous i mean my lord.


    Err, actually, if you have a max energy of 150, that means you have base energy of 100. And that means with Primed Flow, you'll only get max 425 energy at rank 30. Not 865.


    Also, wait for Baro. Unless you really desperate for it for some reasons.

  13. Yet his 'alternate to gun play' really isn't a thing as of yet

    Volt needs to be a full on caster - the above rework would make it so


    That 'alternate to gun play' argument needs to go; admit it, all of his abilities aren't suited for an alternative to gun play. They are designed to be complements and augments weapon play. He is a gunmage, not a caster.


    If you want to made him a full on caster, go ahead. But simply just changing his Overload into something else won't changed the fact above. You need to completely rework him if you want to made him a caster with 'alternate to gun play' features.


    I disagree, perhaps I didn't make it clear, but the point was a very high energy use, cc ability, and since volt prime has the highest energy pool, and he is more of a buffer, helping his team rather than just being fodder, I think it fits quite well


    The only problem with your idea is that while it was slightly synergic, it just needs something else.


    - Shooting lightning?. Well, Shock already does that, so it's kinda redundant, even though it was continuous.

    - Double energy usage on other ability? Bad idea. Remember, Volt has his normal version, which is frankly doesn't really have that kind of high energy enough.

    - The double strength/range/duration is nice, but could potentially be broken as hell.

    - The AoE electric afterblast is nice, but simply needs another thing to make it scales better. Don't make it just a nuke. Maybe an electrical damage buff to other players?

  14. I'm aware of this, which is why i originally didn't consider it a Orokin weapon, especially since the design is completely alien to one another.



    It's still undoubtedly a weapon. even if it's made out of Orokin* bones


    War is not made of Orokins' bones. It made from Sentients' bones. That's why it can house Hunhow's mind.


    Orokin is just an advanced human race. I kinda wanted to see a human with bones as big as War, though...

  15. Uh, no. For many obvious reasons.


    If we simply ignore the symbolic, figurative social wedge (IDK what the hell am I talking with these words :q) shaped by this, 'feature', and look at the miniscule bright side (which is I honestly don't believe even exist in the first place)...

    It'll just clutters the UI. It has no point at all but a bragging material, which is useless.

  16. In the previous Tennogen contests they released them through the in game market and they didn't use the workshop, so you could buy them with plat. 


    Yes, they released it within the market, but only with cash. I mean real dough, not plat. It links you straight to Steam Store.


    The only Tennogen items that buyable with plat is the first series, the one with Zoren skins.

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