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Posts posted by SinReplica

  1. There aren't a ton of F2P games out there that allow you get almost everything for free - given you put in the time. Even fewer allow players to acquire actual in-game money via the trade market in order to buy items that cost cash, which still boils down to being free. Warframe is pretty lenient when it comes to these things, more so than I expected.

  2. theyre all SUPPOSE to be biomechanical armours but look at banshee and vauban...theyre most cretainly lacking in the bio part of that which is why i just seperated them into the bio-mechanical type and then the simple mechasuit types....lobster tail enters the mechasuit types which is why i can accept her the way she is.


    also Rhino prime should be on the cover of BnQs hammer specials

    Don't forget Mirage. She's like half bio-mechanical, half Comc Con cosplay.


    *preps bunker*


    And Rhino Prime will grace the cover of GQ with a BnQ edition Fragor.

  3. Actually,,, When talking about odd shapes...


    I'm I the only one that see a huge penis/fallos symbol in that sceenshot?

    That, good sir, is merely a rocket. Yes... Inspired by the first Orokin ship to make it to Venus and back...

  4. Even I can't sit back and say nothing about the current events taking place. There isn't a single game that has benefited in a positive light for the player whenever PW became involved.


    Now, lets be real here; this is business, and I'm sure Steve and Co. have love for their work, but at the end of the day if an offer comes around that will propel your financial standing...well... Nine times out of ten, the little businessman on your left shoulder is gonna beat out the loving moralist on your right.


    That said, I truly hope DE can keep a respectable level of creative rights and sayings on how Warframe will grow, and ultimately on what it will become in the future.

  5. Short and sweet:


    1. If all helmets are being reset to having no bonus, simply give each of them a single mod slot (cannot be stacked with chassis/weapon mods).


    2. It would be cool to see the Stalker reveal his 'crew' in his quest to slay us. A stalker class for every Warframe - or at least the starter frames.


    3. I'm sure most would love to see an event where the Tenno discover, and ultimately need to rely upon, Infected class Warframes. This, of course, would be in order to deal with another 'big bad' from the past.


    4. An immerse campaign mode with a solid story is one of the final elements this game needs to take its place as one of the 'new players in town' as we enter this next-gen world. Warframe designs are iconic without even trying, no need for a face or even a personality - just have a great story revolve around the player and their choices.


    *cough has some great story ideas cough*

  6. I especially love when I'm doing the obstacle course and get to the pillars - jumping directly to the third pillar like a boss - only to be sent tumbling into oblivion thanks to your friendly neighborhood auto roll. I use an controller, so playing Warframe with any serious precision demands double the work. It should be interesting to play this on PS4. Which I will be doing in the near future.

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