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Posts posted by Sweg178

  1. (ill try to be short and sorry for my bad english)

    I know devs are busy trying to dish out new content and nerfing weapons (kappa_).

    But in the midst of all these we are ignoring a lots of quality of life contents. people getting excited over a new mouse cursor shows what kind of content people want to see. 

    Some of the things i think we should have new..

    *A good profile view???..A change in how we view our profile will be a very nice thing to have   .. We should be able to feature our collections, pets(specially this one), builds etc ..The player and operator should not just stand like a fuking rock and actually have some cool animations. even the clan showcase looks 10 times better. 

    *Another cephalon mayb  ???  I am actually sick of hearing ordis say the same fuking lines over and over again,,..it will be very nice if we get other cephalons to choose from ..Heck even the helminth as the ship operator will be a super cool thing to have. 

    *New Emotes?? The narta emotes that we have are a fun part of the game..why arent we getting more of these .._

    *Actual dance emotes???.. this could be controversial but we are missing out on fun by not having any dance emotes..imagine a mag doing electro shuffle _lol


    Ultimately , we need contents that changes how the game looks to make the it feel fresh .. Only adding new events and balancing(_nerfing) weapons should not be the only things we get .. I should be able to tell what year is this by looking at the game .








  2. 3 minutes ago, SirTobe said:

    the operator provides energy, health, and cc to everyone in between the stages whether it is needed

    isnt that solely what operators job has become? whats the point of having amps then .just mr fodder?

    all the other sentient boss enemies require amps to be used .Also eidolons are going to meet its end where operator arcane and amps as well as their passives were a crutial part.

    Slowly we are getting to the point where operator amps  might be completely irrelevant .The VOID damage isnt that much effective against sentients as it should be specially in this particular event . They just serve as a purpose of removing the resistance . 

    15 minutes ago, SirTobe said:

    If I just relied on a Mesa and Limbo to get through Scarlet Spear I would've died by depression a week ago. 

    Thats whats been going on in the ss no? ..mesa and limbo in every squad ..everybody wants to be done with 17 condrixes within 20 mins 

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Uan91 said:

    I use my Op for:

    Healing teamates, refresh DMG adaptation, lock them with m.lockdown. 

    its already cheesed to the point that you dont need to do any of these .

    Honestly if you are needed to do all these that means you are having a lot of trouble


  4. Their should be an weight class  for warframes . 

    Feels no difference between using a banshee or a hildryn other than just the visuals. 

    also there should be better impact effects and sounds when running into a wall or running on different tilesets like we get a cool animation when barely scraching the landscape in the archwing mode. 

    DE needs to make small changes like  these to make the game feel a little fresh and not outdated .


    • Like 1
  5. imagine nothing is vaulted and theres 0.2% chance of getting the desired relic you want .

    We do actually need vaulted relics .its to maintain the drop table .

    what we really need is something to do with the mass amount of relics we get . Relic keeps filling up your inventory ,theres no end .you go open a relic and get another .The reason for the price drop is solely because these relics gradually kept stacking up because of multiple vaulting and unvaultings .


    • Like 1
  6. 40 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Yea......your Void Dash is accompanied with a plethora of auxiliary abilities.....

    tell me how those plethora of auxiliary abilities help you out.

    You probably have more than 1000 energy pads already. why bother using zenurik , 

    lets switch to naramon , wait you dont have to , either mesa is killing the sentients without the help of your paracessis or someone else out damaging your redeemer with contagion. people uses heavy attack builds on redeemer anyway so lets forget naramon . 

    madurai? stack up damage? sure ,the condrix is nerfed to paper already .

    vazarin? the heal also got nerfed recently .

    unairu? keep void blasting and keep your team invisible ( i guess this is atleast of some use)

    also you probably dont ever have to use the amps in a minimum decent team thats going into the ss missions.

    i dont know about whats happening in the space and i dont want to .  

  7. 2 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

    I use my amp all the time for killing that new sentient

    do you mean the brachiolyst or the aerolyst . cause i dont think operator amps are much effective against the other ones after a certain level ..

    Why do u even bother to do that honestly when a mesa can deal with them with no trouble .

    Circumstances might be different when you are playing solo but most of the squads that enter are well organized and doesnt require anyone to use the operator attacks as far as ive seen .

    Honestly id love to see the condrix to have atleast some amount of shields that will require the amps to be used .


  8. 2 minutes ago, Bacl said:

    The way i did set my Atlas prime was to exploit that stupid armor rating and apply it to Quickthinking and Gladiator's Finesse in order to be even tankier than a double Grave Inaros and it was great!

    DE doesnt like this word "Exploit". they punish us  because we are not playing the exact same way de wants us to .

    We cant be innovative and combine our arsenal and make something twice as efficient than DE intended us to.

    When they see people using too much of the same  weapon or warframe because its more effective than the others what they do? Nerf hammer.

    Instead of making other weapons/frames viable for the same purpose they handicaps those handfull of assets that makes the grind remotely fun and interesting .

    For gods sake its not a pvp game and its not gamebreaking if you can kill one enemy with couple of less bullets or heal your defence target because no one else trying to waste their 75000 credits for literally nothing. 

    It boggles my mind that they plans to nerf some of the core gameplay elements because of the little to no issues like a fking khora being abble to heal the oplinks .I mean what are they trying to achieve, this just kills the very diversity they speak of. Its hypocrisy at its finest.

    Also i think they came up with this whole idea of merging 2 arcanes only to makes this pittyfull of an event remotely worth the time unless youve already spent thousands of plats to already max the arcanes when they dropped the update weeks ago.

    Its just too Frustrating for me at this point .I dont even want to imagine what they are going to do with the next melee disposition changes.

    2020 has been too much of a S#&$ show for me to handle 

    • Like 5
  9. 2 hours ago, Bacl said:

    having weed legal in Canada is starting to show its great effects on the population or you guys lost your touch altogether.

    Haha i think the downfall began after they legalized weed in canada .Nonetheless i feel excactly what you feel about the arcanes . Its super frustrating to see the rarest and hardest to get items of the game are getting handed over like plastic toys .

    • Like 4
  10. 39 minutes ago, Battle.Mage said:

    played with 2 mesas, nova and limbo (done bubble only for scan def). cleaned all 17 waves super fast without danger.

    its even better to play with a rhino or volt instead of nova . i could do 17 condrix in less than 20 mins with the team u mentioned . But thats only when  you have a good team ..in casuals mostly what you going to face is two of your team mate dead instantly because of the battalyst/conculyst and you die as well trying to revive the dead ones and the last team mate probably went hiding somewhere safe . its just how my experience has been 

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