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Everything posted by Trav243

  1. I agree. I noticed the bug way back before Duviri and it was either not known to the devs or it was intended. I hope its the former. Really hope it gets looked at.
  2. I know that its been confirmed on Switch and PC The draped fabric on Baruuk Prime's left side no longer sits properly against his body. It floats in kind of an awkward way, especially at the back. This also causes the issue of Syandanas getting the hump as they contour around this weird collision in this area. I know it's not game-breaking but this does need to be fixed. Broke a few weeks ago and still looks bad.
  3. You're right. I just logged in to run some Circuit and noticed my Tennocon 2020 syandana wasn't sitting right. I can confirm its on PC.
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