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Posts posted by Wargasm_v2.X

  1. Warframe has the potential to be a satisfying challenge but it rarely achieves it due very specific gameplay choices designed to cater to as broad an audience as possible.


    It's one of the only modern games that let's you be absurdly effective with the press of one button repeatedly.  You would think such simplistic mechanics would turn off gamers but instead it's embraced to the point people will vehemently defend it.  Why?  Because as a Free to Play game it requires a lot of "grind" if you want to avoid paying money. 


    Other players cite the difficulty of a long Survival or Defense as proof its not dumbed down for the masses but infinite scaling enemies is a placeholder at best for endgame requiring you to exploit the most broken of abilities or weapons.  Here you're literally required to mindlessly spam.  Except those lessons are applied to every level of difficulty making most missions trivial with certain frame abilities able to be chained due to the ineffectiveness of Energy as a limiting resource.


    Sadly, the fundamental flaws of the game won't be changed anytime soon and the Warfarmers are content for it to stay that way.

  2. So [DE] created a 1 shot mod for daggers that inexplicably bestows its ability on Exalted Blade?  And [DE] has taken no steps to correct it yet for the sake of balance despite a few hot fixes?

    They will wait till word gets around and it's terribly abused and Recruiting is nothing but "Need Excal with Dagger mod!" Then perhaps, months later, after a surge of players milk it and it's run it's course they will balance it.  Or maybe not. 


    I think [DE] has come to the realization if they treat us like children and give us all the candy we will just gorge on it.  I prefer a balanced diet [DE].

  3. In every game "Ultimates" are supposed to be satisfyingly overpowered and often serve as "oh sh*t" buttons.  Their overwhelming effectiveness is countered typically with a cooldown. 


    Since [DE] Scott missed that day in Game Design school we instead get Energy which is broken and a piss poor limiting reagent.  So Warframe Ultimates are not paced and instead are mindlessly spammed and hence, Press 4 to Win.


    Strange, that gamers are content with this one dimensional gameplay.  Then again, many players approach it as "WarFarm" and actual gameplay is counterproductive to their efficient farming.  Go figure.

  4. Excalibur was my main as well primarily because he wasn't a Press 4 to Win frame.  Now he arguably is which is why so much praise is heaped on his rework.  The novelty of being "overpowered" dissipates at a different rate for different people I guess.


    Yes, the term "casual" has become toxic and I was loathe to even use it.  My reference had nothing to with how much game time you have to spend because of "real life."  It's more to do with while you have that time to game, do you look for the satisfaction inherent in an interesting, compelling, gameplay challenge to overcome?  Or are you content with an over the top Power Fantasy with minimal interaction, thought, or skill involved? 


    Both have their place especially after a hard day at the office/school.  I know which I prefer.  Maybe it is to the benefit of Warframe that it can be both?

  5. Greedy Pull, though ruining the game, was allowed to persist until they released Carrier Prime which is your own portable personal Greedy Pull.  Now players had a reason to go purchase/farm it.


    What did Greedy Pull fuel?  Primarily Mesa's Peacemaker which got not a mention when they finally decided to kill this disastrous augment.  Because Warframe is a free to play game, and modern gamers seem to care more about farming efficiency than actually playing the game (which some see as inconvenience!) [DE] treads incredibly carefully and painfully slowly to balance things.


    And when they finally do balance something there is a huge backlash until someone finds the next best exploit and everyone jumps on that bandwagon.


    Sensible cooldowns would prevent so much of the ability spam and abuse but [DE] Scott missed that day in Game Design school and besides, most War"farm" players would lose their collective minds if they actually couldn't stand in a spot and press the same button ad nauseam.

  6. The Excal rework caters to the casual modern gamer who rather feel overpowered then skillfully overcome challenge.  You literally press 4 once and spam E till the cows come home.  There are so many balance changes that would have made Exalted Blade feel powerful but not necessary 24/7.  I found it hugely disappointing.


    But as the defenders of the rework are so quick to point out when any discussion about balancing Exalted Blade comes up:


    "At least it's not an AOE nuke!"

  7. Sadly, the fact that Overload is "pretty useless" is why Volt is one of the most balanced frames in the game.  Volt prides himself in *not* being a faceroll Press 4 to Win frame.  Kinda like how Excalibur *used* to be.  (RIP Excalibur before the swoosh spam)


    Also, we should abandon calling the 4th ability an "Ultimate" when the lack of cooldown and Energy's piss poor performance as a limiting reagent allows players to spam it.  To call it an "Ultimate" insinuates some kind of rarity or skillful, situational use typical in most games since they are extremely powerful.  Instead, they become the de facto way to trivialize content.


    Maybe call it a "Trivializer?" 


    ex. "Billy was having trouble getting to the fourth round of Draco until he brought his Mesa and used her Trivializer the whole mission."

  8. Don't try and shove people into two extreme groups, it just makes you look silly.


    Believe it or not, there's a group of players who found that Nullifiers just screw up their gameplay completely. I know this because one of my friends use a sniper loadout.


    And there's actually a group of people who can actually see problems in certain mechanics and point them out so adjustments can be made in accordance to the developer's vision of the game (which is a wide variety of choices, which the Nullifiers contradict in regards to weaponry).


    I'm sorry if I hit a nerve.  But I stand by my observation.  One just has to look at any post concerning broken gameplay mechanics which dumb down the game to see the backlash towards anything resembling balance. 


    As for your friend's use of a Sniper rifle there are a myriad of ways to preserve this preference:

    1. Bring a rapid fire secondary

    2. Get in close and melee

    3. Strategically withdraw and allow more effective teammate(s) to deal with it

    4. Don't queue for missions with Nullifiers since you have the advantage of knowing enemy types beforehand



  9. There are two types of players who roam the forums.


    Those traditional gamers who derive enjoyment from skillfully adapting and overcoming a challenge who want to preserve Warframe as a 3rd person action shooter.


    And modern gamers more interested in farming who are inexplicably content spamming a single button repeatedly as the most efficient way to circumvent gameplay to get to the reward.


    That enemies like Nullifers even exist shows [DE] just might *want* more diverse and interesting gameplay than the pre-dominant Press 4 to Win meta. 

  10. Exalted Blade is already over the top OP and has turned Excalibur to a 1 trick spam E to win pony.  Most of the defenders cite that at least it doesn't blow up the whole map like some spammable ultimates do.


    So clearly the Augment should, "When an Exalted Blade wave hits an enemy...blow up the entire map."

  11. Why do you think [DE] finally addressed Greedy Pull but mentioned not a peep about what it primarily fueled - Peacemaker and Mesa?  It's no coincidence it came at the same time as they released Carrier Prime - giving people a reason to want to purchase/farm the popular personal Greedy Pull surrogate.


    I'm pretty sure [DE], despite marketing Warframe as a 3rd person action shooter, has realized the more simplistic, watered down, and predictable the game became the more POPULAR as well.  One has only to look at Recruiting for how requested the most exploitable frames are like Loki, Nova, and Mesa.


    It's become Pokémon where the goal is to "catch them all" and actual gameplay runs contradictory to efficient farming.  Sad that old school gamers want a challenge but modern ones want a power fantasy where you literally press the same button over and over and get rewarded for it.

  12. While I applaud any call for getting the Space Ninja back in the game instead of the pre-dominant Press 4 to Win and camping meta "cuz farming" you're not going to get much support in the forums. 


    If people who insist that there's nothing wrong with camping, or Press 4 to Win, or that balance shouldn't matter in a PvE game were REALLY honest it's because they don't want to be inconvenienced by actual gameplay.


    I would be tempted to call it lazy but we can call it efficiency as that seems to be the more acceptable buzzword. 

  13. As shown on the most recent DevStream everyone will only have to look at the ground to be able to "rocket jump" which supposedly was the niche reason Tonkor lacked self-damage.


    Except, like most explosive weapons, it's incredibly powerful.  This is typically balanced with the fact that you have to be careful/skillful to use said weapons or you're just as likely to blow yourself up as the enemy.  This leads to some very interesting (and yes, at times, frustrating) gameplay as you learn how not to do just that. 


    Yet with the Tonkor you can take a grenade to the face that obliterates a pack of enemies while you don't suffer a scratch.  Coupled with frames like Mirage it's mindnumbingly overpowered.


    Now that rocket jumping (as if anyone actually uses Tonkor to do this) will be universal it's time to bring this weapon in line with the other explosive weapons for balance and consistency sake.  Thanks for your time


    *Disclaimer* This post is for [DE] on the off chance it may get read.  While I welcome feedback from players I'm well aware that the forum community is very adverse to balance or anything that will improve Warframe's challenge or risk/reward.



  14. The constant defense for clearly overpowered (mostly because energy is broken as a limiting resource) powers is ..."end game."  I guess everything is balanced since in the placeholder "end game" of infinitely scaling enemies everything eventually hits like a wet noodle.


    Meanwhile in 98% of the rest of the game everything is faceroll.


    Warframe has taken the Power Fantasy that is video games and turned it up to the Nth degree for modern gamers and basically removed the primary reason people used to play games - the satisfaction of overcoming a challenge.


    Instead we are fine with hitting the same button over and over without any thought or tactile prowess because, "farming."  As if the grind is the only reason to play a 3rd person action shooter with Space Ninjas.

  15. To OP....


    Stop worrying about drop tables and rates and just play the game the way it's intended - as a 3rd person action shooter.  There are alternatives to "farming" if you so choose that contribute to the player economy and helps support [DE].


    If people didn't approach Warframe like a Pokémon substitute playing the game wouldn't seem like a "grind" that requires doing the same mission for the upteenth time, racing to the extract, or spamming (4) for the most boring and repetitive gameplay experience imaginable.


    Ya, I know.  Fat chance.

  16. I was cautiously optimistic about Raids until I saw Mogamu's video on the raid.  One of the first instructions was:




    Warframe "end game" is essentially CCFrame.  As soon as I found out this was an officially sanctioned Press 4 to Win fest I immediately lost interest.


    And then people began complaining about Arcane rewards.  I don't know if people still feel they are lackluster rewards or finally admit certain combinations are absurdly overpowered.

  17. Anything that discourages spamming of abilities is a win in my book.  They are overpowered because like most "ultimates" they are intended to be rare and situational.  But [DE] has failed miserably with energy as the limiting resource preventing spammage.


    Instead we get half measures (ie nerfs) of some frames while others, like Mesa, are left to run rampant and dumb down the game with 1 button gameplay.


    The only solution right now is to avoid Press 4 to Win frames like Mesa and Slow Nova and with the right combination of frames you can actually experience a challenging and exciting game of Warframe. 


    Sadly, it's more the exception than the rule "cuz farming."

  18. Ability spam is not as much of a problem as you lot think it is.


    It's a problem depending on which Warframe game you're playing.  Are you playing the 3rd person action shooter with Space Ninjas that Warframe is marketed to be?


    Or are you playing the 1-button casino mini game where every 5 rounds you see what the slot machine spits out for you?

  19. Cooldowns would only enhance the gameplay requiring players to be strategic in the use of powers since Energy is so utterly ineffective at limiting abuse.  But some players (and [DE] Scott apparently) prefer the power fantasy and simplicity that comes with pressing a single button over and over to such ridiculous effect.


    Bottom line is Frost players bemoan the fact you can no longer indefinitely hide inside a globe and peg enemies with impunity.  It was overpowered and changed. 


    But don't worry, as long as you don't hide in the globe yourself but place it in doorways and hallways stupid enemies will walk into it and never exit.  Players will be able to dispatch hordes of enemies cleanly and safely and pat themselves on their backs for their cleverness.

  20. I would wholeheartedly welcome COOLDOWNS in a heart beat.  When so called Ultimates are allowed to be spammed back to back they are no longer Ultimates.  They become the de facto way to play the game because they are utterly overpowered.


    [DE] has allowed their 3rd person action shooter with Space Ninjas to devolve into a 1 button casino style mini-game where you just spam a button and 5 rounds later see what you get.


    Send [DE] Scott back to Game Design school and re-take the course on game balance and why allowing your players to chain their most powerful abilities leads to the most boring and repetitive gameplay imaginable.

  21. [DE] has already dumbed down the game to the point we can literally press ONE button continuously to circumvent "gameplay" to get to the reward.  Yes, it's a shame it's sometimes not what we want. 


    Should we throw a tantrum and threaten to leave the game?  Maybe.  Or we can at least acknowledge there are alternatives and take a more mature approach.  [DE] after all isn't a charity offering us hours of entertainment and asking for nothing in return.


    I have a lot of issues with this game I enjoy so much and while it has almost nothing to do with the business model (hint: it's Press 4 to Win) I have to sometimes stop myself from picking apart all that irks me and relish the moments when the game shines.

  22. If they actually fixed abilities to prevent spamming then playing Ash would be more interesting than watching one long, continuous cutscene.


    (Yes, you certainly *don't* have to play Ash this way but please tell that to the majority of Ash players I've encountered, or any Press 4 to Win frame out there for that matter...)

  23. *eyeroll*


    You do realize DE is specifically nerfing abilities because they allow people to sit in one spot and mash one button? I mean, they're doing it kind of ham-handedly and not actually fixing the problem as of now, but this particular flavor of cynicism doesn't contribute anything meaningful. Keeping the game broken to make money? That's approaching serious tinfoil territory.


    Ok maybe a smidgen of cynicism but you had only to look at Recruiting chat to see how *needed* GMag was and Mesa and a handful of Press 4 to Win frames are as proof of how popular "broken gameplay" is.  Or go back and watch the Devstream announcing the nerf to Greedy Pull and how almost apologetic [DE]'s tone was in announcing it.  It was as if they were begging people not to ragequit despite how abused this augment was in fueling single button gameplay.


    And I'm not sure how people can say Cooldowns are a band-aid.  Instead of using our most powerful abilities repeatedly trivializing gameplay, players would use them when they are the most effective.  Hitting an AOE nuke when there's 3 enemies on the screen just because its off cooldown (like now) would do you little good when you turn the corner and stare down the 30 you now have to take cover from because your nuke wont be ready for another 20 seconds (ooo tension).  That is at least infusing some strategy and thought into ability usage.


    The most popular discriptor when it comes to this issue is the word, "Spam."  It's used so much in Warframe that Hormel should be a sponsor.

  24. You mirrored much of my own exasperation with the Press 4 to Win meta which has exploded and probably will persist until [DE] fundamentally changes their game either by making energy less readily available or adding reasonable cooldowns (which for some reason [DE] Scott is allergic to).


    I don't expect anything radical to solve this issue because somewhere in the recent past [DE] discovered that mindless, single button mashing keeps the masses playing. 


    This is after all a game with collectible weapons and frames and people are content to approach the game, not as a 3rd person action shooter, but as a "catch them all" Pokémon style farming simulator.  Challenging gameplay is not something to be overcome with skill but something to be circumvented altogether.


    Keep them playing may keep them paying.  And the integrity of their vision takes a backseat.

  25. I'm thrilled to see that the wind is blowing in a different direction with the calls for balance.  Maybe this will embolden [DE] to finally make some long overdue changes for the longevity of Warframe when it comes to core gameplay.


    I think Veterans are finally tired of the Press 4 to Win meta which exploded upon the release of Syndicates (think Viver and now Draco) and are demanding more interesting and dynamic mechanics.


    Sad that it took months of simplistic and repetitive "gameplay" of literally standing in a spot and pressing a single button repeatedly to get to this point. 

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