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Posts posted by AethonWalker

  1. It also seems to happen very often when I'm using Mirage's 1st. Two of her images can usually fire, but the other two and myself cannot, and the weapon refuses to work for me for the rest of the match. Once the visual effect disappears from the weapon (the energy beams and stuff) it stops firing, like it needs the energy to create its projectiles. Tbh, it reminds me of the problems I had with LittleBigPlanet's emitters from time to time, where the object they were placed on would be unintentionally destroyed, which took the emitter with it.

  2. I didn't do the sorties, but so far Bursas have been a fun addition to Corpus ranks when they do pop in. It sounds like the big issue here is just that the spawn rates were too high, which iirc has more to do with their levels. After all, don't the more high priority targets spawn more often when enemy levels get higher? If that's the case, the problem for Bursas in a sortie has to do with scaling, so the obvious answer would just be to bring their scaling down a notch or two for the sorties.

  3. There's been a couple of new melee types added within the past few months, Sword and Whip/Chain, and Rapiers.


    I was thinking the Rapier needed something like attack speed and armor ignore, but to a lesser degree than the weapons that have it already.


    As for the Sword and Whip/Chain, mix in a bit of chance to disarm when using specific attacks with the whip, and either give it the channeling efficiency or give it some of the machete's stat.


    I figure these weapons are kind of a mix up of others, so they can perform multiple roles to lesser extents. The Rapier would get 10% armor ignore and 5-7.5% attack speed boost for being light, while the Sword and Whip would get a 12.5% disarm chance and either cuts channeling cost by 1/3 or gains 5-7.5% attack speed on a kill.

  4. I did noticed that when i was trying to hit his legs with the hysteria (before i knew about the Bursa thing) he just stomped over and over


    And lower their damage them whats up with DE and one shot skills sheesh

    I'm laughing right now because DE doesn't want us pulling One-Hit Knockouts and yet it seems to be their favorite technique for us pesky ninjas. It just reminded me of Gaige's Anarchy tree from Borderlands 2. They might have trouble hitting ya but when they do it'll hurt.

  5. I remember Thunderbolt being really freaking cool and useful way back when, but now if I'm gonna use a mod like it I'd personally use Concealed Explosives. CE has an 80% chance to activate for the same damage and on weaponry that fire faster. With multishot there's a 40% chance that 3 explosions will occur, and almost 100% guarantee for at least 1. Thunderbolt is 30% chance for 250 blast damage (with the damage decreasing at farther range) and multishot can't even get it above 50%. 


    I personally would use it if it scaled up a bit like it used to before I even played, and increased the chance too.

  6. And to think: this was a fan concept enemy that people voted for. I mean the whole purpose of the unit was to block player progress through maps, and now that it's here, everyone hates it.


    Isn't that the point? The player-base would rather choose what they hate than let DE do it. Better for DE too, they're not the target of any backlash. Just wish the Hyenas weren't in the alert. It's rather annoying to get slowed down to nothing constantly. (I don't have Mag anymore T-T)

  7. The logic behind it can be explained I suppose. We don't magically avoid our allies when shooting/hacking away with melee, and neither do most of the enemies. The only thing I can say is that hacking a Bursa changes whatever frequency they fire their weaponry in or something, which allows them to target the Razorback. To top it off, we don't have all the Bursa weaponry. Some have the ability to cripple a warframe's movement/abilities, so it's plausible that they have something to rip Razorback apart when rewired.


    A bigger arena would be neater for the fight, along with fixing how/where the Bursas spawn. AI in Warframe has always proven to bug out at some point, so instead of trying to fix it during a time-limited event, why not bypass some of the problems altogether?


    I like puzzle bosses and all, but relying on temperamental AI to function perfectly isn't a good idea. Plus, you can't Ripline the Bursas, and idk if Switch Teleport works (likely not), so it's not like a player can change their approach to adjust.

  8. Melee is very niche. In order to really make use of it, you'll not only need to build the right weapons, but also have the right build, the right warframe, and the right skills. I personally either use big melees for their ragdoll, or build one that can lay out statuses on crowds effectively, something with good range and status chance so that you can apply corrosive, radiation, viral, etc. Otherwise you could try going with a crit build, but the best ones now require the Acolyte mods to really shine.

  9. You cant control time with matter.

    Ah, but how do you know for sure? Think.

    It may be possible to control time as a form of energy, although obviously I wouldn't know how.




    Time is merely a construct of the human mind. Time is how we measure where we are just as much as we measure our own location. With the ability to control molecule and atoms, would it not be possible to slow, stop, reverse, or even speed up the events we measure as time? Sure, you'd need to be incredibly powerful and smart, but surely it's still possible?

  10. I love the idea of mixing in Damage 2.0's elements too. I really hope you put forth great effort into this one. Go wild with the different stuff, please. It'd make my day to be able to run the same exact mission with loads of different possible outcomes, especially if the outcomes can be influenced by the enemies too.

  11. I just maxed Nezha yesterday, and I can tell you that you aren't using him to his full potential. Please, I don't mean to sound rude when I say that either, I promise.


    His 1st ability is great. A trail of fire that, iirc (haven't played with people in a while) can remove debuffs on teammates, improves his speed quite well which inversely decreases the enemy's accuracy, provides a trail of fire that does decent damage, and give loads of CC if you hit high-traffic areas.


    His 2nd is a synergy ability. Bad alone, but good when used strategically.Yes, of course you can teleport, even around corners and such, and with his 1st it provides a heavy explosion. The damage doesn't scale, but you can use a decent weapon right? Ping several targets at once, then blast them if you, your teammate, or any companion needs health.


    His 3rd is a weak Iron Skin because of the stun it provides. It can prove quite hilarious to fight infested with.


    His 4th isn't a great damage dealer, but the CC it provides is pretty useful.


    You set up a range/efficiency/duration type of build and all of his abilities become very nice. Sure, you'll need strong weaponry, but so does Trinity if you ever want to kill more than one thing at a time. He's not designed to be powerful, even if the description mildly points to it. What he lacks in DPS he makes up for in utility.

  12. So the biggest anti-Mesa rework argument tend to be that she was aimboterrific, which is correct. Why not make her 4 more mobile then, and drop the complete aimbot for a more soft-targeting system? At least you won't be ganked constantly. The make her pistol mods affect it to sweeten the deal. Sure, she may just be using built-in guns instead of energy constructs like Valkyr, Excalibur, and Ivara, but Wukong couldn't care less about that.


    I want my gunslinger back. She's been collecting dust ever since the rework as her 4 became too buggy for my own pc and her other abilities just didn't warrant using her for much other than a Sunday drive.

  13. Maybe you only have a secondary equipped or something we'd think of as stupid and the game just isn't having it. Possibly try equipping another secondary if you have it? Idk what else other than filing with support you could do.

  14. Thanks for the pointers, though don't really know what you mean by 'Nuwt is too tanky' As for the Stug, yes I know of it, have it and have used it and at no point does it bind enemies, it just explodes, not leaves a lingering death cloud and quite honest I prefer the Tysis over the Stug, its a bit prettier to look at, does the same elemental damage and is better for sniping, My version is more for trapping large groups of enemies by getting them stuck and unable to retaliate, so a level 100 sortie bombard will be a tad easier to manage than with say, Stug. Revised some bits, still got some parts I'm going to look over, but doing this at 2am is a chore.

    I'm not sure what I meant about Nuwt either. I was tired I guess. As for the spores created, I'd recommend stating that they slow movement too, so that confusion doesn't happen. I'm digging it otherwise. Hopefully more people reply.

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