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Posts posted by SinReplica

  1. People who complain about Rhino tend to ignore that the Frame is very far from invincible, especially in later tiers. However since it can bulldoze through the sol missions (though any Frame can), a lot of people hate it. The bias stems from newer players usually going for Rhino right out the gate, as such, the Frame has become an avatar for any and all things "Noob". This happens in practically all games with varying character types and classes - path of least resistance and all that jazz.


    Reasons new players want Rhino range from believing Iron Skin actually makes him unkillable, the fact that his normal version requires a MR in order to obtain (making it seem all that more special to some), to people just wanting to go beast with a monster tank looking frame (shame on them for that one especially), etc.


    It's a weird and colorful hypocrisy where you can go invisible, make enemies vanish at the touch of a button, actually become invincible, aimbot, etc. And then shame another player for using a Frame that has a gimmick you personally don't like despite it really just being another specialized way to make enemies die easier. By focusing so heavily on such things one tends to forget one of the main goals here: Fun


    Support fixes, balancing, and evolution of gameplay. 

  2. We were on the last wave when Red Text first began taunting us. We almost lost because of it, which was pretty funny (at least it was to me). This event reminded me of older game challenges. If you played around too much you died. To make things even more interesting I decided to do it again, but with the least do-it-able Frame. One of our people got dc'd on the last wave, but they lucked out and made it back at the 90% mark.




    For Zeus! And much needed Volt buffs.


  3. People don't like Volt because he isn't a W4rframe; he is the strategist. Having no true press to win abilities mean you need to rely on that backbone of strategy (and good aim) in order to stay on point. Those who think Shock is a lame power miss the whole point of the Frame. Nekros also deserves more respect in that light, as opposed to being that awesome looking grave robber.

  4. Master Race boils down to which Frame allows you to pop an ability and put the controller down while you sip tea without fear of dying (regardless of enemy tier). In that light, Limbo might have the upper hand (and swag), but Loki has has more fun doing it. Being able to tear through enemies without needing to think about banishing them; versus not having to think at all. Not to mention the stigma associated with Limbo's previous Troll factor.


    Loki's crown is secure peasants.

  5. Too powerful? No. Too annoying? Very much so.


    Poison, Drain, Stagger, Knockdown, Dragging, Slow, Blind (really..really..), Death (Tar), etc.


    Haven't seen this many "status disorders" since FF games. And these can be piled up on you before you know it. Basically it feels like they're just locking you're ability to play the game, rather than being a challenge. They're still my favorite faction but they definitely need some more tweaking.

  6. The addition of Friendly Fire has the potential to effectively ruin random games. There aren't tons of people who enjoy modes like this outside of Hardcore players (and of course Teh Trolls). That's not to say it can't, or shouldn't exist. Making this a standard feature in harder modes would be a bad move, but making it an option that can be voted on would be far more welcomed if it had to happen.

  7. Did it just fine with Volt, Paris Prime and no ciphers at all.

    Anecdotal evidence etc etc, just my two pence.



    I managed to finish a couple of them with Volt. You don't especially need a stealth frame IMO.


    We were hated, and yet our numbers grow. Let them hide in plain sight as we wrap ourselves in glorious lightning before all challenges.


    Seriously though, the missions are pretty elementary. Just take your time and get to know the structures. Speed running has made many of us too hyper to calm down and think for more than five seconds. You don't truly need Ciphers, but I guess they can't hurt for those missions that won't tolerate fails.

  8. When some online buds brought me into WF, one of my early Stalker encounters left me with a Hate. Back then I hadn't purchased much weapon space and figured I could just find another, so I trashed it after maxing. Months and months and months later, I felt the blow from that random action. Now I keep Hate at a shrine which can't be disturbed. 

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