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Posts posted by ShadowDragon000

  1. 8 hours ago, MystMan said:

    Big flaw in that "argument" is that if they counted those earlier days, those who now have Primed Shred would now be on day 800 or so. 
    You'd then still be complaining about how unfair it is that the day 800 is so far away.

    And the sundial login weapons are not powerful. At all. Not by a long shot. Mine are all collecting dust even after putting a lot of formas on them.

    Or they could stop adding things that directly affect gameplay and have no other method to be obtained.

  2. I play it because some of my friends still do, honestly I'm pretty far past being able to enjoy games, at this point for me I get a momentary satisfaction from completing them, it will bother me eternally if I have a major investment into a franchise without being able to finish it at some point. I have the plat trophy for every game in the souls franchise and work on getting it for each of the clones/similar games (salt n sanctuary, nioh, surge, lords of the fallen, etc). But getting everything is the closest thing I have left to "fun" in this game, so it is beyond frustrating for all of the time that I have committed to it to be disregarded. I don't see it as a reward for logging in every day, for me it is simply a really unfun quest of log in  600+ times to get the next thing I want, so seeing people want even more content locked behind this system is appalling from my perspective, and also pretty insanely ridiculous, if a new player wants Primed Shred they will have to wait till close to 2020 at this point. Owning the inferior version of something that is arbitrarily locked behind a 2 year wait is just the most infuriating thing to me. I wouldn't care at all if there were skins / syndanas / armor pieces/ weapon danglies / ship stuff but because it contains actual upgrades that can't be gained any other way I despise it.

  3. I'm saying I have already put in more time than is reasonable to ask from a player and that it is absurd to say I just want things and don't want to put time into the game, things like primed vigor require you to log in every day for over a year which is just @(*()$ ridiculous considering it is a straight upgrade to another mod and can't be obtained otherwise.


    14 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

    You just want the stuff immediately.  Just admit it.  The people getting the login reward stuff now have earned it from loyalty.  None of this is unfair.

    How?  No one was "grandfathered in."  No one was told "Ok, we're starting you off at 400 days login."

    All of these people whining want the benefits of seniority without putting in any of the time required.


    "But HE HAS THAT MOD!!  I want it now!!!!"

    "But Jimmy, he's been logging into the game for over three years and you've only been playing four months."





  5. Hell no, that is an absurd amount of time to force players to commit. I already think its disgusting that they have all these incredibly strong unique weapons and mods there in the first place. Also F*** them for not counting time played when introducing that system and starting everyone from zero. But regardless no, F*** this idea.

  6. Just a warning you are really not going to get useful damage out of Limbo anymore and significantly less so with that lower damage build, if you try and squeeze more duration out of it for his other abilities you will be left with a frame that does nothing.

    If you still want to do damage on Limbo you would be better suited with this.


    But honestly it isn' worth doing at most you will get 1495 damage and then the 300 impact and the closing tick which doesn't scale with power str. This build will probably kill things lv 25 and under but will quickly fall apart after 40.


    If you want to do damage with frame powers Saryn, Nidus, Banshee, Ember, and Equinox are the only real alternatives

  7. I would love to see something like this though, DE probably doesn't want to put in a new bar/mechanic since they took out stam when they did melee 2.0 (rip heavy swings) and they would probably have to look at the mess of channeling mods and readjust those to make sense. I think there is an issue where you have so many mods that are required on any given weapon at this point that you have to 100% be a channel or not channel build and this would still have that problem but it would make it more usable in a non channel build.

  8. 8 hours ago, (PS4)AvariceIdol said:


    The ai clearly doesn't know it cant reflect bullets with bullet attracter on. Most of the ai in this game is minimal because its built for swarming idiot mobs not single competent enemies. When they do want to make something difficult they just throw on a immunity to all powers, a power dispell ability, and health gate invulnerability.

  9. Lol ya I wouldn't worry about trying to follow what they say. I loved the last livestream where they said they didn't like invulnerability mechanics for bosses and then 10 minutes later unveiled a new invulnerability mechanic.


    edit: It is also laughable that they would even compare anything that they have made to the Souls series which has an infinitely higher standard of quality and reason behind its design.

    edit2: Warframes design is haphazard, many things were put in to be temporary fixes to large problems that were never solved which required new temporary fixes to be layered on top. Its a tangled mess of bandaid mechanics, half done reworks, and content rushed through the pipeline to keep whales interested. As far as i can tell, there will never be a real Dark souls quality fight in this game, too many things would need to be reworked and balanced simultaneously, and their ai has always been shoddy at best. No all we will most likely see is more hit weakpoint to hurt enemy, staged invulnerability,  health gates. and arbitrary ways of dealing damage because there are too many factors at play for them to be able to balance it for any broad player group. Its not in their best interest to spend the time needed to develop a fun fleshed out boss fight because it would take up to many other resources and time that they need to spend fixing other things and pumping out new content quickly so people dont have a chance to run out of things to do,

  10. Its not there to be a challenge, it is a gear check. To prevent new players who don't use abilities or mods from going into new missions and getting steamrolled.


    edit: A lot of the newer players barely understand that the frames have abilities, throw in things like reload speed and impact damage on mods, and either don't level mods or use damaged mods. I was watching a streamer who barely had the concept of move and shoot down, or another who only used melee but refused to melee stance. This """challenge""" is for them.

  11. Welcome to riven mods are a S#&$ty RNG mechanic with no thought from the devs who clearly don't care about actual balance. Either spend all of your time or money to get or reroll them until the stat that is negative isnt important, welcome to warframe.

  12. Just now, maddragonmaster said:

    this is going to be the stoping point for me if they add this to the game i have about had it with de being encoraged to make stuff more difficult


    Difficulty is fine, challenge is rewarding. What this change is will be frustrating and annoying. Like losing all of your energy because you got a leech in a crowd that you cant burst down and now your team is S#&$ out of luck, or having a group of agonizingly tanky bombards and napalms while your being shot at by 50 other grineer. LV100 eximus stronghold will just be cancer.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Lyravain said:

    Afraid NOT. It's coming. Rip quick gameplay. Rip fun run-and-gun. Rip everything but CC-spam.

    Good gods, we play Warframe because we enjoy it. We're playing WarframeNOT DARK SOULS. If we wanted Dark Souls, we'd be playing Dark Souls.

    I want Dark Souls, Dark souls doesn't use lazy trash invulnerability mechanics because they don't want to make creative and effective enemies to fight.

  14. That mechanic looks horrible, invulnerability is not a fun mechanic. Weak points that deal increased damage is fine but the way they plan on doing it will be so unbearable. Those enemies will kill the pace of the game and be super frustrating, Rebeca took forever to just kill one or two of them, now imagine 40 of them on lv 100 eximus stronghold, it will just be agonizing. I already think eximus enemies are very poorly designed, being able to damage/kill/drain players without even being in the same room, this reeks of incredibly lazy design. i really want this game to succeed and I check back every once in a while but it seems like they either don't know or don't care to make legitimately interesting or challenging mechanics and improve the game but rather throw band-aid mechanics on top of festering piles of old band-aid mechanics. Minutes beforehand you explicitly told us that you didn't like to use invulnerability mechanics before once again unveiling a new invulnerability mechanic, so either you lied to us directly or there is a severe disconnect between the departments and design philosophy of the game is non-existent.


  15. The way that both me and my friends have gotten -75% is by quitting the game for 6months to a year and on the day you come back "magically" we all got 75% off plat. They aren't going to give it to consistent players because they know you will eventually cave and spend the money or just keep playing.

  16. Favorite frame is Rhino because he good survivability, CC, ranaged damage, and can ignore trash mechanics like knockdown spam and poison.

    I would say the frame I think is most effective is Trinity, there basically isn't a situation where you wouldn't want a Trinity because the infinite energy or 75% team damage resistance really won't ever not be good. There are other frames who become more effective but they generally can't do so without her presence.


    I think in games generally people's favorite character/frame/class won't always match up with the most effective because being effective doesn't always mean fun, sometimes its the exact opposite. There will be cases where it's peoples favorite because it is effective but wouldn't be if it weren't, it depends on if most effective also means the easiest to get the most results such as in this game with some of the toggle 4 to win frames. I think that mobas/mmos are probably a better place to look than warframe as there are significantly more instances of higher skill choices equaling higher effectiveness. In a game where everything was balanced you would probably see more favorite lining up with effective.

  17. So I thought the concept of altering or creating materials was interesting and there could probably be a lot of things to play around with there. It's a nice attempt but allow me to offer some criticism and things to think about. This frame lacks a cohesive kit, there are a lot of abilities that perform similar functions to each other and not a ton of synergy between them. The colossus mode doesn't feel like it does anything interesting outside of just being a transformation and it doesn't use the material altering mechanics that would be unique to this frame. 

    If you are going to give an ammo regen passive, try to make abilities that incentivize a more shooty playstyle as materia. Also does the colossus have the same passive, does it just regen both weapons or possibly neither, could colossus have it's own passive? Is there a limit to being in colossus, is there a reason to not just stay that way? Are materia and colossus supposed to feel like 2 different frames and you just build for and switch to the one you want or are you supposed to be swapping between them, if so can you find a way to incentivize that?

    Think about your abilities and what you can do to make them work together and lead into each other naturally, if you have 3 attack buttons do you need to use all 3 to be effective or is there possibly just one that people would end up using while abandoning the others. The main questions that I would advise thinking about when planning abilities are things like; What is this frames objective or role in gameplay and how does their move set accomplish that, what does this character bring to a group that is unique to it, how do your abilities interact together, how would an optimal player be using this character?

  18. I think that there needs to be a re-balance of mods and enemies, things have simply grown too out of control and it has lead to incredibly boring invulnerability gate bosses, mass perma crowd control or invulnerability strategies, very few viable end game weapons and frames, and a uninteresting situation where both we and the enemies either kill in one shot or can't even damage the other.

    We are back at the same point as we were when Damage 1.0 was falling apart, everyone ran Armor pierce mods, and used weapons that had innate armor ignore. It stifled build diversity and made the game less exciting. Now corrosive projection becomes the requirement, now bleed weapons become the requirement. The problem with armor scaling is that it will almost always lead to this point if left without a reasonable cap. Armor is supposed to be there to make specific things more or less useful against it and not be a complete wall for certain options. Part of the problem is that Armor is just used in higher and higher amounts on the tier list of enemies, and most of it is stacked onto one faction. What really needed to happen is for there to be very high armor but otherwise weak mobs as well as strong high health pool low armor mobs in all the factions. Grineer can still keep armor as their theme but without some change grineer will always go back to "everybody has to run one specific set of things to be viable" again.

    This is going off on a tangent and people are probably gonna hate this but there are two big things that I think could help if DE were to rebalance the game. I think Damage mods for weapons need to be taken out or drastically reduced, they are generally essential to every build to the point where its not a choice, just a formality. Removing those mods would help reduce the incredibly massive damage gap between low and high level enemies and would allow them to have a better expectation of where player damage will be and allow them to actually make enemies and bosses that are built to take more than one shot but aren't pointlessly tanky for non-optimal builds.

    The other thing is ammo, having ammo be a resource the way it is encourages the ultra high damage per shot builds and kind of makes Mag size, Fire Rate, and Reload speed a loss to use because it lowers your ammo efficiency. I think if it were to work more like the regenerating archwing ammo then we could see more build diversity and a wider range of guns at play. 

    edit: I think difficulty exclusively through health and damage numbers is an issue. What is really needed are some new interesting enemy types with smarter AI and more options. You can't just keep giving them more armor, you have to make them more threatening with gameplay.

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