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Posts posted by Rhyandra

  1. vor 13 Stunden schrieb Aldain:

    Ah yes, the old "Placeholder so that if this extremely unlikely occurrence happens the game doesn't implode upon itself" technique.

    It's always interesting to see how far the developers think ahead for things like this, and I suppose if it is possible to buy some basic weapons one could farm their way to another frame from low level bosses. 

    "Ah yes, placeholders."

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  2. vor 22 Minuten schrieb GnarlsDarkley:


    which is absolutely legitimite. It's antisocial but legitimite. If you dislike it you'll have to do solo or recruit. You can only report leeching in normal maps under certain conditions

    Says who? You? Are you a dev? Never saw a dev claiming this. Got a source?

  3. vor 52 Minuten schrieb xcenic:

    Only last year. I dont wanted to post a biggest pic. I was ready to buy the full mesa prime P.A. but with the disaster and crap accessories pack i used my money to purchase anthem, MHW, KH3 and Devil my Cry. totally worth spend! 2019 will be my year of Free to play player for warframe and embrace the "ItS a FrEe gAmE dOnT cOmPlAiNt" "dE iTs A sMaLl CuMpAnY" "i lOvE sPaCe mOn" and the best, random hotfit: "tHaNk"



    Those -75% coupons. ME WANT...

  4. vor einer Stunde schrieb Myscho:

    So holding button to get extended map is hard, next level of lazyness

    Laziness? More like a QoL change that makes things more convienent. Way to go with your toxicity.

  5. vor 1 Minute schrieb (PS4)lagrue:

    If they are gonna leech, they're going to do it anyway.  

    Weapons are not as important as abilities. If I see a level 0 Limbo or Mesa in my Sortie, I'd quit, EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. Seriously, you don't sound like a teamplayer. This won't change, ever.

    What about Lokis not having invis in Spy's and then F it up because of that? What about Limbos on defense not having catacylsm? What about a Mesa not killing anything because everyone else is doing it? The earlier you get used to it the better.

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