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  1. I don't know about anyone else, but to me, the dojo is pretty bland in being lively. The only way to actually make it feel alive is to have a bunch of clan mates doing an event at once. Of course, you could have insane decorations but it really just feels empty. It would be nice to have the option to place NPCs just like in the Drydock to liven up the place kinda a bit. The NPCs don't have to move around because I understand that it would be hard to animate and then have the NPCs react correctly to the environment the players make, but if the NPCs were stationary and have a list of movements to choose from it would be nice. For example, you can have an NPC doing an animation that looks like he or she is having a conversation, or repairing something, or typing something on a console, they could move their head or arms all while stationary. I feel like this would be a great addition to the game and of course not paid content, but as someone who spends most of their time in end game just doing fashionframe, decorating dojo, and waiting for new content I feel like giving more options like adding NPCs to the dojo could be a lot more fun and not only give a reason to decorate the dojo but also let players be more creative. This is just me, what do you guys think?
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