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Everything posted by 1Xanaton4You

  1. Don't get me wrong I don't care about the Dragon Key's. I care about the a shield mechanic that makes small shields more desirable than large shields, even though it should be the the other way around. Edit: Changed the headline to make this more clear.
  2. Yes, but my intention wasn't to fix the Dragon Keys, it was the flawed logic: less shield = better protection. The only problem that would exist with a fixed recharge is that mods like Brief Respite would still recharge a smaller shield faster. But perhaps DE can just change these types of mods to only charge a percentage of the total shield instead of a fixed amount tied to a skill's energy cost.
  3. Introduction: The shield-gating-mechanic is currently the best tool a player has to stay alive on high level content. Because it's such an important mechanic, players strive to have as many invulnerable phases as possible. Shield-gating means that a Warframe gains a brief period of invulnerability when a fully charged shield gets knocked out. Players try to recharge the shield as quickly as possible. They do it with mods like Brief Respite, but here I will focus on the natural shield recharge mechanic. The problem: Currently a knocked out shield will start to recharge after a second, if the Warframe has taken no damage. The shield than recharges at a fixed rate until it is fully charged again. But because this fixed recharge rate smaller shields recharge faster than larger shields. This has led to the paradox that less shielding on a Warframe results in more invulnerable phases. Because of this, you often see players equip the Decaying Dragon Key, which significantly reduces a Warframe's shield strength, even though it was originally designed as a negative effect. Newer players are often confused as to why players are doing this. As such, it's a very unintuitive mechanic. It also makes Prime Warframes, like the current Wisp Prime, less desirable, as having more shield on a Warframe is actually a nerf, not a buff. The solution: To solve this problem, I would suggest tying the shield's full charge to a fixed timer that is independent of the shield's strength. Meaning Warframes with a larger shield recharge at a faster rate. Formular: shield recharge rate = max. shield strength / shield recharge time This way, a 100 shield Warframe's shield will charge to maximum at the same time as a 1000 shield Warframe's shield. Mods like "Fast Delection" would then just shorten the set time it takes for the shield to recharge. This would make more shields desirable on a Warframe again.
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