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Posts posted by residente

  1. It's all about Supply and Demand. Just don't be that person who overpays for those sorts of things, giving them the idea that they sell for that much. Is it rare? Relatively speaking, as only one was given to each player if they completed the event. Doesn't really constitute ridiculous prices, however because toxic mods already existed.


    ^ Pretty much this


    People sell things for 500, then noobs buy them for 500 and they think they can sell it now for 550, but they won't find a fool like them.


    And everything ends with idiots selling things for 500p but no one buying them.

  2. now go find something else to do with your life.


    You know, you can do much more things than playing warframe. And play less frequently when they introduce new stuff.


    Anyway even if you have everything in the game you can still do things. like finding a squad and trying to beat survival or defense records get all the achievements, codex, who knows, there's no need to play 24/7 and then complain because you've done 100% of the game =/


    a lot of "casual" players would welcome this change, while hardcore players would still have things to do in this game..

  3. Eso es problema de hitbox seguramente, y mas ahora en recien nueva update, se les habra bugeado un poco, y tendras que darles mas abajo, ya que estaba con el dread en un derrelicto, le di en una pierna a infectado y me dio headshot, hay que arreglar eso


    Ten en cuenta que el último post antes que el tuyo es de hace 6 meses...

  4. but you gotta keep moving most of the time while shield is active.

    Why kind of ninja are you if you stand still shooting are your enemy. Not fun. Moving is needed all the time in every warframe for me!

    and I would choose a Phage over Sinapse tho
  5. at some point you will take dmg while its active for your information :P


    you may take some damage at some points, but you have also that huge base shield and hp so doesnt matter, leveling Zephir in high levels was easier than most of other warframes, just spam the shield once every minute and kill everyone whitout worrying about dying. Even grineer with flamethrowers couldn't touch me ^_^

  6. Yo tambien e usado paginas de estas, y cosas de internet, pero nunca es exacto y preciso, yo hablo de algo hecho por los del juego en plan, si en el plano que has hecho encaja en el juego tambien, sin llevarte sorpresas


    sé a lo que te refieres perfectamente, yo también necesito desesperadamente una herramienta así, pero dudo que llegue a ningún lado (y menos si no lo escribes en inglés) a si que mientras esperas, sírvete de eso... si quieres.

  7. 1. No


    2. No se puede. Fueron otorgados a personas que tenían Steel Charge a más de nivel 6, porque redujeron los niveles de 9-10 (no recuerdo) a 5 como todas las auras. Como recompensa por los módulos gastados se otorgaron Nucleos de Fusión Legendarios.

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