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Posts posted by Tekkarath

  1. Admittedly I've never seriously tried Index solo, but here's my thoughts on how my current index build would fare:

    I use a max range Limbo with as much duration as possible to freeze anything getting anywhere close to my gate, his 4 last 50 seconds and his 2 lasts about 25.  If you're solo you'll have nothing but worthless bots, but in this scenario it works to your advantage.  Basically you let them go out and die, and when the enemies collect their points and bring them to your gate, well they just get frozen, then you pop them with whatever high powered weapon you have (I use the Ferrox personally, but I have some melees that do wonders also), make sure your 4 and 2 have enough time on them that enemies won't unfreeze while you run to put points in, rinse and repeat.

    Added bonus of playing solo is you can use Limbo's 3 without people constantly crowing about it, which means those annoying enemies that get right on the edge of the 4 and keep going in and out of the rift just stay in so you can kill them easier while still standing in your bubble.  And since you can just slide into the rift when you make the run to their gate there's zero risk of dying to a random good shot (except maybe in that split second when you exit the bubble and press the dodge key).

    As long as you hang near an energy dispenser and stay in the bubble you should never really run out of energy, especially if you're zenurik.  And if you stay on top of keeping your 4 and 2 active the ENTIRE match, the opponent should never score at all so there's no risk of ever losing anything, worst case you 'win' by time running out and just don't get the extra coin.

    I pretty much run this any time I do Index, especially when the nightwave thing about doing three index runs without the enemy scoring comes up.  Keep in mind when you drop and re-up your 4 is when you're most vulnerable (time to re-up 2 is negligible) I have died a few times when dropping then re-casting 4, but if you're solo and have Limbo's 3 up then even that should be a non-issue.  I just don't use 3 or 1 when in groups because people react negatively (see: don't understand how Limbo works) to it.

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  2. Personally I'm enjoying the hell out of it, once I kinda got the hang of what the heck was going on.  I have a very high level of situational awareness, so that makes me perfect for responding to breaches/fires/electrical shorts, as well as realizing quickly that I need to go out and do something outside the railjack like board a ship or something.  Imagine my surprise when I was able to hop on some 'destroyer' ship or something and fly around beside the Railjack I came in on (I purposefully ignore spoilers to new content, not sure if that's something they covered).  Can't wait to get my engineering level up so I can be really useful at the forge also.  I'll probably start doing some missions with my own railjack soon, but I've been enjoying leveling stuff up and helping others out in rando groups so far.

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  3. Just had this happen again, same story.  Defense mission, host migration, suddenly my claws do no damage and there is no stance mod.  It's as if it sees the talons as a proper melee weapon and un-equips the actual talons for this phantom version with no mods on it.  Made me completely useless on Hydron since I was leveling a new weapon and had nothing else equipped.

  4. This has only happened two times I can remember, but I don't use Garuda a lot so perhaps someone else can chime in who plays her more.  As far as I can remember this only happens when I stay in a defense mission when others are leaving and have to sit through the loading screen.  Basically Garuda's melee stance mod will 'unequip' for the remainder of the match leaving me with a slow slash attack that's basically useless and forces me to switch back to ranged weapons for the remainder of the match, also I noticed (at least the last time this happened) that when I pop her claws out another copy stays equipped on her wrists as if I were using a different melee weapon.

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