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Posts posted by [DE]Artarrwen

  1. What's the point in being so pedantic? If you really want to argue about definitions then consider that (almost) nothing in the world is really truly random. Certainly not a set of algorithms in a video game.

    15 minutes ago, Miss_Fluffybutt said:

    isnt Prng more structured as in first you get this then this and now you get what you wanted and RNG is more like completely random which warframe is since some people get it on the first run while others need to do hunderds

    Pseudo-random number generator would be pulling numbers out of a pre-definied sequence of random numbers without really ever changing the sequence itself.

    Weighted RNG =/= pseudorandom. You won't call dice pseudorandom just because the chances of rolling either a 5 or a 6 aren't equal to the chances of rolling a 6.

  2. 4 hours ago, Rekkou said:

    Apparently, DE still accept melee weapons because Arit Kronen got accepted. So sorry if i stopped you from progressing your melee weapons.

    That's really DE's fault for not being clear on the rules. They remove the melee tags and never list melee weapons as available anywhere but then accept a melee weapon replacement like nothing's wrong.

  3. On 27.02.2016 at 11:25 PM, Nachino said:

    1 and 5 look really nice to me. Number 1 seems to be the most popular so far.

    Well what I can tell is that 2 and 4 are the least popular and can be safely discarded for now. 3 perhaps as well.

    That leaves 1, 5 and 6. I like them all equally so to decide which gets preference I might as well flip some coins I guess.

  4. I finally got to designing a helmet for Nova.

    And I ended up with six of them.




    So I'm having a hard time deciding which one to go with. pls halp

    p.s. Given that Round 3 is far, far ahead I might do more than one (depends if DE bring some interesting stuff to work with for round 3); ideally I'd love to model all of them but that's unlikely.


  5. 5 minutes ago, Nachino said:

    I'm ok with removing the mods and the orokin cell, but i think that the old weapon bps should stay. Remember that after completing the Second Dream quest players won't be hunted by the regular Stalker anymore and you would be forcing them to buy them with plat.

    Perhaps make it so his old weapons don't replace the new ones (i.e. they'd drop alongside them, like a second drop). Or make them drop elsewhere, like alerts.

    Or, when the Acolytes come back, give the weapons to them?

  6. 9 minutes ago, WingedCrusade said:

    Looks real nice! Personally, I'm liking the design of number two, maybe make the tops of each banner sticking out... Flare, a bit per se, so that it gets a bit of a wing-like design, if you understand what I mean.


    But that bit's my opinion. Personally, I'd still gladly buy this if it came out in that shape too.

    Ah, both images are the same thing. Are you saying that it's better without a cape, should I just leave the flags?

  7. So.

    Rough concept:


    This might work, this might not. I'm still debating the cape, I might change it to something simpler and thinner like Yomo or Imperator mainly due to budget concerns. Or remove it entirely.

    The flags I'm also unsure about, mainly because of how they're attached, might change to a more traditional look (draping from a horizontal bar rather than attached to a vertical pole-like shape)

    (no cape yet)

    Basically nothing is yet decided, anything and everything will probably change, I don't know what I'm doing, send help.

  8. I... I think they're all kinda crap...?

    Regardless, thanks but... why is it in this forum? There's a thread where I post them and it's pretty clear they can't be implemented just yet (and probably won't be because by the time DE allow full body swaps - if that ever happens - I'd likely be able to make something much better than what I have)


  9. I keep having issues when i export as blenders default obj format, either it wont important into tennogen, or when i switch the settings a bit it gives me a incorrect view of the model, i see the inside faces not the outside


    Another issue is its a syandana i'm working on and i get only one side of the cloth area of the model what should i do about that, i noticed the syandana example has different layers on the same area, should i do the same?

    You need to flip the normals on your model to fix the inside-out look.

    As for the double-faced cloth, it's done by cloning the cloth, flipping the normals of the clone and then welding the edges.

  10. Some proportion tweaks, starting detail pass.


    This looks great. I would make it smaller, though. Frost's neck is already very wide. It can still fit well in the neck at a smaller size, I think.


    While we're at it, I'm not quite sure about the placement of the ring that separates the horns from the rest of the helmet. I'm not sure if it's better to have them break out of the silhouette a little or sit more tightly.



    What about your Frost skin concept's helm?


    It wont' fit.
    I mean you won't use Palatine Rhino's helmet on default Rhino?

    That and I'm not particularly fond of that design. Or of any other skin I've drawn, actually.

  11. Side Note:  Is the amount of time Razorback down because its super short or is it because he's only down for a short amount of time PLUS there's a set amount of damage he's allowed to take?  I've started to notice his time down was even shorter than normal at times and this is the only idea I can think of.

    There is definitely a cap, think of his healthbar as being segmented.

    Once you pass a threshold he gets back up. 


    Most of the frustration can be avoided by using Loki or Ivara for perma-invis, your only concerns should be patience to wait for the genius AI to actually do its thing, energy and Razorback's missiles.

    So... it's still bad.


  12. iVDPQY6.jpg


    Steam Workshop Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=625288203




    Old posts:


    last update

    Progress was made

    (massive image whoops)

    Values are mainly just to distinguish between some of the pieces, not necessarily representative of final result - although close!


    Overall the hi-poly is almost finished at this point I think.






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