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Posts posted by Thural

  1. 1 minute ago, Voidforged said:

    Dunno then, I can't explain it. It never even crossed my mind that viral may be able to compete with radiation against alloy, just doesn't feel right.

    it's not competing against the armor, it's competing against the cloned flesh, which enemies with ferrite armor also have, I'm thinking it might be that they receiver extra damage while confused or something, but that's just a theory

  2. Just now, Voidforged said:

    Viral has +75% to the flesh beneath the armor. Radiation has +75% to the armor above the flesh. As enemies scale I imagine their armor doing so at a much faster rate than their health. If a mob has 25 health and 75 armor, 75% of the armor is alot more than 75% of the health.

    that's not how it works

    if an enemy has armor and cloned flesh, they take +75% damage from viral because they have cloned flesh, and +75% damage from radiation because they have armor.

  3. 52 minutes ago, Voidforged said:

    Gas 287 > Viral 591 > Radiaion 1734.

    Even if you double the viral damage, to account for the proc, it's still doing 552 points less than radiation. 

    I took Primed Heated Charge off my radiation build in this video to make the comparison fair. I also didn't realise that Shooting Gallery adds additional damage, so add 36.25% to the 2100 from the original video for best numbers.

    That makes no sense though, radiation and viral both have +75% damage bonus against bombards, I'm calling bugged

  4. 22 hours ago, Voidforged said:

    I just tried both Viral and Gas in the same situation as the original video, both took about 4 times longer than Radiation to kill the bombards. 

    Viral was doing 553 per shot and Gas was doing 306 per shot + Gas proc's of 500ish, while Radiation was doing 2100 per shot.

    ^ I'm sure both Gas and Viral are more applicable in some situations.

    what you're saying is impossible, viral has the same damage bonus against bombards as radiation, as well as gunners, but the proc should decrease the time it takes to kill an enemy.  But gas makes sense since neither gas nor toxin damage have any bonuses against bombards, with gas having reduced damage

  5. 3 hours ago, Vazkulator said:

    DEVOID, i see perfectly now the "CLEANING" you made

    the very screenshot that i provided which was the kill count of "ex-machineus-ex"' Volt and the dialogue we had in game which contained ZERO insults or rude behaviour
    it was a chat history where he spoke against what he originally said in the thread, nice going there man REAL PRO moderator!


    inb4 lock, again


    Just now, Vazkulator said:

    ITS better because hes your favourite OH MY GOD

    but... he's comparing Volt to Volt, how can there be any favoritism, if anything, he would prefer overload since it's the one he's more used to.

  7. 4 minutes ago, rawr1254 said:

    team  bladestorm  tons of armor

    lemme stop ya right there, first, if you're doing end game survival, you're gonna have at least 3 corrosive projections usually, so armor isn't a thing, second, bladestorm bypasses armor

  8. if you want the most stopping power, you should switch radiation out for viral or corrosive.  Corrosive especially, when enemies have that kind of armor

    also, peacemaker deals mostly impact damage, so bore is almost useless with it

  9. 9 minutes ago, rawr1254 said:

    Shoulda probably add his ult either needs to cast faster or be able to be cast midair again. needing to be on the ground to cast it jsut makes it horrible

    But you need to be, wait for it, GROUNDED

    get it, electricity, grounded

  10. On 5/20/2016 at 9:25 AM, (PS4)ExetSM said:

    Me and a friend have been talking alot about this and came up with the idea (not as much me as my friend) that there should be an option where you can switch between the powers vertically. At the moment you can switch from powers from left to right and vice versa.

    For example, say I have the option to cycle between powers vertically on Up on the directional button, that means I would go from Cloak Arrow to Dashwire Arrow, and then tap R1 (on the new controller) to fire Dashwire arrow.

    Is this an option that might be possible DE? <3

    ew, console peasant

    jk, I just had to

  11. First, I like you to look at your keyboard.  Most likely, the T and R keys are right next to each other.  This makes it very easy to accidentally hit the wrong one when typing very fast.

    Now, I'd like to know who's bright idea it was to make -snip- a auto suspension trigger, and why they didn't think about it for more than 3 seconds.

  12. let's use that deck of cards example again, let's say, you pick a card a card, say the 3 of clubs.  You have a 1 in 52 chance of drawing that card, and it's random.  Now let's say you pick 3 cards, the 3, 4, and 5 of hearts.  You now have a 3 in 52 chance of drawing one of those cards, and it's still random.

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