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Posts posted by Agentarizoa339

  1. 1 minute ago, crazyjr said:

    Trying to find kavat DNA, from derilict's, In 45 minutes today, half the missions, I see and scan the kavats and 0 samples given. i already have an adarza and want a smeeta to do with it. making a second, but unfortunately it looks like an adarza. Had 17 samples before starting the incubation, now have 7 left, so no second chance with my luck at the moment.

    Any chance for a special alert for kavat DNA? or even a nightwave credit option? This is as bad as nitain was for attaining, hoping you might can help DE

    there's a mod for the synthisis scanner you can get from simarris where one scan will count as two doubling your chance for a kavat DNA thing. maybe bring nekros to further double your chances with his 3rd ability 

  2. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)UnGodly-Obito said:

    I will have wish in day and few hours but my question is what content is she viable in as I Really want master this frame fullest 

    she's a really good support frame for multiple types of missions. her second is the best to use on jupiter because she can cross the huge gaps with her second. third is like excal's radial blind. and 4th is basically solar beam. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, LODESAMONEY said:

    I think Fortuna is what it's called on Venus? I'm just charting these planets out, going smoothly, then I jump into these areas and they're taking a lot longer to complete then any five normal missions on the planet. 

    Please tell me these new open world maps aren't a thing with EVERY planet.

    no they're not a part of every planet. the plains and fortuna are quest areas and free roam. because for some builds you need special items that can only be gained there. 
    as well as certain frames are only available in these places. IE gara and revnant are part of the plains. hyldrin, garuda, and baruuk are things that you can only get on quests in fortuna and the vallis. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, Lutesque said:

    So after getting Crimson Dervish I was excited to get my Stab on.... so I do the Block Combo aaaaaand.... no Finisher....

    Okay maybe its just inconsistent..... so I break out Umbra.... hit radial blind aaaaaaan No Finisher....

    Was it always like this ? I could have sworn you could use Finishers with Swords specifically from the front....

    finishers are usually from the ground, side or behind. i've never seen a front based finisher before

  5. 12 hours ago, Lutesque said:

    Not much support without a Potato... especially if the Blue Hyena shows up and just takes away all your Energy....


    I've played frost without a potato before on high level defense and mobile defense missions. Equip them with ahealth boost aura mod, vitality, flow, streamline and vigor. If you have room for an ability strength mod then that will work 

  6. 4 minutes ago, xreaperx22 said:

    so i have enough components to build a better melee weapon and im thinking of maybe getting the Gram but want to make sure its a decent weapon before i pull the trigger on it,ill mainly use it against infected so the high slash is a good thing,i can also build the Scindo if thats better than Gram,Also im about to build a better primary weapon and am thinking of the Karak is that any good? im going to eventually build the Vectis when i have the parts but until then hmm.any help would be great thanks!

    dual zoren is a really good weapon to use. it's naturally a fast weapon. and the enemy is usually too caught up by the damage and status to attack back. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Kivitor00 said:

    I'm currently running the hek primary, kunais as secondary and volt as my warframe, and they all have the standard 30 capacity. What mods are a must have for them considering I can't actually use any builds since every build needs an Orokin reactor or catalyst. I don't know if this extra info will help but I'm MR4 and in phobos right now (I also don't have any ultra rare mods out there so keep that in mind).

    have you tried equipping a cayalyst or reactor to the wepon once it's been maxed out? that doubles the mod capacity to said item and can help you with modding your stuff. you can either buy them with the nightwave creds you earn or find them on rare ocassions. 

  8. 21 minutes ago, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

    I'm wanting to get to Surah, and am 15k out on 70k standing there with a cap of 11k at MR10. I want to get the Eekwana Jai 2, and am wondering if the free rank up item will give me the BP or the item pre-built. I forgot to check with the previous rank reward, as I didn't care for any of them too much.

    if you're working towards the ranking up. try fishing and hunting to get the ranks faster. it's quickest if you can catch the rare fish like murkray and norgs. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, Perseus_T1D said:

    I would have to farm krill and than make all the parts, that would take a good week or so, and I want to get to the second dream and war within as soon as possible, I'l still work on making excal on the side, but I need a quicker fix, thanks for the advice 

    hey if you ever need help doing that. i can tag along in mission. my username here is my ign so feel free to hit me up. i love helping other tenno


  10. 14 minutes ago, Perseus_T1D said:

    I'm a new player as you can likely assume, and I've been having a lot of trouble defeating ember, I'm MR 6, I have volt and nekros prime, and have been using the cronus and vulcur with cold mods, but nothing is working. any advice is helpful

    an excalibur warframe is pretty effective for all the specters . radial blind then the exalted blade. 

  11. 7 minutes ago, slappy163 said:

    Hey guys, so I was trying to farm some Chroma parts, and it turns out I need to get it from the junction. I was able to complete the junction, but now I don't know where the parts are such as the neuroptics. I don't remember selling it, but is there anyone to get it? I've tried redoing the junction, but the summary says I've failed???? Strange?

    try checking simaris' place. i think he might have some of the parts. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, Hamurapi89 said:

    Long time ago when started playing with warframe there was an weapon from daily login called machete and back then i was like mastery 6 and i didnt know any method to get credit so i sold the blueprint and i didnt know that was an only one time reward i rly want to see in the market for a limited time or just bring back as a drop from the scorpion not a big deal i think plz ty DE ^^

    i do miss the daily rewards as well. it is kind of missed to get some good rewards like rare helmet blueprints. it is sadening but maybe after the nora night thing they'll bring them back.

  13. 16 minutes ago, (NSW)Chackan said:

    Ok, I am getting CRAZY with this mission! Want to go to Neptune but I just can't find those darn Caches on the only Sabotage mission in Uranus 

    Is there any thing I can do to make this easier? Seriously, I'm going insane!

    Do the 3 Caches ALWAYS spawn on the mission? Do more than 3 caches spawn? Less?


    it's always 3 that spawn. they're in randomized places of the ships, so finding them can be difficult. but when you finish the main part of the sabotage missions you're usually free to run around the place and not many enemies spawn. some of my friends say that you can hear a slight ringing sound when you get close to the caches. 

  14. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)SolarSpade said:

    Does Inaros's desiccation cause non-finisher melee attacks to deal extra damage or become critical hits on affected enemies? I notice that whenever I hit an enemy from the front that is affected by desiccation, the attack results in a yellow number that deals more damage than my normal attack but much less than a finisher. This allows me to spam melee attacks to kill powerful enemies that are not affected by finishers pretty quickly. I'm not sure if this is an affect of the blind status effect or if I just don't fully understand the mechanics of finishers but does anyone have an answer for this?

    deicration is more like an ability to reroll for an item drop. it drains your energy whenever you run across an enemy to get extra items from it. it's a handy ability for farming. ^w^ 

  15. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Toolriz said:

    Has anyone ever seen a vapos condor dropship or vapos aquila? Guess IO doesnt have them anymore. I just need those 3 as well as the vapos prod crewnan Eximus which I have no idea where to find.

    try doing the survival on io. or running around the other missions on jupiter. i've seen them show up on the defense mission most of the time

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