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Posts posted by Inez

  1. i have no idea what your talking about ?

    i get HEAPS of T3 keys

    still getting heaps of t3 md, t3 cap, t3 ext, t3 def

    from survivals like cambria and elara

    sometimes you even get 2 x t3 key in one run

    You sure don't get heaps from tier 3 survivals (like Palus and Nuovo). If what you say is true, then tier 2 survivals are better than tier 3. Which is pretty silly.

    My anecdotal data:

    24 tier 3 survival 15-minute rewards (mostly Palus, though some Triton and Elara) gave me 2 T3 keys. So about every 12 rewards, or 3 hours for each key.

    100 tier 3 defense rewards (almost all Narcissus) gave me 8 T3 keys. So about every 12 rewards.

    About to go try Elara since it evidently rains T3 keys there. Will update this post with the results.

    update: 8 15-minute rewards from tier 2 survivals gave me 3 T3 keys. So DE screwed up the drop tables once again, and made the lower level survivals better for T3 key farming.

  2. A Grandmaster with 4k forum posts can't deal with knockdown versus low level Grineer. I don't think the problem is the game.

    I solo'd this mission . . . on my alt. Using Excalibur.

    For new players, I would totally agree that the amount of knockdown and loss of control effects are ridiculous, and need to be toned way down for lower level mobs and the earlier systems, but . . . for a Grandmaster veteran player?

    If you're simply trolling, you got me. Congrats.

  3. When i use max natural talent on my excalibur radial blind, I notice that only thing it reduces is the time of animation I spend stuck, not the actual casting time. So the problem is when i cast blind, it takes exact same time for it to take effect = 1 second of radial blind going to waste, which is the reason why i use natural talent in the first place. It this bug or way it works?

    Natural Talent works just fine on Radial Blind. It actually reduces the time from when you hit '2' until everyone is blinded.

    The fact that you think you're somehow wasting a second of your Radial Blind is completely bizarre, and makes me think I'm somehow misunderstanding you.

    There's a free and easy-to-use program called fraps http://www.fraps.com/ that will record video of the game and let you time it out exactly.

  4. Recoil on the akmagnus is nowhere near as bad as the akvasto.

    This is incorrect. Recoil is worse on the Akmagnus. Feel free to download Fraps http://www.fraps.com/ and test yourself. Or do a simple "How small is the spread at 10 meters while firing at 10 shots per second" test. Akvastos win.


    Max fire rate is  hard to achieve on most of the duals without an autoclicker.

    He's looking for an endgame weapon. Using a macro prog is not unreasonable, since free programs like autohotkey exist.

    If you're morally opposed to macro programs for some odd reason, then the Akmagnus prolly becomes a more reasonable option. You would still have to deal with impact procs messing up your continuous head shots though, increasing your time to kill.


    This was also a post on end game, where ammo efficiency is suppose to be a bigger deal. Thus Akmagnus > Akvasto.

    As you yourself said, its an inbetween weapon. A 10% decrease in ammo efficiency is minimal. And nothing Ammo Restores can't solve. What ammo restores can't cure is lower dps, increased recoil and increased impact procs.

  5. TLDR: Akmagnus > Akvasto by a fair margain

    . . . if you ignore recoil, fire rate and reload speed. Which would be kinda silly. You'd also have to ignore all the annoying impact procs. Hard to get headshots when your target is stagger-dancing.

  6. The only thing DPS doesn't show is ammo economy, which can be mentioned elsewhere.

    It also doesn't show recoil, range, size of area effect damage or accuracy. All of which are pretty important.



    random example, Penta is used widely, but it's 'Deeps' isn't that great. why is that? because despite that one stat being not that great, it still does an effective and efficient job of removing your Enemies.

    Penta's 'Deeps' is actually really good. If you're hitting two targets, multiply its dps by two, and you're outdpsing Boltor Prime and Phage.

  7. Since this has turned into a min/max vs specific faction thread:

    VS Grineer: Radiation. Use event mod + wildfire if you have room for 4 elements. Radiation is better than Viral, since its gets bonus damage vs armor. And its especially good versus all the really dangerous units (Bombards, Napalms, Eviscerators and Hellions).

    VS Infested: Corrosive. Use event mods if you have 4 elemental slots. Light infested are light. Blast increases the TTK by knocking them down and making headshots harder/impossible. Min/maxing weapons to make it take longer to kill things doesn't make sense.

    VS Corpus: You could argue about this all day. More so if you want Oxium. Even more so if you're playing Mag.

    VS Corrupted: Corrosive. Use event mods if you have 4 elemental slots. High level heavy gunners are the only corrupted that take a significant amount of time to kill. Setting up your mods for anything else is pointless. And conveniently, this is the same build you use for Infested. Which is nice since we only have 3 load outs.

  8. DE gives out more catalysts than ever, and people are upset.

    I just ran the same invasion (even though I was -forced- to fight Corpus, oh the shame!) and managed to get the catalyst.

    Thanks for the free catalyst DE!

  9. Poor Soma. So much hate... Why?

    New player and his buddy start playing warframe. After some time has passed, they each hit rank 6. His buddy grabs a Soma and starts getting far more kills than him.

    This obvious solution is: come to the forums and whine. And completely ignore all the far superior weapons while he's at it.

  10. 30 oxium is a low average for Kappa, but if the puggies are going around hugging the Ospreys, there's often little you can do.

    Tips for farming Oxium:

    1. Stay away from doors.

    2. Get somewhere where you can see a large area.

    3. Bring a powerful, long range weapon. Modded with Radiation + Electricity.

    4. Bring Rhino and Stomp every time you see/hear an Oxium Osprey.

    5. Farm Oxium with clannies. If no clannies are on, go to recruiting and form a specific group for it.

    My last Phalan - Eris run I did 15 minutes and got 30 Oxium, a T3 key and a lot of xp. I prolly just got really lucky with Osprey spawns though.

  11. Look, you have your way of doing this and I have mine. Normally I don't go with Viral/Gas but with full Corrosive, as is the most effective element in Void, No mater what you shoot against. But when I used it, I saw the difference and enjoyed going around killing normal enemies on sight and the big ones when I don't look at them (They were killed by the poison). I completely understand your build and your point, and and both are good, but in my experience my build is good too. Let's leave things that way and not turn this thread into a pointless debate.

    I don't think he's arguing against your build specifically, its more that he's countering the popular misconception that Hammershot is this great mod. Its not bad, but there are always better options.

  12. Maxed Heavy Cal turns Boltor into a bad Gorgon practically. With the projectile drop off and maxed Heavy Cal you're not hitting any mobile targets past 15 meters without loss of ammo efficiency. And forget hitting anything past 30 m without emptying a clip unless they're stationary. Maxed Heavy Cal on a Boltor excels in one situation:

    - High Level defense where there's ample CC to essentially make everything stationary.

    You're talking about the Boltor in a thread about the Boltor Prime.

    Maxed Heavy Cal on the Boltor Prime is awesome. As it is on most weapons.

  13. it already starts to apply at lv50, starting to, and absolutely applies around lv100.

    At level 50-100 you would much rather just kill them than apply puncture or impact procs. If you're going higher than that, the procs matter even less, because it means you're exploiting broken mechanics, and could care less about impact/puncture procs. Mobs are either cc'd or you're invulnerable.

    Just ask the guy above me how much he cares about getting procs. He's fought level 1500 enemies.

  14. there is no cutoff for Enemies. they continue to grow statistically until the end of the universe. since there's no upper limit, trying to fight those numbers is a losing battle.

    in a specific instance, then only X Damage is needed to overwhelm any use Utility gives you, but since our Damage has an upper limit, and their survivability does not...


    it's simply the nature of the game. it's the same story in a million other PvE games. they almost all have infinitely scaling 'challenges', while the player ultimately has an upper limit at any given time. the best way to reliably stand your ground against this, would be things that aren't affected by that scaling. you can knock down an Enemy that has 1HP just the same as one that has 1,000,000HP. in order to survive against the one with more HP, you'll need more than just a certain amount of Damage, because it has an upper limit.

    No one fights level 1000 enemies. Not sure what the point to your argument is.

    You're arguing about theoretical battles that no one actually does.

  15. People hate the people that spam her ult, max energy efficiency lets nova spam the s*** out of it non stop so all you do in a mission is try to keep up and watch the firework show. But it's the same with people doing perma invincibility on trinity and then spamming ogris or penta, requires no skill and takes all the fun out of the game.

    As opposed to the high levels of skill this game requires normally.

    I understand a lot of people think that pointing at an enemy and pressing the left mouse button equals leet skills, but I don't really agree.

  16. You seem confused. Maybe you didn't get it. But don't let that stop you from being gratuitously antagonistic.

    I see you took my advice.

    My next advice is this: ask yourself why you would possibly think that that Marelok is more powerful than Brakk? Is it because it fits in with your faux adolescent-gamer outrage? Or are you just lemming-like repeating something you read or heard somewhere?

    If your post was a simple troll, I tip my hat to you.

  17. "Oh look you can get the Brakk now, the most powerful weapon in the game!!!"

      - Oh look they released an even more powerful weapon, and I can buy it straightaway from the market!!!

    You sound highly confused.


    Power Creep. Because they can.

    And yet more confused.

    Don't let that stop you from making more ill-conceived posts though.

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