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Posts posted by Demon_Mask

  1. I'm just posting the WIP for my contest entry, The Infested Vectis!

    (Normal maps are wonderful <3)





    HOLY HELL thats awesome!!!


    whoda thunk that the vectis would be so giving to an infested do-over?!?!?



  2. Only when the planets align in reality will you see Banshee primed. In fact I could see Vauban being primed before her, because no one uses or cares about Banshee.


    Sadly, everyone thinks Banshee is worthless. :( Sound Quake is amazing for team play, Sonic Boom is amazing for team play, Sonar is amazing for team play if someone can aim.

    Man,banshee is my main, I'm MR 16 and she has been my main from the start!

  3. Firstly, DE im super excited for archwing!!!!! Great idea and work, cant wait to see how it goes and what kind of customisations we can give it. thank you!!!

    Now, imagine out in space with the arch wing. Suddenly, STALKER!!! Or another mini boss, but for this example ill stick with stalker. It would be so badass to see the stalkerbwith an evil looking archwing, and some epic archwing melee hate scythe. Pretty much angle of death!!!

  4. I was hosting a mamas Saturn survival with a friend of mine and had my galive prime with its normal build, no rebound or quick return. And after about 10 mins my glaive. didn't come back when I threw it unequiped. No amount of key combination fixed it including drawing out my melee, all that did was show the glaive in my hand but couldn't use it, my squaddie said it was just flying around the whole time, he could see and hear it.

    Then after about 5mins it came back. Only to happen again. But never returned that time.

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