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Posts posted by HunterH

  1. To be honest once i finished collecting all the page thingys i dont even go to the event anymore i just ignore it and in the normal planes with no event if a ghoul poups up i just ignore hem and move on.....i literly dont care about ther existance lol if hak woldnt apper and yell about them i woldnt even notice them truth be told and if you ir using excalibur in the planes you have long rage meele atacks what is the problem i dont see it....not to mention excalibur is one of the most broken warframes ever when it comes to armor stripping and stuff i kill bombars lv 150 in 2 hits...

  2. I think de will age them since they said they wana make hem "the warrior" and as it is alot of people hate the fact that they ir playing with little kids....and if we wold slowly mature that wold be kinda cool we matured in the wwt now in the planes we matured some more i think we ir geting there....slowly...but yeah i wold pay plat for a mature version of operator

  3. (I know report is useles in this game but i said "report hem" just to see if he will get scared and help us and he didnt not care so i had to make a topic maybe DE will finaly do something about all this)

    Now that the pleague star event is on lots of people not only do they not add stuff to the mixer but afk most of the time so i end up doing the event in 1-2 people coz we got 1-2 people afking at the dam front door or just go farming for stuff mining etc, i think it is time you guys finaly do something about it since you changed banshee so we dont afk with her and you dont add vacum on pets coz we will use it to afk and you HATE afk so much how about you guys finaly take care of afk in planes or not playing the objective at all ? 


    I have no  problem with low mr that cant do dps as long as he is there reviving doing something to help rather then saying "its fine now a days people have rivens and do all the dmg" and he just runs around expecting other people to do evrything then i think its time you add a mr cap o the planes while you have events going on coz this is just not fun at all having to waste 30 min on a 10 min mission



  4. It happend to me to a few times from what i figured it out its like this.....

    You play with people and if you leave the team the game still sees you in a team so when you go solo in the planes or even make a new team one of the guy that was in the previews team still is in the new team so the planes instantly fails the bounty just coz it think its 5 people in the team rather then 4 

    but at the same time it gave me instant fail when i was in a team with a friend and i invited a 3d guy and he was on orbiter and we got instant fail when we enterd the planes....

    so the only way i never had a problem was to do it like this...

    if you make a new team have all people in orbiter go from orbiter to cetus you wont have a problem

    if you make a new team go to orbiter dont do it from cetus EVER

    if you plan on solo the event and you just finished a run with people go to orbiter and then back to cetus 

    never had a problem if i did it like this

  5. 49 minutes ago, Rawrmonger said:

    The idea of the prime access has always been to help DE keep the game running. It's stupid expensive for that reason alone.

    It's more along the line of : give DE the price or a full game to support them and you get a few cosmetics and boosters as a reward.

    a few cosmetics + aren't worth 50$, the whole PA thing isn't worth 150$, not even close. You don't buy those things to get a fair deal. It's pure luxury.


    You must be jk....i got put in to the game around 350+ euros and i dont have a problem with it i did it coz i like the game and i have fun with the game but lately de seems to go in to a wrong direction with evrything.....they remove the raids and killed my clan practicly and now they put up 2 cosmetics for 50$ if this the way the game will be in the future its gona be bad look at destiny the only good thing warframe had going was them listening to us and working with us ! 

    If you think 50$ for 2 cosmetics is a fair price you ir jk and if you think its better for de to have high prices you ir wrong again low prices means more people will be willing to buy it BUT they made it expensive just so they can have 100-200 people buying it = more money fast rather then having 1000-2000 people buying it and geting a bit more extra so more money fast is what de is looking to get out of this expensive cosmetic packs 

  6. 15 hours ago, zNightWolfz said:

    why must we be called veterans  to me im just a long time player that enjoys the game  helps people every day new and old players..

    Been playing since it started never got the founders and i dont care about that either i get enjoyment from playing daily helping other players daily ..



    "Founders are users who purchased special Founders Packages as a form of funding Warframe during its early days. These packages included Platinum, Prime Equipment unique to the program and other assorted benefits. The Founders program began on December 19, 2012 and ended on November 1st, 2013."

    you joined 2015

    Tell me more about how you lie....to be honest i could of actualy got the founders pack but i tought this game will die fast XD back in 2013 this game was pretty bad...leveling 1 frame took you like 1 month LOL going invizible with loki all you saw was a black screen and no sound XD i had braton vandal and lato vandal and i sold them i tought they ir S#&$ and it was like 1 credit to buy them back then lol haha veteran or new player who cares...if you like the game play it well now coz you actualy have waypoints to know where the exist is XD i remeber the good days where i had to abandon alot of missions coz i didnt know where the extraction was LOL

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