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Posts posted by (XBOX)Trustygoblin

  1. On 2019-12-18 at 1:04 PM, Lone_Dude said:

    That might sound mean, but what kind of work do you have if you can't purchase enough plat even with 75% discounts? I earn around 320$ per month at best. And I still can purchase plat from to time without starving for it. What I'm saying is, if you have some serious financial issues, you probably shouldn't be playing video games and especially spending money on micro-transactions. Work stuff out irl first maybe, it's not healthy, especially seeing how much negative emotions it causes.

    I live in South Africa currency difference makes it expensive. I don't have "financial issues" just don't see why we should be paying so much more on console and only get plat discount once or maybe twice a year. I play on PC there I have plenty of plat

  2. On 2019-11-30 at 4:16 PM, Katinka said:

    I was under the impression that discounted Platinum on consoles was down to the console stores, so Microsoft would be responsible for there not being a Black Friday sale on Platinum through the Xbox1 store.

    I contacted Microsoft about discount on platinum for Xbox 1, they informed me the sale is up to the developers so DE is not giving discounts 😒

  3. I would like to know when we will get a plat discount on Xbox one console. I have been in contact with Microsoft requesting when we will get discount as we have not not had one in a while. After checking my account (thinking I wish to buy Warframe consumables), the amount of plat I purchase they informed me they have no control on the discount, it is the game developers decision when there will be a discount. Plat is extremely expensive in my country's currency I can only afford when on sale, so please DE when is the next discount on Xbox one console? DE]Rebecca DE]Megan

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