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Everything posted by SlapAlot

  1. That's a ton to think about I appreciate all the feedback. I definitely need to look into Rivens, they're just a scary grind for a free to play player if I'm looking for something specific. I have some plat to play with from selling parts but not a ton. I'm also curious if Rattleguts is the best option for what I'm trying to do or not. I'll already be getting Viral from Nourish, and can get some CC from the cold Arcane, so if I'm just trying to get some stopping power to get kills for shadows would something like a Catchmoon be better? Or is the crit and stat procs still a really solid way to go? Though I suppose getting more CC like radiation would help the shadows live long enough to do damage as well. I definitely feel like guns are the hardest part of builds for me.
  2. Hi all, first time posting so sorry for any weird formatting or anything. I've been playing on and off for a long time, so I have a few things and know a little bit, but I'm trying to make a build that can do steel path finally. I'm working on a Nekros build since he's one of my favorite frames, and I was planning on focusing more on his 4 with Nourish off the Helminth etc., and wanted to try and use the Theorem and Residual mods with a kitgun. My current one can somewhat deal with the level ~115 normal enemies in tier 5 bounties in Sanctum, but it still struggles a ton with the larger enemies or any Eximus. Right now I am using a Rattleguts/Bellows/Lovetap secondary. My mods are: Lethal Torrent, Barrel Diffusion, Primed Pistol Gambit, Hornet Strike, Pistol Pestilence, Frostbite, Scorch, and Sure Shot. I only have the toxic Residual Arcane on it at the moment, though I'm wondering if the Cold might be better just for some CC. The second arcane slot is open right now and I don't have an exilus mod at the moment either. I know crit and bleed are strong, but I don't know how to stack damage for late game that well. I know I can take out the viral since I'll have Nourish, but are there other obvious issues with the build that are stopping it from doing better? I'm not expecting it to be some crazy room clear, I just want to be able to take down Eximus and other stronger enemies so I can make shadows of them. Thank you!
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