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Posts posted by Tolstoy

    • TYPE: Game-Freeze, In-Game while Scarlet Spear Mission on Ground
    • DESCRIPTION: Played as Mirage + Acceltra, Third Boss at second damage-phase. Game froze and crashed after a while. Bug-Code WAR-2731617
    • VISUAL: Not helpful imo
    • REPRODUCTION: Repeat the mission?
    • EXPECTED RESULT: Damaging Boss and start spawning Sentients.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Game froze
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: 1 out of about 10 Missions
  1. Opened Warframe after a few weeks again and the performance is horrible. Without lock i had around 110 fps. I locked the game at 72 so i dont notice any drops.. I never saw the fps counter change from 72 until today. My buddy and i played the distruption mission and my averege was 28fps.... whenever i entered a big room or moved my view to the centre the fps went to about 20... so yeah. Thanks DE^^

  2. Hey,

    I just played the Survical Infested Arbitrations. Everything worked fine and two Player died in the whole 30 mins and the rest was able to revive them.
    (Suggestion: Please make the "Resurgence Burden" pick up like the Ayatan stars.)

    The bug however has started after 2 Players left the mission after 30 mins. After the "host migration" i got 2 Burdens after killing the drones without my other teammate was still alive.
    It wasn't gamebreaking but i can imagine the huge impact when 3 people leave while you decide to stay after an hour or so.

  3. If the Nightwaves were additional to the normal alerts it would be perfect but at the moment it's really struggeling for newer player since most of the weeklies require a full builded frame or weapon and i'm not even talking about the mods..

    For vets, ok but it's a huge drawback for newer players compared to the older alertsystem.

    And btw the wolf-creds past 30 are a joke...

  4. Thanks for your replies. I think next time I will create a thread here in the forum since there is now way to find lower masteries in a flooded trading channel. It still kind of a bummer not receiving an answer but a ban instead. But hey, i'm not innocent and next time i will just avoid the whole region-chat for the rest of my life.

    • Like 1
  5. First of all, i'm very sorry for my faults and the bad english since it's not my native language.

    About me: I'm about 1k hours in this game started 2 year ago. I dont play often but take part at the events if i can and playing solo most of the time. Now and then i watch some videos on youtube about upcoming stuff and reviews. Lately i noticed the moderator thing growing but thought i wouldn't care since i use the chat only to help newer ppl when i'm bored or gift some Rivens now and then.

    In my opinion the Rivens are worth more then 400 endo to me and it's a shame to throw them away. They may help a Player and this is worth more then 400 endo zu me.
    Since there are a lot of greedy players, i only ask for people with the matching mastery so they can use them. I know it looks strange but this is the only way, for me at least, to make sure the players have a use of it.

    I already did this a couple of times and get very positiv feedback out of it, even from random players after my explanations, when they asked.
    So basicly i just want to give back the friendliness and kindness i got when i started.


    In a small chat with CxLL, i tried to explaining the situation. in Region-chat i wrote: "...nah i meaning people taking part in the chat^^ i know it sounds creepy but i have some free candy^^"
    I instantly send a pm to CxLL: "by candy i mean [Ferrox Zeti-acripha] and [Tysis Lexi-gelitox]... if i poste in reagion everyone will want a free riven."
    After a few seconds i received an answer: "Any requests for forms of Item exchange through the process of adding said item(s) into the slots of the trading interface is a trading request. The trading chat tab exists for the purpose of processing trading requests."

    I instantly replied, since it's not a trading request, with: "Sorry, i get it all wrong. I want to gift these rivens to newer players which may have some use of it."


    So i got no answere and went on with my asking for a Mr13 player in Region chat.. After i found one, i gifted him the said rivens in my dojo. Since the system doesn't allow free gifting, he gave me a Redirection-mod.

    After i came back to my orbiter i noticed the message: "You have been kicken from Region; next time use the TRADING channel!" "Your access to this channel has been suspended"


    Under any other circumstances i wouldn't create a Thread but not now... I want to help the Community, i want to be friendly and polite and this is the Answer from an official DE moderator? Like come on, this can't be happening... THIS SHOULDN'T BE HAPPENING...

    If Evidence is needed, let me know. I've screenshoted everything afterwards, luckily.

    • Like 1
  6. Like @Nasuth said. It's a community-goal since Helen posted: "...The first reward is more abstract - you can expand the Orb Vallis by solving a puzzle.... Together. ..."
    So it's not showing the progressbar anymore after scaning.. 
    I just assume DE needed more time to fix some small issues before releasing Hildryn. I prefer the old style getting frames but hey.
    I wish you all good luck and hope we got Hyldrin soon.

  7. vor 23 Stunden schrieb mrhapps:

    It was only fixed so you couldn't make more of them. People that made an abomination got to keep them with the bugs. Mine appears to be a blue kubrow that has a kavats tail with its front leg in the air saluting while it is in my ship. Then if i go into a mission it becomes an ugly faced kavat, same tail, and a missing body texture just replaces it with pure black.

    that's beyond... mine give me kinda nightmares, i don't want to know what this deformation will do^^

  8. So after some playtime i decided i need a smeeta kavat for farming rare resources.
    So after a few atemps i got a small female smeeta kitty with yellowish/golden fur so i named her "Goldy".
    Now i have a "cute" granny with very very small ears^^


    What is your ugliest creation?

  9. K-Drives are awesome and a nice alternative to get a break from farming but i noticed a lot of barriers drop you off even if you grind them in the middle fast enough.

    Sometimes it feels like you doing a little jump and stops in normal position even if you hold "ctrl". Sometimes you just stops midgrind and it pushes you off like if you're too slow.

    Most of the broken barriers apears to be with the ones with height difference.

  10. vor 2 Minuten schrieb HallowedFlux:

    November 1st was their aimed release date, as said in the devstream, since that day, we've basically gotten no further actually useful information considering the update, just vague stuff. In my view, they're late, again, just like PoE.

    Do you know which Devstream it was?  The only thing i  remember is, they said: 1. week of November. i might be wrong 

  11. vor 3 Minuten schrieb HallowedFlux:

    As a debrief, there could easily be another picture. unless it's officially stated by one of the devs, i'm not believing anything. The grinch leak showed us as much with super smash bros, so much seemed right, but alas, he was wrong.

    ^^i dont want to force someone to believe something^^ so yeah but what i just wanted to point it out

  12. vor 5 Minuten schrieb HallowedFlux:

    That's just speculation hun. No official wording on it, Thursby could easily be just a name, DE has a knack for using weird names.

    sure it's not "straight forward" but after the whole ARG is this pretty solid. And it wouldn't make any sense to post a picture after the ARG was completed.

  13. they're allowed to play only a few hours so they can a) report bugs and b) take some videos to hype the people and kinda make more advertisment for it.

    And @crimsonspartan1, i cant remember DE did ever call out a date... They're very careful with that. The ever first statement about fortuan release was last quarter of 2018, then they stated in a stream "maybe" somewhere in november. the last prediction was in a devstream "first November week"... and here we are at the first november week.

    Just give DE time to fix progression- and crash-bugs since no one wants to play unfinished content...

  14. vor 1 Stunde schrieb coolteemu:


    It was on mogamu wideo when cetus was im development. 

    Partners and founders got to test it out and hung for bugs if i Remember correct Ly. 

    My memory is bad i admit it. But that is what i remember. 

    And if you look at some of the cetus vids there is some players and i doubt they all are on DE's pay roll or In the same building. 

    But yee i derailed my self again

    Tldr i hard it and bad memory. My Word is what it is

    The bigger streamer were already at DE playing the new update.. The youtuber MCGamerCZ already released a video about it.

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