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Posts posted by Inez

  1. The OP said only the veteran "hardcore" players will know this. Which is true. Those who have gone far into the game know what he is talking about, including me.


    The veteran "hardcore" players also know this change was not about performance. And did not actually affect performance. 


    But thanks for your comment.

  2. The reason I ask that is that I keep seeing the "ruin the game" argument, but so far no one I've seen has provided a reason why it does that. But if there is a reason, it would be more productive to address the specific harm being done, rather than talk about it in vague terms. After all, the Devs need to know exactly how the game is being ruined if they are going to fix it.


    The game isn't being ruined. The DE forums have proud traditions to uphold though. One of the main tradition is whining for the sake of whining.


    I should note that I, too, think AFK/macroing is scumbaggy.  


    People don't go completely AFK for farming Viver. They may grab a quick drink or bio real quick, but between the Stalker, disconnections, crashes and Vamp spawns drying up going truly AFK is a bad idea.


    Is someone setting up a macro to cover them while they bio scumbaggy? If so, I'm a huge scumbag, and have been for a long time. Long before Viver came out.


    I strongly urge anyone immediately reacting to those sentences to await the notes + testing before giving feedback (I myself will be running numerous missions as well to assess the changes). Too many good Tenno are falling into reactionary profanity (and sometimes threatening) posts that offer nothing constructive and can be avoided if approached with Tenno honour.


    Will you be using this same Tenno honor system when you claim the changes are being made for "performance reasons"?




    • Improved performance and stability of long missions by setting a cap on active Mods in a session. 50 mods can now exist simultaneously before new mods will replace the old.


    The mod cap in no way increased performance. If DE thinks Viver is too rewarding, then just say so.

  5.  I think it's self-evident that you're not SUPPOSED to be getting 5K reputation in five minutes using a specific strategy when an ordinary hour-long mission at the game's highest difficulty offers around 2K, and that if you were being honest with yourself, you would admit this.



    If I found a way to get 1k rep per minute, I would indeed admit that I was exploiting.


    All I hear now is mostly Viver in recruiting in game. Eh, doesn't affect me directly, so I guess I shouldn't care. Right?


    If it doesn't affect you, then logically you shouldn't care. But I have a feeling you aren't going to let logic get in the way of your rant



    I'm sure there's a great reason for diluting the Warframe community with this. It is something to definitely kill a game community though.





    And what's even worse, to do it with no skill.


    Because the rest of Warframe requires skill? What game have you been playing exactly?


    This type of "gameplay" ends up killing gaming communities or turning them toxic, because there is no care for the game itself. This means that people quit the game sooner than they would if they had something to play towards. It's toxic because it places newer players into a fast reward scenario that wasn't intended, and puts pressure on them to play in this way in order to be part of the community and interact.
    So by your definition affinity boosters and potatoes are toxic. I don't agree at all.
    Because if you're not in the know, you're excluded.
    There's lots of stuff to learn in Warframe. This is just one more thing.
    It's an exploit and it's a boring and dumb one that requires no skill. Even if you haven't maxed out your mods on your frame, the mentality of exploiting (and I call it an exploit because there's no skill involved at all, and it rushes you to an end goal not intended to be reached with such little effort) is toxic to this community.
    Warframe does not require effort and skill. It is a casual coop shooter, with lots of grinding. It requires lots of -time-
    No, it doesn't affect me directly. But it does affect the game community in Warframe, which in turn creates a reputation of what the game is like to play, which affects the ingress of players, and creates a faster exit for players that haven't had an opportunity to actually play anything much else in the game.
    Affinity boosters create a faster exit too. Should we do away with them?
    So why are a lot of players, even Founders in the forums from what I read, using this exploit (although they say it's not one)? There is more than likely a reason right?
    You already know the answer to this: it's the fastest way to get rep. And we can sit around and chat with our friends while doing it.
  7. I get lots of T4 keys on Viver. As does everyone who was farming this for rep.


    As to "but I was fighting level 60+ Grineer!" you've been playing Warframe long enough to know that there is ZERO advantage in going to higher levels. Do 4 waves and restart if you think level 60+ Grineer are so difficult.


    My bigger problem is when the game plain doesn't award you the key that shows up on screen. T4 Sabotage key shows up, everyone extracts, no key in my inventory or in Mission Summary screen. I would recommend not farming for T4 keys right now.

  8. Uh . . . you don't have to win the mission. You get to keep your fragments even when losing. I never won a single one of those archwing missions. I'm leveling Limbo right now.


    This thread is completely pointless. 



    Unless DE hotfixed it where you don't get to keep them. Which would be pretty silly of them.

  9. Excellent post. If I could just emphasize a few points for the crowd that can't read long posts:


    1. Use Corrosive Projection or Energy Siphon. Otherwise you're wasting an aura slot, making it harder on the rest of your team.


    2. Be geared. You need a tanky frame with health, shields, armor and shield regen. Lots of each. Else you are going to get one shot. 


    3. While you might be able to get by with a 10+ Odanata, 25+ would be much better for the next rank of repel, and a maxed out one would be best. If you don't have repel yet, you are effectively useless and should not be in this mission.


    4. Team energy restores for more energy are pretty essential, your abilities are just too important.


    5. You need damage mods for your weapons or you're not going to be able to kill anything.


    You can ignore any one of these points, maybe even two, but you're just making it harder on your team. And if you're playing in pub groups, odds are you're gonna have a couple players who are nigh useless.

  10. Warframe adds a bit of challenge to the game and people freak completely out.


    You will need a maxed or at least level 25 archwing. You need Repel. You will need some actual mods for your weapons, as in damage mods. You will need to use a real frame. Nova is not an archwing frame. You will need Energy Siphon. You will need to use your archwing abilites. Repel and the shield should be used liberally.


    The problem with pubbie groups is that in any pub group, on average, 2 are pretty much useless. And we don't have Rhino Prime/Boltor Prime equivalents yet to carry the lowbies. People in the forums complain this is OP and that is OP, but that is how we carry the other players. Since we don't have any OP archwing stuff yet, this is what happens. People actually need to gear up and learn to play.



    In any case, I'm sure DE will nerf it soon, and then we can all get back to our semi-afk Sechura/ODD style grinding.

  11. You can't expect DE to just remove the far right ability slots, many people move around their polarities around after polarizing.


    DE needs to simply remove all ability polarities and keep all the other polarities, even if those polarities need to be moved around. This would end all the discussion about needing to be refunded forma or legendary forma. 


    If DE seriously thinks vets wanna go thru and reforma all their warframes, they are sadly mistaken.

  12. We don't need uber-forma, its very simple:


    1 - Remove all ability polarities


    2 - Keep ALL other polarities. 


    No need to hand out forma or legendary forma.


    If people come back after a break and find out they need to re-forma 6+ frames, well, they aren't coming back. They'll wonder why the devs arbitrarily got rid of their polarizied slots instead of blank slots. They'll take this as a sign the devs don't want them playing.

  13. You realize why DE keeps spawns low, right? Too much xp per time spent. I'm sure you were around when they had the survival weekend event, enemies spawned like MAD and the affinity flowed like rain in Seattle. Then they launched actual survival missions where the enemy spawns were toned down, and have been toned more since. And then you have the void survival spawns which are simply pitiful, making it one of the most boring game modes in Warframe. No one ever does void survival for fun, they do it strictly for the rewards. 


    At the end of the day, Warframe is a giant treadmill. And they don't want the treadmill going too fast.

  14. So the OP sat thru 10 waves of a defense being unhappy. Does he not know how to abort a mission? Does he not know how to leave at wave 5? Did he try asking the Nova and Ember to stop?


    Oh, who am I kidding. He wanted something to whine about on the forums. Mission accomplished.

  15. If your definition of skill is "point your aimer at enemy weak spot, press LMB" then yes, Warframe requires skill. Oh, and lets not forget hitting 4 once in awhile for CC/mass death.  But even so, the skill cap is very, very low. Perhaps higher than Space Invaders but lower than Defender.

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