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Posts posted by SinReplica

  1. Isn't this usually how it goes. Factions get reckless in their quest for power/knowledge and make the mistake of awakening something that will threaten all. Seeing as the they're called Sentients, it's likely due to them achieving what wasn't considered normal or perhaps even possible. They also adapt to all technology and throw it back at their enemies. Machine overlords incoming.

  2. Players who walk the path of collectors or completionist know first and foremost that it requires work to get everything. Wouldn't be much of an accomplishment if you could just up and buy all the things. That's like being able to purchase achievements on Xbox Live (better not give MS any ideas). If every tangible Faction item could be acquired in trade, what would be the point of joining them other than Sigils and the few resources they offer? 

  3. Shock is not useless

    I can give a list of occasions where slash dash and rhino charge are useful, but yeah you can call them useless i guess.

    But shock is not useless.

    And i agree, you are mostly right about the situation.

    Now it came to my mind, shock is actually better than Volts ultimate, how bout making a list of useless ultimates instead of first skills?

    I remember back when WF abilities were actual mods and people would tell me I was wasting space on Volt with Shock. Sure he doesn't live up to his "alternative to guns" title atm, but stunning is a primary tactic for him (especially when solo). One doesn't need their shield to last for long outside of defense missions, and speed is situational unless your a melee beast. 


    Besides, those sweet headshots on flailing enemies never get old.

  4. It's an unwritten rule for many a gamer to let people who run off on their own to get the most killz die where they fall. Sadly I tend to go out of my way to revive them despite this. Poor Rhino tends to be poster boy for this type of game play, and all the noober titles that come with it. Though, most people I see doing this tend to use Loki or Ash.

  5. Look at the "Tenno Unmasked" art from this artist. It's my favourite interpretation as well.

    Agreed with him mostly, as well. Never did I think of supermodels with face tattoos and glowing eyes. Instead, I thought metallic flesh and rage wrapped in bio mechanical armor. Warframe is like an H. R. Giger frat house in my book. It worked back in the days pretty well, but hideously deformed heroes tend to turn some people away these days, with their feels and all. 


    Not that there's anything wrong with imagining hotties under the Frames, as freedom of imagination could never be a bad thing. I think this is one of the reasons DE hasn't really touched the reveal too much, because no matter the answer, it'll cause somewhat of a divide. I would honestly just leave the intimate details of what's beneath alone, and just answer whether they're humans tied to their specific Frames or not (though they kinda have).


    I believe the originals were just wrecked in almost every way possible after coming from the Void. I also believe as the technology became more mainstream, Warframe users could be adapted without undergoing the suffering the prototypes went through. So, I can stand by the neon skin-cracked humans as well.

  6. So basically, remove an entire mode of the game because I wasn't able to get my Detron part thanks to a bug. You have the freedom to never use solo mode again. People who do enjoy the freedom of being able to pause the game (because life) shouldn't (and won't) lose the mode because you had a bad experience. End of story.

  7. The Brakk. Nothing is more manly than a hand cannon. Especially one that looks like it was made from scrap during a montage of an 80's sci-fi movie. Only thing missing is a cigar smoking Schwarzenegger in Rhino armor.

  8. I hate how high the puncture rate is. Nothing beats going into a mission and taking direct damage to your health from the very first hit you take. Sure, having specific enemies doing this damage type is fine, but when it gets to the point where it feels like shields seem pointless, it becomes an issue. Shooters with shield/health systems dictate how one goes about actually playing the game. Measuring their situation one might decide to stay out of cover that extra second longer, or completely storm a group if they possess enough shield strength.


    However, when bleed chances are so high one feels more restricted and less tactically adventurous. Which doesn't sound all that fun for a speedy space ninja. Of course this issue mainly shines when one is soloing high tier content, but it is something worth looking into. Not to make the game easier, but to make shielding feel like, well, shields.

  9. You do realize they're using the same kind of logic as you to say it's Volt Prime and not Ash Prime, right?


    That makes it all the more hilarious.

    No literal implication of it being Volt wasn't lost on anyone, or so I thought. Clearly they did't understand what I was saying. I'll make it easier. Steve didn't mean Volt at all. At all. That is completely absolutely clear, okay? No Volt Prime. But, by leaping to conclusions one can say he did to support their logic.


    Man, that Salad V launcher screen sure has a ton of new Infested on it. Maybe it's a hint about the shocking new Infested Warframe (which I wouldn't mind seeing someday). 


    So, Ash or Volt? I'm getting them both when they drop, anyway. So win/win.

  10. No matter what, people are going to play a game however they choose, and take advantage of whatever mechanics make things easier or just plain fun for them. No other player can police or change that fact (inb4 Limbo). It's an issue that will always go hand in hand with most games of this nature. As for the whole elitist ramblings, I personally don't see it very often. I've been playing this for a while now and despite hearing about all the terrible people, WF still has one the best communities I've come across in online gaming. Maybe I'm just lucky with the Randoms.


    Now to lighten the mood.


    I have come across extremely cocky players (mostly Loki), which I personally don't mind, and they're usually pretty funny. So this one's for the Loki that always complains the game is just too too easy.





  11. I enjoy soloing and find myself doing it quite often. I especially like high tier Extermination, Sabotage, and Capture. The system doesn't seem to make a noticeable difference whether you're soloing or not, and you can find yourself overwhelmed very quickly. I find that it can be both exciting and frustrating, but those are the breaks when you solo content made for parties. I would like to see some more solo oriented content in the future, and I'm positive it'll get to us in the future.


    *Campaign Mode* 

  12. its also based on popularity and ash is the more popular frame over volt currently, noone uses volt in missions.


    Plenty of people use Volt, and do quite well even at endgame. Volt is not as popular because he isn't your standard press # to win Frame. You need to work twice as hard to outshine, or even keep up with most Frames in a party. But that isn't what Volt is all about. Stun and gun; keeping mobs shocked so your team can clear them out is one of his main duties (along with knowing when to drop barriers). Also, the new speed mod can really wreck havoc if used proper. 


    I personally don't believe these launcher images to be proof that Ash is next. By this logic, when Steve said players would be "Shocked" with what's coming is proof Volt is next, despite him saying he wasn't making any literal implications. If he were asked about this launcher theory he would say the same.

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