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Posts posted by AethonWalker

  1. During invasions higher level invasions it'd be neat to see these members fighting alongside the infested. It'd also be nice if they didn't have the weaknesses many Corpus have. Since they've been infested, they could still have a bit of their shielding technology, but they wouldn't have such weak health either. The reasoning behind making them tough is that there aren't that many of them, so they'd be kind of like some of the assassins in the game, except more frequent.

  2. Heck, while we're at it, maybe add in a recreational room for private team/ffa-based pvp? I always liked playing against friends more than randoms (you can hear them get pissed, so much more fun) and this could be a fun way to pass time until a new alert or something?

  3. Ohhh this thread again. Rework, rework, rework because I don't like how this frame works.

    Frost is very good as he is right now. Suggesting another rework sounds very dumb to me.

    Shouldn't we look at other frames instead?

    You know cuz the ones that ain't broke don't need fixing?

    Like how about Limbo?

    ^What he said


    But seriously, the issue isn't Frost, just the player mentality. You can't fix that. Frost is an immovable force, but that doesn't necessarily make him a defensive tank. He can be an offensive bruiser by just changing his build a bit. The thing is, like somebody said, the players that want him most either never played him, don't want to play him, don't know how to actually play him, or a mix of those. Suffice it to say, players in general just need to get creative, which, due to the whole meta concept, probably won't ever happen.


    If you really want something to change though, you should come up with an idea.

  4. Do yourself a favor and come up with ideas for him. I've seen that a lot of threads that only hold complaints (no matter how grounded in factual evidence and respect they are) end up getting locked and go nowhere. I do agree, Rhino needs a rework, and he is indeed getting one when his new skin comes in, but still come up with ideas just in case it isn't as balanced as it should be.

  5. I will still include Tengus for this concept no doupt, but I would like to also add in Sargas Ruk into the fold. Even though Ruk and Tengus might not get along due to Ruk's disapproval of the Grustag 3.


    With that in mind, I might have found a somewhat challenging re-design of Sargas Ruk boss fight.


    But this new Sargas Ruk boss fight will have to remove his invulnerability to trade off for something a little defensive but with a huge emphasis on offense which will have to force players to be careful how they position themselves.

    Oh boy! Anything that removes the placeholder immunity phases is good in my book.

  6. Certain mods could add a layer of damage resistance to the shields designed to nullify or gain benefits from specific types of damage.


    For example:


    Backup Battery: X% of Electric damage dealt, X% of mixed Electric (Corrosive, Radiation, Magnetic), is ignored or gives shields back to the player.


    Thermal Generator: X% of Heat damage (X% of mixed Heat) dealt becomes ignored and boosts the users damage by up to X% with the percent dropping by X% per second.


    Insulated Integrity: X% of Cold (X% of mixed Cold) damage is projected away from the user, having X% to proc the element to nearby enemies instead.


    Toxic Exuberance: Toxin now damages shields (instead of bypassing them), and the user gains 5% resistance to all toxin-based procs.


    The user can only equip one at a time, like with the elemental parkour mods. The mod drain should be fairly high, but the ranks should only be 3 or 5 (like Quick Thinking), that way players will have to spend a mod slot, deal with 15 drain, and think about what they want most. Try to think of better numbers and effects though, this was just off the top of my head.

  7. That's completely not true that it's severly underused. There are enough corrupt mods that exist to give you unbelievable strength and range. They add new corrupt mods with every big update.

    Just because they add new corrupt mods doesn't mean we use them. I mean, Depleted Reload was just a crutch for the Vectis Prime if you ask me, and I don't know many people that use the corrupted fire rate mods. I'd like to see some nice corrupted weapon mods instead of the bunch of rifle ones with a few of the rest scattered here and there.

  8. I like the creativity behind the abilities, but I've always seen Hydroid as a pirate lord meets the kraken type of dude.


    Could his 1st be better? Yeah, I could see adding a bit more aoe to the projectiles to fix it up the rest of the way. I mean, with the update that made it recastable, it got way better imo. His 1st is kinda like a captain testing his (wo)men's resolve through a storm.


    His 2nd is pretty decent, although a good rework would be to make enemies drag along with the tide so you can do lots more damage. (Idk if it does that now, I haven't used him in a while.)


    His 3rd is nice for creating an exclusion zone. The only way to make it stronger at this point is to increase its strength and make it larger.


    Finally, his 4th merely needs better targeting to make it on par with other abilities. When his Tentacle Swarm hits where I want it to, nothing gets through, and loads of things die (with the added drop benefit, I might add!), so if we could get the targeting to be more consistent and not randomly have the tentacles all over the place, it would really help.


    Overall, the creativity is good, but Hydroids abilities are, imo, better off just getting buffed up a bit.

  9. After some talk and some relooking, it appears that Sargas Ruk is a better fit for leading a Machinery-based faction than Tengus, but that does not mean I won't include Tengus himself into the picture.


    But this also means that I'll need to see how Ruk can be redone to fit in as a Machinery enemy.

    Tengus would fit well as a boss for Phobos though. I mean, Phobos is supposed to be a grineer settlement, so maybe Tengus was transported there for recovery when the Tenno discovered the planet or something.

  10. And here I was about to (slightly) rant about augments when suddenly:

    Most augment are based of bonus that this skill can receive through time... I can see that two of them are just staight out Buff... They aren't optional... You basically HAVE to put them and waste mod slot because of the over stats they would give...

    Landslide : Not optionnal at all, this mod basically screams : If you don't have me, you're bad
    Tectonic having a 5-10 seconds invincibility upon spawning is already something ( Since you can probably mix it up with a duration build ), why add the 6x health.
    Petrify isn't too bad of an augment, i'd actually expect them to lose all armor when they have no way of moving and defending themselves.
    Rumblers : Mirage is having a hard time because of 4 clones... now you want to have an army of giant AI walking around and blocking everyone's way while creating a massive lag.

    I haven't tested the rumblers to know how decent they are, a melee link to the mod wouldn't be soo bad as they are kinda slow and I can't think of a situation where they would be able to abuse it as much as other melee linked power.


    Petrify is nice, although I'll point out that encasing something in stone does make it tougher (but maybe I'm just thinking too much irl physics) so it'd be weird to decrease the amount of armor on an enemy by doing so. Although you could argue about some sort of erosion effect, such as decreasing their original armor while/after the ability wears off.


    The Rumblers would be cool, but maybe cap the amount you can make and bring it down to 40% chance, these guys can wallop high level enemies fairly efficiently in my experience, and never die.

  11.  Banish should not. Limbo main issue is that he is a single-target frame in a hoarde based shooter, If anything banish needs some form of AoE to be able to drag more enmies into the rift. Toggle on Banish does not make sense as Limbo will constantly be Banishing monsters either into our out of the rift. It works against Void Exposure giving limbo energy as well as discourages Limbo from bringing too many enemies into his realm unless the cost is ridiculously low.


    Completely agree with the point made here.


    If Banish just had some kind of small AoE, it'd be much better than it is now. Maybe the real rework for Banish would include holding the ability button, and sweeping across several enemies (with strength determining the max amount that can be targeted at once). It would allow a player to either select one target or multiple, and the only issue I can see is determining how the energy consumption might work. It could either cost a decreasing amount for every target selected, or be one set cost regardless of number of targets.For example, one target would be the normal 25 energy, 2 targets would be 37.5, with every extra target after adding another 6.25. The ability could then be affected by efficiency in two ways, one decreasing all the costs by up to 75%, or having the minimum cost be 75% of the base which would mean all targets cost 6.25 energy. I dunno, I think it'd be really nice in conjunction with your void exposure.

  12. Medallions should never have been been marked in the first place. It's not a "treasure hunt" when you have a GPS system, it's a controlled farming exercise.


    DE knew exactly what they were doing.



    I'd agree with you. If you just mark medallions outright, there is no reason to even have them. You could pretty much just stick them into the pool of standing for completing a mission. Think about it, would you have the caches in a sabotage mission be marked for easy finding? Some would say yes, and to you, why even bother playing a game that does everything for you? It might not be fun to run around looking for these things, but you also don't have to look for them. If you were to mark them, you'd need to make them difficult to get to in order to balance it out.

  13. Remember excaliber is for the newbie newbies as it states he perfect for inexperienced players. Mag is for people who are a little more experienced in fps or warframe itself.

    Yeah. I remember first playing and starting with Loki. That was almost a mistake. XD

  14. You're doing something wrong with Excalibur's Exalted Blade, if Valkyr deals more damage with Hysteria.


    Than again if you compare the flying energy blades' damage per target ..... they go 40m through multiple enemies and walls dude ..... not realy the same as Hysteria.


    For no reason people should understand that Excalibur is OP .... but the Parry system should be looked at.


    Excalibur should keep parrying from the front passively, but all directions when channeling.

    If you only count the sword and not the beams, Hysteria can hit way harder. I've popped 550-600k with a channeled finisher on Valkyr, but with the same setup only 350k on Excalibro. Considering the way their abilities work, however, he's way better for big crowds while she can decimate even the bullet-spongiest of heavies.

  15. Based off what I've used, these should stay augments: Nyx Chaos, all of Nekros (although SotD could be argued either way imo), Valkyr Warcry, Loki Disarm, Nova Antimatter, Volt Overload, Hydroid Swarm, Saryn Molt, Rhino Iron Skin. Those should stay augments, although it'd be nice to have a slot or two dedicated to augments as well.


    Idk about the rest.

  16. That's the same for any other enemy that is mind controlled...

    There are no heretics against John Prodman, only those who love him and those who worship him.

    Context might've told you that the ability ended, he took no damage, he giggled.

    But it's cool. I guess I'll spell it out.

  17. I can understand if you feel she loses her touch later on in endless missions. I will point out, however, that she is at her strongest ever, and even her weakest form outperformed almost every other frame my friends would bring to endless missions, if only due to play-style. The only frame that my friend has used to effectively keep up was an Ash/Carrier combo. I could cheese through enemies with properly timed strikes to ancients and nullies, even up to an hour in T4 Survivals. The issue may be how you build and use her, since every frame is designed to tailor different approaches. I hope I didn't come off sounding egotistical, but I would like you to understand that not everybody can use a frame. (i.e. I suck at Trinity, Banshee, and Mesa)

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