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Posts posted by Demon_Mask

  1. Why would a technologicaly advanced race limit themselves in that way. That doesn't make sense.

    ABC classes are different OS configurations that the weapon or frame (hardware) loads prior to a mission. It then has software (mods) loaded in that match the OS that was loaded to make the hardware function in the desired way.

    You see?

    Currently ABC is pointless. It's not true to its potential by a long shot.

  2. but it will make no sense at all :)

    A B C are just load out

    at the end its the same weapon

    same weapon cant be formated in diferent at same time

    Not entirely. If you think about it, mods are just software that you install to the weapon or frame systems to gain new functionality of the hardware.

    Just like having Linux and Windows installed on the same PC and choosing what to load for what you want to do.

    Makes perfect sense

    Edit: the different polarity in ABC are the systems or the OS in my PC analogy

  3. I had this idea up months ago! So I obviously love it! It really is pointless to have three classes with the exact same polarities.

    It also means that DE could sell more forma

  4.      I saw that natural talent doesn't affect Ash's Bladestorm, and I think it should, simple.

    The ability takes so long, and unless you run solo you will be maxikillstealed and if it where affected by natural talent it would really help with this. i know the following problems with speeding up Bladestorm include the fact that all abilities would then be sped up once cast meaning it would either cancel out continuity, or make all ability animations speed up unless a specific Bladestorm patch occurred.

  5. Well alot of people have been saying she doesn't look like a warframe, and ive come up with a plan! shes one of the first wraframes made, a prototype if u will, so he looks a little diff than the norm :D

    Not to be picky because i love this concept..... But, in saying that, it would mean thatbit was a failed prototype (not including abilities) because all the frames following are different?

    Again, just putting it out there.

  6. Be thankful that DE is actually a company that cares about its reputation with its gamer community! When they say it's an update every Wednesday then they will do their best to make sure it's a good update, even if it means working late.

    So you can deal with it or move to Australia. Updates are in the mid afternoon normally, sometimes earlier.

  7. I think the prime version will be really interesting, instead of the solid gold bars, they could be some sort of channel for liquid. And definitely some cool VFX like a misty aura Or something like the ether weapons and only being able to see them in a certain type of lighting

  8. to go with the 'solo' run warframe, i feel he needs a way to regain HP, so as i stated earlier in the thread, his ULT should have a life steal added to it, even if damage is a tad lower for those worried about balance.

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