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Posts posted by [DE]Artarrwen

  1. You have to consider that an item that costs $5 for you doesn't cost $5 for everyone. Some regions get to pay far less (up to 60% difference, maybe more) for the same digital goods (logically, it would mean less income for all involved). It's why you can't, for instance, purchase a Steam copy of a videogame intended for CIS regions from a reseller and activate it in Europe or the US.

    It's much of a lesser scale here but it's still a bit of a problem.

    6 minutes ago, --Q--Ascended-Seraphim said:

    I don't understand.

    I can keep buying Tennogen Skins off Steam and trade them for plat if it's lucrative enough.

    That action generates sales for the content Creators and DE.

    So even if people want to pay via plat, there will be a subset of people who will be willing to be the middle man to first buy the skins for real money and trading it those without steam accounts at a slightly marked up rate.

    I guess what they were trying to say is that taking a step towards the people who complain about being unable to just buy the things with platinum without giving them the way to just buy it with platinum without dealing with the Trade system would incite even more whining and complaints.

  2. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:


    It's not really in the game it was leaked in the codex a couple months ago but hasn't been released 

    You don't even know if they intended to release it, ever. There's the possibility that they could be, uh, trolling.

    Primed Streamline would be just another heap of rubbish into the mess that the game's balance is right now. You said it yourself, energy as a limiting mechanic is a joke because of EV trinity alone. The whole system needs work.

  3. 1 hour ago, Askell91 said:

    We could buy the "first pack" trough market. What is the reason we can't buy the new ones the same way?

    It was a contest where creators of the items would get a share of platinum rather than real money, it's not viable for motivating people to spend their time working on new items. Steam Workshop wasn't involved because they had no intention of giving out real money. Now that they do they kind of don't have that much of a choice.

    1 hour ago, Askell91 said:

    Well I have a little problem with it. I don't use Steam and i have no intention to...it's just anoying.

    Well yes, it's just your problem that you can easily solve by, you know, logging on to Steam just this once.


  4. Seems like Atomos has an innate mechanic that overrides Damage 2.0 rules, similar to how Acrid procs Toxin dot every hit. Not sure about the increased damage.

    As for punch-through, the rules should be the same as with Amprex though I can't be certain, never tried it.


    Metal Auger will allow the Amprex to hit multiple targets with its main beam. Each target hit with the main beam causes a separate set of chained damage to nearby enemies, causing this weapon to deal significantly more damage the more enemies you are able to hit. Hitting multiple enemies at one time may be difficult in practice due to the Amprex's short range.


  5. 5 minutes ago, Marat00s said:

    i dont think they will just give me any kind of refund since its not really their fault, also i dont really have proof so yeah, i can only shout and complain to make myself feel better at this point.

    So long as you weren't playing solo you can still try and send one. They might be able to help. You'll probably have to tell them the time when you were playing and names of the players that were with you.

  6. 27 minutes ago, Mr._Clean said:

    Right I get that.

    That said however you can get discounts on plat. Where as you can't on workshop items. In reality if I paid for the workshop items what I pay in money for plat they'd be $0.50 or less.

    I'm FINE however paying $2 or so as I mentioned. But full price is just ridiculous since no one ever (or in their right mind) pays full price for plat with how freely available it is through coupons or other players. It doesn't devalue the price DE has set, but it does devalue the worth in the eyes of the players.

    Even if all they did was make it so login reward coupoons applied to Workshop items or Platinum purchases I'd be happy.




    They've already stated that nothing will change in regards to pricing.

    3. Kary points at Rebecca, Rebecca points at Kary, and both agree that because we based the pricing off of a close-to-parity Platinum value it has skewed pricing. We do not have intentions to have content creators to decide pricing. We will keep on as we have been. Pointing subsides.

    Discounts probably could happen but not from login coupons (just speculating).
    I wonder if they could perhaps bundle each tennogen item with an amount of plat and/or other goodies like boosters or whatever, instead.

  7. 14 minutes ago, novabjorn said:



    That looks like the other one, actually.

    8 minutes ago, novabjorn said:

    Just checked in-game on mine.


    Can't tell if there's much reflected light. In fact, it looks evenly lit with no highlights.

    Honestly, it almost looks like a plasticine sculpture and clearly different from your preview images. Seems like a bug IMO tho I'm not sure.

    *sigh* the Tennogen viewer definitely needs some work in terms of its lighting

    Actually, could you show what your roughness map looks like?

  8. I'll reiterate. If DE introduce full body model swaps for Warframes, even if none of the community-made gender-bender designs get approved, it still opens up another source of Deluxe-like skins.

    I can't say no to that. As much as I'm against the idea of gender-bender skins existing and being paid-only.

    Point is, gender-bender skins shouldn't be the focus. They can happen (not without a huge IF) as a byproduct.

  9. 1 minute ago, AzureTerra said:

    If statistics don't matter why have any option for players to have any opinion on for what they would like to see. What the statistics do say is a LOT of people would throw money at these things as quality products are the ones that attract interest (in general almost all of Tennogen thus far has been better quality than the "official" skins of recent times)

    Well for one it's for feedback between users and creators. And maybe just maybe DE do sort through based on popularity and not in some reasonable and unbiased way (e.g. by date or alphabetically)

    I don't see how you make the connection between this and this impression that numbers should guarantee approval or something, because that's how you're coming off.

  10. 38 minutes ago, AzureTerra said:

    On its steam page alone it has more favorites and unique visitors than what was chosen. 


    How dare DE use judgement rendered upon actual inspection of an item with multiple criteria in mind instead of preapproving it because a number of people have clicked a button. Seriously, what's wrong with them?

    No. I can't believe you're so oblivious to the fact that statistics don't decide anything here.

  11. 2 hours ago, RadioLarity said:

    That's all I have to say.

    Well, you didn't say much did you.

    What DE could do is just allow model swaps in Tennogen. If people want gender swaps that badly - something will come out of it, it'll get approval and maybe just maybe DE will let it in. IF it's approved. If not, we just get another source of deluxe skins. Everyone wins. (well, eventually, console players)

    I know it's a long shot but it's not entirely out of the question.

  12. Out of the three contest winners the Bursa are the furthest from original intent and coincidentally the worst. Particularly the Isolator, those got no chill at all.

    No idea how or why DE turned walking barricade / riot units into stampeding death machines but boy did they done did it. Seems like a running theme with Corpus in general, nonsensical unit designs with lots of overlap of poor mechanics attached to duplicates of duplicates.

    12 minutes ago, bolivianhighcommander said:


    1) Alarms ring

    2) turn off Alarms 

    4) enjoy bursa free mission.

    with the most MINIMAL effort you can have zero bursas. 

    For these complaints to be taken seriously show that you havent overlooked the tools that DE gave you to deal with the problem. 

    "There's a theoretical way to circumvent it, it can't be a problem, it can't be!"

    Please don't.

    Is it even worth mentioning that turning off alarms just doesn't work 100% of the time?
    Seems like it is.

  13. That won't work. Technical and aesthetic reasons.

    On the technical side, you have the fact that some assets use PBR-Specular, and others use PBR-Metallic. Attaching two different values to each color won't work because there are differences in the diffuse maps that can't be easily adjusted on-the-fly. I just don't think it's worth the trouble.

    And then there's the non-PBR assets which are still aplenty.

    On the aesthetic side, you'd have this really weird and unnatural look; there's more to materials than shininess and if you don't adjust the detail normals and microsurface as well the result will be atrocious.

    And don't even get me started on "transparency".

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