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Posts posted by GreyEnneract

  1. 4 hours ago, GreyEnneract said:

    I said it before and I'll say it again.
    If the ability is going to stay named as Miasma, it needs to actually be a cloud of Miasma that lingers.
    Then you wouldn't need to swap the procs, even though I don't understand the reasoning in the first place.
    If not then the ability needs to be renamed.
    As a side-note, there's no need to fear Infinite damage scaling.
    It's technically already in the game, and enemies have infinitely scaling EHP to counteract it after all.

    Posting this after the changes were shown in action.
    Wanted to assert again that my thoughts remain the same.

    Also to add that Miasma's base range is too low if you plan on (still) not making it into a lingering cloud.
    Spore's damage and scaling ramp up look good, hopefully it's not nerfed pre-emptively.

    Molt still seems useless without its augment, as it doesn't force enemy aggro to it.
    Making it a weak escape tool still even with the speed boost, Reb almost died multiple times in a simple Mot run.
    Maybe have popped Spores heal Saryn a bit? Just a suggestion. 
    Since currently you're trying to make her a tank caster more clearly, but her only way to heal is through an augment.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, Patzer said:


    Spore currently instantly half-healths the entire map.
    Miasma can't even come close with it's puny 15m range.
    Miasma also doesn't linger around (still) for enemies that weren't hit.
    Not to mention the higher cast cost and lower duration.
    This entire rework being better relies on the new Spore damage ramp up being insanely quick.

  3. I said it before and I'll say it again.
    If the ability is going to stay named as Miasma, it needs to actually be a cloud of Miasma that lingers.
    Then you wouldn't need to swap the procs, even though I don't understand the reasoning in the first place.
    If not then the ability needs to be renamed.
    As a side-note, there's no need to fear Infinite damage scaling.
    It's technically already in the game, and enemies have infinitely scaling EHP to counteract it after all.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    And yet you need to repeat what I said yet another time without the full context?

    You are very confused, and slightly P.A.

    8 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Now dont get me wrong, I love the long scythes... in fantasy games where it kinda can feel appropriate (gods know I loved my sylvan valewalker). But the whole idea of a scythe feels so far fetched in a modern setting and even more so in a sci-fi futuristic setting.

    It's fine to hold that opinion, despite the fact that almost every melee in the game shows that it holds no water.
    Disagreement is fine though, and I thank you for the thread bump :^)

  5. 11 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Farming scythes as weapons are just stupid
    There is really no practical use in their design that makes them viable as a weapon. You'd be better of with a stick since it doesnt have a pointless blad that might get stuck in things or cause the weapon weight to be unevenly distributed for combat purposes.

    Literally everyone knows this already.
    Even before the previous people in this thread posted the exact same thing as you, we knew.
    It's a moot point for games and it always will be.

  6. 13 hours ago, Pizzarugi said:

    The game may not recognize it as such, but we do have scythes that actually look and function like they should.

    Everything else is a sickle.

    Well as stated before, you're more likely to stab yourself with this thing (or hang your clothes on it).
    The handle length is only technically on point because they had to give the strike itself a handle on top of the actual grip.
    While the blade's angle is once again: a meme, the height/width is too small, and the blade is a bit short.
    That's why I said earlier that the only thing that's close enough is the Kaszas, before and after the Dokrahm was added.
    As a side note, Scythe usage in every other medium usually doesn't have them spamming slams into the ground like with the in-game heavy blade stances.
    I will say they got the range stat to be on-point though. Roughly 9 meters is nice.

  7. On 2018-04-30 at 12:17 PM, ShiraHagane said:

    Is this the part where I point out that war scythe blades are parallel to the haft, not perpendicular like farming scythes?

    Considering that the thread isn't about war scythes, and that they haven't been brought up at all so far, I would say no.

  8. 1 minute ago, Gandergear said:

    You may not like it, but this is what peak Scythe performance looks like

    Image result for scythe

    Scythes don't really need to be larger than heavy blades, as anything bigger would just make them as big of a problem as any other spin2win weapon (Not that I personally have anything against more options 2 spin 2 win)

    They don't need to be larger, they just need to be the same length with the blade matching the handle's scale with its own width and length. 
    Considering that a few heavy blades  such as the War and Galatine are already so large that they clip through the ground, it shouldn't be an issue.
    That ridiculous can opener you just posted is bigger than both based off of the body's scale lmao. The front blades alone are half of that guy's body or more.
    Not sure what game that's from though. Looks like RS.

  9. 39 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

    They gonna change scythes. Rebb aready said.

    We've seen the proposed changes, if this design is final and not a work-in-progress they've already* failed.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Bryntwulf said:

    I'm not sure I would agree with you on the amount of work needed to make the current scythes into the Heavy Blade sized scythes. Scaling them up, adding a few extra loops to the mesh, and adjusting said loops to keep the detail consistent wouldnt be hard at all. I've done it myself many times with weapons for Fallout 4. The potential problem would be in the textures, as without the original texture project files the texture may appear stretched. However, since DE is a company full of dedicated professionals who are just as obsessive over detail as a normal player, they certainly have the original texture files and can make this all happen without a hitch. As they showed with the Hate, they have already started on the project. 

    As for the Zaws, they've already shown us that it's easy enough to change the weapon type of a strike/grip combination. More likely than not, the current 1h scythes will become machetes, while the 2h scythes will become Heavy blades. I would prefer that DE refund the Keewar players parts when this happens, but I think they'd be happy regardless. The Dokrahm is already the correct size, but I do agree that the Keewar will need to be scaled up a bit, or have an actual blade attached to it.

    The current scythe stances arent popular in the slightest. Most players hate Stalking Fan for the forces pauses that dont go away no matter how much speed you put on, and hate Reaping Spiral for how poorly the animations have aged. They wont be missed, and players will be content with the free endo or whatever DE decides on as a gift to those who had the stances. If DE also adds a new Heavy Blade stance with them, then both the Scythe players and Heavy Blade players will be overjoyed.

    Of course, there will be backlash, but it will be from the vocal minority of people who will complain about anything and everything. No one listens to them.

    When they made the Keewar a machete, there was so much outrage that they reverted the change. I personally was fine with it being a machete, since it's clearly not a scythe.
    As for the stances, scythes in the first place aren't popular as far as melee go, so it goes without saying that the stances aren't popular either.
    I've used "scythes" in game for years, with my top 3 most used weapons being those, and don't see what pauses you're referring to.
    Whenever I see the stances brought up, it's their outdated multipliers on combos that's talked about. The animations themselves are fine, although Spiral could use one more combo.
    I'll say you shouldn't speak for everyone else, the stances will be missed. Just like how people were enraged about the Keewar change.
    That's why DE was so vague and defensive when they brought up the Scythe changes in the last stream.

    2 hours ago, Naqel said:

    Scythes also deal with agricultural crops, not people.
    Even with the death symbolism involved, the reaping is of a soul from a body laid upon the ground, not rending the body unto pieces.

    Scythes (sickles, really) looking stupid as weapons is entirely adequate to the very idea of using them as such. Even the Kama, one of the signature weapons of a ninja, is a farming implement first, a weapon at a distant second, and a weapon at all solely by the virtue of being inconspicuous despite it's blade.

    I think everyone here is well aware of the scythes origins. This thread is more to bring Warframe's "scythes" in line with other games, shows, and media in general.
    In DE's own words Warframe follows the "rule of cool", leading to silly things like Octavia, Ninkondi, Gunsen, and so on.
    In this case though the "scythes" in game currently don't match up with other media or reality. They're their own weird abomination.
    Even the farming scythes in real life are bigger than what we have in Warframe.
    Though scythes are an unconventional weapon, they are clearly popular weapons in other media as being large and intimidating.
    Even the new God of War remembers this, so I'm not sure why whoever designed them in the beginning of Warframe made them this way in-game.

  11. 3 hours ago, Bryntwulf said:

    Right, which is what scythes will be using after their rework. 

    Looking at the wording DE used when addressing scythes, they don't know what they want to do.
    The current "scythe" Zaws would raise many issues if they decided to just make "scythes" into heavy blades.
    Scythes would have to be resized and modeled from the ground up based on current designs.
    Then they would need to rig them again with their new size, and decide what to do with the current scythe stances.
    Removing them would cause backlash, but to be used with heavy blades they would need new animations. Which take a lot of work.
    If they were just designed to be huge from the start like every other game's scythes they wouldn't be dealing with this right now.

  12. 47 minutes ago, Maganar said:

    -Cut to quote-

    Yeah I was around for that fiasco. Unfortunately even the "scythes" before Zaws though are also too small.

    17 minutes ago, Fukushu said:

    Considering the Dokrahm on a two-handed grip is what a Scythe in a fantasy/sci-fi game should be, let's hope it's just a taste of what's to come with the proposed Scythe rework and that DE will at least change the two variants accordingly when it drops (single-handed Dokrahm becomes a Machete, two-handed Dokrahm becomes a Scythe).

    ...Though considering they didn't learn their lesson from the Plague Keewar, I'm probably just doing some wishful thinking at this point, but on the bright side, at least the two-handed Dokrahm really scratches that "I want a larger Scythe" itch I've been having, and its even become my new favorite Zaw.

    Even the Dokrahm's size is on the shorter end. It's also a very strange blade at a very odd angle.
    The way Zaws connect in general look really jarring, but the handle lengths are spot on despite the weirdness.
    I do like the Dokrahm's look, but the only fitting scythe in this game currently is the Kaszas.
    At least the new God of War still remembers what actual scythes are within media.

  13. Scythes would need a few fixes in conjunction with each other for them to be fine.
    Increasing their stat range and visual range. Width and Length. Tweaking both stance modifiers. Fun fact: Scythes and Daggers have roughly the same range at 2m and 1.8m
    Even touching their stats a bit so they actually have tradeoffs for their downsides. Only the Caustalyst is truly in a good spot ignoring the 2m range it has.
    There's no need to make them use HB stances, since you just have to change the hand placements on the animations and increase the hitboxes.
    From what DE showed recently though, they just want to increase the handle length (with the blades still being tiny) and just let them use HB stances.
    Which clearly isn't enough.

  14. 5 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    Maybe use a grip that's not the smallest available LoL

    What did you think combining a dagger grip like the peye with a sytche blade will give you?

    Try using the long polearm or staff grips then come back whining about how small they are.

    I'm going to assume you're just flaming. Poorly.
    Only the small grips create a "Scythe" in this game.
    No other grips create what this game mistakenly calls "Scythes."
    You literally call the other grips "polearm" and "staff".
    Meaning they aren't             ?
    I'll let you figure it out.

  15. 1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:


    • An overuse of Warframe abilities can skew Simaris’ data. You may find he has different tolerance levels against ultimates than first abilities. You may never even encounter this rule, but if you do, know that it is only temporary. 
    • Each Conduit entered/Zone advanced removes current buffs, active Warframe abilities, combo multipliers, and resets Energy to the respective base level. Harder enemies from a baseline! 

    I can understand having no gear and amping up levels for a challenge, along with the other limits, but why god ever put these in. This just speeds up and enforces a meta even stronger and set in stone than usual.
    Yesterday it was stated the conduit would work like a Nullifier bubble, which was already an issue, but you guys went even beyond that and made it reset energy and the god damn melee combo counter as well?
    I just wanted to go into a mode finally and start taking out everything and having fun from the get go from tough enemies. 
    With all due respect I just thought you guys would have learned by now that forcing veterans to self-gimp the gear they've built up is not how you should go about creating a challenge for them.
    You do it by making the enemies tougher and more diverse, changing things up by spawning more Eximus and heavies than usual, etc.
    Please, and I'll be blunt here, please remove these two mechanics completely. People want to use their favorite Warframes without being completely shafted.
    This is without even getting into the spawning problems and crashes that others brought up, albeit the crashes will be fixed soon at least.
    I was actually hopeful for this update for finally getting a veteran focused game mode, yet history repeats itself and dashes my hopes once the update actually hits and has all the downsides. Just feels bad man.

  16. 18 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:

    With the above changes, the Ash player can continue moving and shooting after activating Bladestorm, while his clones do the dirty work! Plus, as an added feature, if a player wants to take advantage of the invincibility offered by the cutscenes (or just thinks they look cool), they can use Teleport on a marked target after activating Bladestorm to join in on the stabbing fun.

    Mag has seen many changes over Warframe’s history - her major rework in 2016 reinforced her role as a fragile crowd control caster, widening her usability across all factions. Although she performs well in the right hands, some of the synergies introduced in that rework did not have quite the impact we wanted. Plus as a starter frame, we want new players to feel like choosing Mag is a more viable option.

    Increasing the damage of shards created by Polarize should give Mag more kill power. Additional shield restore on Crush also offers a way to passively support your team while clearing crowded rooms!


    Ash needs something on Smokescreen to meaningfully differentiate it from Loki's stealth. All it has is a lower duration for lower cost, while duration is everything on stealth.

    While still, to do this day, people have wanted the old % of the enemy's shield (currently armor and shield) damage dealt on Polarize. Even if it was made a much lower %.
    I honestly don't understand the Crush buff at all. Polarize already restores shields. Crush is supposed to be Mag's full damage ability, yet it can't do that still.

    As a side-note, I see what you've done to World on Fire. The same mechanic is on Valkyr's Hysteria and it's absolutely horrid.
    In this case, Ember benefits more due to how her World on Fire works.
    However Valkyr players would really just prefer 99% damage reduction over 100% if it means her ultimate isn't gated by insane energy draining.

    • Like 2
  17. 28 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    We are taking a look at Ash, specifically his Bladestorm - check out some WIP gameplay here:


    Oh thank god. A step in the right direction after waiting so long.
    A few feedback tips:
    If Ash is in stealth, the clones should be stealthed as well, also possibly gaining the stealth multiplier.
    The energy usage of Bladestorm is still quite high.
    A long time ago, the clones looked exactly like your Warframe instead of appearing as holograms, would love if that came back.

    Notes not related to Bladestorm:
    I still strongly believe that Teleport should have free aim usage without a target.
    Smokescreen is still just a lower duration, lower cost Loki stealth when it could clearly be more.
    Examples include making the smoke linger and blind enemies that come into contact with it, stealthing all allies that stay inside a lingering smokescreen, or even just making it recastable at least.

    I don't want this post to be too long, so I'll just say Shuriken needs some synergy as well.
    Thanks for taking a look back at my favorite frame.

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