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Posts posted by Bountyboy312

  1. I want to this warframe to come out last week but they said it wasnt ready, but their close on finishing if thats not what i heard. I want to know try to use old bloods 4 th abilty in plains of edolions to play meat ball bowling and thats the worst name  i had ever made but it sounded cooler in my head. Lets see if it comes out this week i really want to use that warframe i just get goosebumps when everytime i see him i just want him to swallow me in then shoot toward the moon lua and place a flag saying i m okay.

  2. And besides i getting tired of doing the same stuff all over again thats why sometimes we need new contents dude and also this telling them to hault and fix the other content can put them at horrible position so its too late to hault the railjack content anyways they said there going to get it this year 2019 or later then that but, that not what they need to do because you cant tell people to put hault on something thats already been said they're going to put down in the public.

  3. 25 minutes ago, cheshirekatt said:

    In the end it is my opinion. Your correct, so I am free to state it. I am not being insulting to them, I am just explaining how I want them to work on and expand on the older content

    No I am not telling them to do that. I am saying that the old content, the stuff they were once all hyped about, has long been forgotten. They keep adding new things, and as soon as its done they start working on something else. Its like jamming every thing into a large ball of stuff. While I am ACTUALLY saying is they keep adding new things for us the players to chew into and then forget about. There is legit no other reason to do the old content at all. K-drives, so much can be done there, but they have not even mentioned them as far as I know. The tower in cetus, is that ever going to be a thing or will it just be there? And again why give us a morality system if NOTHING would be done with it? And hey, remember when the stalker was scary? What is he been up to now? Other then the SAME thing all the other times. The wolf was more of a fight then the stalker ever was. Oh and I thought the wolf was going to be a thing as well? Accept for beacons, was DE ever going to expand on this? And oh ya what about Arlo?

    yes you did mate sorry but no offense but you really did say that other then something different you be careful what you say on the internet nowaya days man. So let them do their job and no one needs to get there comments insulted for no reason at all 


  4. Just now, ExcaliburUmbra said:

    Assuming you’re referring to post-Duviri content, I’d personally like to see a few things:

    • New player experience rework. Including another pass over the story progression, bosses, and star chart. 
    • Kuva Lich system expanded for every feasible faction. Maybe with the ability to hire former nemesis enemies as your Railjack crew or even micromanage your own private army.
    • A second round of augments for each frame. Focused on promoting alternate play-styles and more dramatic ability changes.
    • Damage/Mods 3.0. Rip that band aid off, please. No pain, no gain as the saying goes.
    • Companions 2.0. Pets have severe mod capacity and AI issues. Sentinels still use the outdated mod conflict system. The stasis system is clunky and unneeded. 
    • More events. My Wraith and Vandal collection could use some expanding. 
    • Railjack expansion. Focused on integrating the system deeper into the base game. For example I’d love to be able to manually infiltrate a Grineer Galleon and then pick for myself whether I want to sabotage it, raid its spy vaults, exterminate the crew, or capture a key target. Maybe being able to manually fly between planets or take off from open tilesets like the reveal trailer would be cool too.
    • Tau System. A new star chart with new planets, new dangers, and new rewards. Wouldn’t mind being able to manually discover planets using Railjack, since it would be uncharted territory.

    Hey, a guy can dream right?

    thats what i am talking about right now


  5. Well thats not your decsion for telling that but thats your opions sometimes alot of people get tired of old content too. So it doesnt matter what they do because i been waiting this content to arrive since they should showed last tenno con so no matter the reason i want them to place this update on warframe i dont care if you guys dont like it but i  do. And i want this new update to arrive dont hault railjack is what i need not you. 

  6. 6 hours ago, TheInternetGuy said:

    With updates as big as railjack or now, empyrean, I feel scared for DE cause I feel like they're gonna pull a muscle. I think DE needs to chill TBH. Content drought, yes but the new content I'm contented with is like Nightwave or quests that remind me of minecraft maps. I really really am not asking so much. I can wait for Empyrean till next year for the amount of ambition in it. Please, DE, don't pull a muscle.

    Dude stop worry about it the more you get more you talk about it the more your going to see like that so shut up and relax

  7. Okay i am not trying telling anyone or get hype but we need to give the DE staff break sometimes, i really wanted railjack to come out last month but, I think that would be too soon for all of us who play warframe, All of us are getting riled up because we really want railjack to come out. In fact i was getting very impatient when right now. i wanted to ask but i had to stop myself from asking them for that  i think it that we would just make them feel too much pressure now for them, not mention it could them make mistake and upset them in any kind of way, So i think of staffs over there really need a vacation right now so they can release and get their minds off of something. i am not saying its coming out this month, and i dont want to get anyone hyped up for nothing. I dont when its coming out and they dont know when will be come out, the other players including me dont know when either, we cant just guess about it being release in 2019 or 2020. they have other staff working on the progress while the others are working on this expansion/ update. 

    My heart tells me that never have doubts about the DE progress, and every day i wake up in the morning And i get this feeling like my future railjack ship warframe calls me every morning saying " Tenno listen me if you want me be with you and ordis will be coming soon, we will travel through orkin system and defend the galaxy from every evil that approches us and defeat the sentient and bring back the lotus and take back what was ours" "tenno have fate in me i will come to you one day and i will help you with your space battles destroy our enemy if they get in our way or to rule the galaxy and bring chaos". Those are the words of my railacks Cepholon and he wont be complete with out me. So DE when you hear from your coding saying that it will be release in 2019 or 2020 or any other years maybe even longer but you send notification of release Lets not mad about this anymore let them do their jobs on the this game. are we going to let the evil sentients destroy and conqure the orkin system or will we stand our grounds against them and live for another? our guide maybe gone now But our warframe are still hear we dont just use them we unleashed them to show our enemies that tenno our back and better then ever. When sentiants come from the new war update, I want to hear every tenno say this We are not letting you destroy everything we protect We going take everything you took from us make sure you will never hurt anyone ever again. we arent afraid of you we are alaways win the end. WE ARE TENNO. AND THIS OUR HOME

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