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  1. The new lighting is definitely...questionable. To put it mildly. Before, the Orbiter used to be well lit (especially in the Arsenal area). Now everything is darker with colors appearing heavily washed out/dull. However, other areas inside the Orbiter don't fare better either. As somebody already pointed out above, there's fog everywhere. It is especially noticeable in the Helminth room. Fashionframing is downright frustrating due to how colors are affected (no, really, everywhere else they look "normal" ). The overall "mood", so to speak, this new lighting gives to the ship feels jarring and off-putting and... Really. Don't get me even remotely started on the eyestrain. It's awful. I was really excited to dive into the update. But if the price for just 10 minutes of playing is getting the Mother of All Splitting Migraines™, then...It's not worth it. It's best to wait. That said, it would be nice if the lighting could be reverted back to how it was. If not possible, at least give us players the option the choose between the old and new lighting through a toggle or something.
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