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Posts posted by Girador

  1. hunter munitions is considered separate from status and is a 30% chance that any crit will also have a slash proc attached to it this means that for the mod to work well on the gun the gun should have a high crit chance, the higher the better when all is said and done so long as you have a decent fire rate. Nitain can be obtained from Ghoul bounties and some sabotage missions albeit at a very low drop rate.

  2. What's happening here is it's not accounting for the amount of armor being ignored by the damage type you are using toxin will only ignore 25% of the armor whereas corrosive will ignore 75% of the armor. In general Warframe Builder's DPS stats are not too valuable once armor gets involved. while not relevant to this specific build it also has similar problems with status chance as well.


    for your specific problem though is that the heavy gunners have effectively 3x the armor vs the "higher dps" build

  3. 1 hour ago, (PS4)KhaosWolf94 said:

    Does the Pleb Stalker (pre second dream) drop Smoking Body Ephemea like Based Edge Lord Shadow Stalker (post second dream) does?.

    No clue but while i would have no problems farming "Based Edge Lord Shadow Stalker" you could not pay me to try and farm "Pleb Stalker" as the first goes down in a few amp blasts wheras the second is a royal pain in the ass who has some utter BS tier abilities IMHO Shadow Stalker is made a joke by a meager x1x amp whereas original Stalker was and AFAIK still is an utter nightmare to fight.

  4. 6 hours ago, Ced23Ric said:

    ... with respect to an interactive digital entertainment product that, from the perspective of a reasonable user of the product, is a game offering a scoring system, a set of goals to achieve, a set of rewards, or a sense of interactive progression through the product’s content including but not limited to narrative progression—

    (I) eases a user’s progression through content otherwise available within the game without the purchase of such transaction;

    (II) assists a user in accomplishing an achievement within the game that can otherwise be accomplished without the purchase of such transaction;

    (III) assists a user in receiving an award associated with the game that is otherwise available in association with the game without the purchase of such transaction;

    Going by this that's everything that's not a cosmetic that can be purchased for plat meaning that they would either need to gut their entire plat system or accept an AO rating if that makes it permissible that said i suspect that sony and nintendo would both start allowing games that have an AO rating for this reason due to many of those games being incredibly popular in their home country of japan.

  5. Is there an option that lets me make myself no longer a valid target for a loki trying to be a troll? I ask because i was leveling an ogris after a forma out on hydron and i had perched myself up on the rim of the ceiling to avoid the self damage aspect of the gun and some A****** kept switch teleporting me into the midst of things and it's a miracle that he didn't make me down myself.

  6. 7 minutes ago, (XB1)Aress said:

    I was wondering what the best build is. I have 2 



    one - I used this for arbitration’s ( 105 dur,45 eff,250 range,233 strength. I made a new build because of the low efficiency. 


    2nd build - 130 dur, 100 efficiency, 280 range, 90 strength ( I was told this is best and you don’t need high strength. Pls lmk if this is true. I can take off a range mod and put something else on if you think 280 is too much tell me what I should replace it with. Ty

    I can't see either build but strength is really not too important on saryn it does affect how fast your dps builds up but it's not all too important range is the really important stat that said IMHO i'd drop the range exilus in favor of the power exilus (if it's not already equipped) as 265 is plenty and having positive strength should be more helpful than the slight boost to range

  7. 6 minutes ago, LeBossDroid said:

    I dont think you are getting the problem here. To get to Oldmate. I need to rank up with vox solaris. I am get ready to rank up the level agent with vox solaris but one of the resource is gyromag systems. you can only get that resource after getting to old mate, not before.  how do i get this to DE?

    old mate is a rank with solaris united not vox solaris

  8. 2 hours ago, (NSW)MasterDarkwingz said:

    Splatoon 2 is a shooter game as well

    What are you smoking and where can i get some?

    2 hours ago, cmacq said:

    OP does bring up a point tho. The mastery tests are a real PITA and the skills required to pass most of them are not required in any game instance I've played. Would be great to have an alternate way to get through at least some them .... and before anyone goes off on the "git gud" stuff, these things are not as easy as you get older. I manage to scrape thru but my reaction times are nowhere near as fast as the folks' videos I watch to do it.

    I can't think of a single mastery test that doesn't have the skills that you demonstrate required in at least one part of the main game

    • Like 2
  9. 7 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

    I would say everything is meh beside the range, plus none of these stats actually increase the DPS. No melee%, no elemental, no slash%, no crit/dmg/crit slide,

    I doubt you get 800 plat for it. There are much better choices for that price on riven markets atm. Plus the prices wanted on markets are usually way higher then the rivens go for anyway.

    OP: Just check yourself on the sites: https://rivenmarket.com/riven-mod/sellers/scoliac


    That changes completely with the scoliac actually literally every stat but status on that riven is critical for the scoliac and having it on the riven makes things much easier on whoever is doing the scoliac build. With the scoliac what makes it deadly is how big a range you can get on it's slide attack. add on blood rush and meme strike and the thing red crits like crazy wiping out entire maps if you have the range and LOS the combo duration means that you have room for more as you don't need a dedicated combo duration mod.

    Literally the only ways this riven could be better is if the status was replaced with slide crit or you had a decent negative on it.

    • Like 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Voltage said:

    So with the latest PC update, DE added a new Captura Scene. Since I needed to get my Vent Kids reputation back to 132,000, I decided to apply another Forma to my K Drive. This is where things went south...

    The Bug: Doing a single trick combo counts as "Maxed" on your K-Drive in mission despite it staying "Unranked" in the top right of your UI. Progress and Affinity is not saved at all.

    Video Evidence:

    I made sure the K-Drive I had equipped on my load-out was the same one I was using. My account has an Affinity booster active. I am not sure if that information helps. It's completely bugged 😞 . I hope this is fixed soon.

    A major question i have is is that a forma'ed drive with a lens on it? I ask because your video indicates that there may be something buggy with the lens on the drive.


    Edit: I ask because it looks like the lens is still converting affinity to focus and from what i can see it looks as though that's what is causing the glitch.

  11. 17 minutes ago, (NSW)YeetBoye said:

    I'm a new player, and I picked up warframe about two weeks ago because, hey, it's free.

    I made a mistake though.

    Before playing i decided to keep as much of the game a mystery as I could.

    Including what first frame to choose. 

    I chose mag, like an idiot. What's worse, I chose the Paris and Kunai, and the Skana.

    I'm stuck in a rut, can't get new weapons, can't play Venus levels. I need major help. I run Flow, Vitality, Continuity, Enemy Sense, Stretch, and Diamond Skin. Please help me!

    First things first, you are neither an idiot nor was your choice of weapons all that bad. first thing i would do is drop diamond skin, the only sources of radiation damage in the game are laser traps in the orokin void making the mod worth nothing more than the endo you can get by dissolving it. if you have redirection i would highly recommend installing it and ranking it up as far as you can. Now if your issues are with your ability to kill things double check to see what mods you have installed on your weapons if after playing around with your mods you are getting as much damage as you can out of your weapons, look at the Braton in the market as that should help significantly even without mods and it can be obtained for just credits.

    • Like 2
  12. Hmm interesting concept but the problem I have with this idea is that none of the Gunblades we have in game are actually set up in such a way that they could actually use recoil to make their blade hit harder. A good example of a weapon designed to let you make the blade hit harder via recoil would be crescent rose from RWBY however it's a completely different kind of setup compared to the Gunblades we have in game.

  13. For those of you saying that Inaros has a bad passive it is abundantly clear to me that you have never actually played Inaros. The sarcophagus is a somewhat nice bonus if you have a team that knows how it works but it is not what i would consider his real passive. His real passive is the fact that every kill Inaros gets with a standing finisher restores 20% of his max health. this is to be blunt the biggest defensive boost for Inaros in the entire game so long as you pair him with a melee weapon that can take advantage of the passive, especially with his one opening enemies up to standing finishers.

  14. For me this was the best boss fight I have ever seen in Warframe. The first thing i noticed right off the bat was that the canister throwing was much easier if you utilized the higher ground the arena provides and use the arc that holding down alt fire provides to aim instead of using your cross hairs to aim. Both of these aspects made total sense to me. Another aspect that I really liked is that this boss fight seems to have taken operator abilities into account. The fight was actually a lot easier with intelligent use of operator mode while at the same time it was clearly still possible to complete without using operator mode. I will admit that I spent the vast majority of the fight in operator mode only switching out to my warframe to deal with the Coolant Raknoids. When it comes to phase one vs phase two I honestly have to disagree with the people who said that phase two was easier not the case IMHO. The first phase had it really easy so long as you realized that you had to pay attention to the arc shown and not just tap the alt fire button. As for the gun aspect maybe it was just my use of operator mode but for me the "say out of LOS of the turrets bit just makes sense and has been seen in warframe boss fights before. People are just too used to being able to just ignore that aspect of the fights this mechanic is already on.



    TL;DR This boss fight had me happy as a clam and I sincerely hope to see more content like this.

    • Like 1
  15. 10 minutes ago, Oreades said:

    I still don't understand how the Thermia relates to the boss fight? Is the "bonus" Thermi I gathered during the fractures event being consumed duing the fight or is that for something else? I don't even think you can search it in your inventory so I can't get a tab on how many I have before/after an orb fight. 

    I mean the devs said "you might need it for something soon" but then they never said what and the game certainly isn't telling us. 

    one diluted thermia is the cost of initiating the boss fight

  16. 1 hour ago, MagPrime said:

    Mastery Rank has its perks; access to powerful weapons, frames and Rivens, more trades per day, higher Syndicate standing, more Void Traces, things like that. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank

     I would suggest just leveling whatever you can get your hands on if you're wanting those kinds of things but, as of right now, there is no content locked past MR 18 (well, last I checked) So I would at least aim for that before finding an arsenal loadout that you focus all your Forma and potatoes on. 

    As for your second question; http://warframe-builder.com/

    Once you have a build you like, you can use the wiki to locate their drop locations; https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mod

    And then you can find their drop rates; https://n8k6e2y6.ssl.hwcdn.net/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html

    What requires 18? the only thing i can think of that requires above 15 is some Rivens can require MR 16 but otherwise MR 15 is enough for every weapon in the game AFAIK.

  17. 9 minutes ago, MJ12 said:

    There are no mods or arcanes which "make almost the same difference as putting armor on shields."

    Allow me to introduce you to ADAPTATION yes it works on shields and if anything is better than armor mods and should have higher priority even on armor based tanks Note that this puts the possible EHP from shields up above 10k on almost every frame in the game save Loki and a few other frames who have alternative methods of handling enemies. 

    as for arcanes please take notice of Arcane Aegis and Arcane Barrier both are superior to the heath affecting arcanes (including the armor arcanes) in terms of EHP after accounting for adaptation and once combined with adaptation can make you damn near invincible compared to before, even on the so called "fragile frames". Now I put that in quotes because i cannot think of an actually fragile frame where taking damage doesn't mean you've done something horribly wrong, and simply being in LOS of the enemy does not count as doing something horribly wrong. 

  18. The problem I have with this is that I simply cannot see how this wouldn't just make things much much worse. Just to start with what would you describe as a fragile frame? because some frames are fragile by design and are designed that way as a balancing feature. Then you have the frames that are only durable due to their abilities, how do you rebalance them? I mean take Trinity as an example, well built her durability goes to 182.4K EHP from just her shields no less add on health and things go up by another 200k ehp not counting armor adding on an armor arcane and while it's active her ehp goes up by another 400k EHP giving her full kitted out 782.4k EHP  and yet without her abilities she can still go to 11.4k EHP with just shields and add on another 12.5k with health no armor involved don't believe me here's the build grand total of 3 forma and i'm not even using the primed version which gets half again ehp from shields. And yet, similarly built, the so called fragile frames can get higher EHP then the average rhino gets.

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